On 06/10/2012 08:15 AM, Jan Ceuleers wrote:

> Is there anything I can do to stop the hissing?

So I've now found some time to look into this more:

- the problem remains when I remove the wireless card (so leaving only
the CompactFlash card installed).

- the problem does not change in any way if the motherboard is removed
from the metallic base of the standard Soekris case.

- I think I have succeeded in locating the source of the noise: it is
one or both of L8 and L9 (see
http://soekris.kd85.com/images/net5501_top.jpg): the coils near the
corner furthest from the power connector.

I encased both of these coils using a hot glue gun, and the box is a lot
quieter now. Still clearly audible when the box is open and I've got my
ear near it, but nearly completely inaudible when the box is closed and
installed in its normal place.

So thank you for all the suggestions; they have helped. I'll try the
same approach with my net4801s if I ever need to use them in a quiet

Thanks, Jan
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