Mark, tried this as a reply direct to you, but it got bounced... so here it
is on the exchange:

Well, if you're coming from California... then no, there are no slope sites
in Seattle.

But there are slope-like options for flying. In a south blow, Gasworks park
has a little speed-bump of a hill that is kinda fun for tiny little planes
like red herrings, but it's a very urban setting with lots of other park
users and you have to be pretty careful. If you fly at actual slopes, you
will go there and ask.... where's the slope??

If it's blowing south to southwest on Puget Sound and not raining like crazy
(which does happen some in the winter), then Discovery Park has a bluff that
produces pretty darn good lift, but you will NOT want to be losing your
plane over the edge... all trees and thicket... often very difficult to FIND
a downed plane, much less get it back. Pretty serious lift, though.

There are apparently a few semi-coastal sites up as far north as Bellingham,
but at an hour and a half out of town in sketchy and changing winter
weather, I don't really consider those 'slope sites around seattle'

And out east of Seattle there are mountain sites, but they get less viable
in winter, and are a pretty serious drive, from one to five hours,
depending, often requiring 4wheel drive, etc, and getting high enough that
the conditions may be FAR less than pleasant at midwinter.

Whidbey Island has a couple beautiful West facing slopes and is not too far
from Seattle, but catching a good day in winter with the right wind
direction is a trick and a half.

Sorry not to have more to offer, but we have a pretty distinct building
season here in the rain city. Feel free to get in touch when you're in town.
I am set up with pretty good links to weather conditions for the various
sites and would be happy to help with scoping lift once you're on site.
Besides, I'd love to see a Shrike/Elf do its thing! 633-1206.

Scobie in Seattle

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