Karl Fife wrote:
> I have a 4801 that seems incredibly fussy about which CF card I use
> with it.  No so for any of my 5501-60's or -70's of which we have
> several in service.  With the majority of CF cards on the 4801 (both
> name-brand and generic) there seems to be corruption of system files
> either immediately (won't boot & error messages on a brand new image)
> or over time - develops problems - error messages & functional anomalies.
> I would like to know if others on this list have experienced similar
> behavior, or whether my board's just a good old-fashioned lemon. 
> Am I failing to follow some arcane list of compatible CF cards?
> Any input is much appreciated.
Don't have a net4801, but FWIW I've used the same Sandisk CF in my
net4501 with no issues since 2002. Perhaps you need a newer bios?

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