Re: Rigging and Animation in Modo

2014-08-22 Thread Serch Mucino
I've been rigging in Modo for over a year now, after years of doing it in
3ds max, Maya, and Softimage. I can tell you that Modo has been a joy to
use, although it still has some way to go.
Workflow-wise, I'd say Modo is closer to Maya than anything else. I LOVE
Modo's schematic environment. It's really comfortable to work in (in spite
of its complete lack of grouping or layout features... which I'm guessing
will be addressed soon), and it has a lot of really useful nodes (I wished
3ds max had this for many years). It's not as deep as ICE (yet), but I can
already replicate pretty much all my ICE Kinematics setups in Modo. The
schematic can also be used to create/manage particle systems and (Bullet)
dynamics, but I can't compare those to ICE, since I didn't really explore
that side of it in my brief time with Soft.
Modo still lacks some bread-n-butter tools, and in some parts, the workflow
is rather rough. However, where it really stands apart is in the way
deformations are treated. It's a very open-ended system, that can achieve
very complex setups with ease, using something commonly referred to as the
OOO stack (or Order Of Operations). I've been able to do some very
interesting things with it.
Modo is not a very procedural application, but when it comes to rigging, it
does accomplish pretty much anything you could think of. It still needs to
better support some data types (such as matrices), but I think that it's
headed in the right direction, and having ICE-like workflows is just a
matter of time.
Yes, Modo still doesn't have the performance Soft or Maya provide. It's
something that's known. I really hope this gets solved, because it's one of
the most pressing factors I've seen that stop people from using it for
If you're doing bipedal characters, you definitely want to take a look at
ACS. It's a Kit (add-on) for Modo that provides some really nice
rigging/animation features. The downside to it is that's currently limited
to bipeds. I'm looking forward to this becoming a more Gear-like system,
although it already excels in several areas.

I guess I'd sum it up in that Modo does not yet provide the depth of Maya
or the polished workflows of Softimage. But my hopes for it are high. If
The Foundry continue to invest in the animation side of things, I think it
could become a serious viable alternative.

For those also interested in scripting (lots of riggers I know are), be
prepared to go through some headaches. Modo has the most unorthodox Python
implementation I've used so far. I understand it's mainly due to the
architecture of the application (it was written in C, not C++, so there's
not an object model the way you'd be used to find in other applications or
languages). TF is working on making this a lot more Pythonic by wrapping
parts of the Python API in user classes, which do provide a much more OO
approach at scripting, but these classes are still WIP, so some areas are
still not there, and you'll have to deal with the raw Python API (or the
legacy services, which once you wrap your head around, are actually quite

Anyway, I'm not gonna turn this into a long thread. If anyone has any
specific questions, do shoot. We'll do our best to answer.
I not have enough Modo rigs to update my demo reel. If I post anything
soon, I'll let you guys know.

Jason... we should get a Montreal Modo User Group going! I know there are a
few Modo users over here... maybe something could be done ;-).

Cheers all!

Sergio Mucino

On Fri, Aug 22, 2014 at 11:54 AM, Jason S wrote:

  Performance and/or stability issues, or not rattling over 40mph,  seems
 to be what keeps either of them from being more widely used as main
 pipeline apps.

 Currently, at least in my part of the woods
 (in Montreal.. being not exactly in the middle of the woods except
 physically :p )

 .. virtually no studio runs with either of them, and even worldwide, job
 posts seem to be scarce to say the least.

 And would be delighted to see one, or even more *BOTH* overcome their
 relative limitations enough for them to be more seriously considered,
 otherwise not at-all lacking in really great things.

 On 08/22/14 10:25, Tim Crowson wrote:

 I can tell you that voices are pretty loud on this topic (i.e. everyone
 agrees with you vehemently), and The Foundry can't help but hear us. There
 are performance issues that need to be dealt with, and I sure hope they get
 them resolved.


 On 8/22/2014 9:05 AM, Eric Thivierge wrote:

 However, in my opinion and from my perspective rigs need to be fast and
 able to load high resolution geometries with full deformations. If that
 isn't a super high priority for companies in the next 2 years, you're
 missing the boat.

 Eric T.

Re: Houdini Indie launched ...

2014-08-07 Thread Serch Mucino
They state that commercial entities are limited to a max of 3 Indie and
Engine licenses.
This is exactly what I had been looking forward to for a long time. Side FX
has done it again. I'm sold. This + Modo will have me kicking it for the
foreseeable future. Sold!

Sergio Mucino

On Thu, Aug 7, 2014 at 3:57 PM, Cristobal Infante wrote:

 yep that's right, a few limitations but an amazing piece of kit to have on
 your side if you are freelancer/small company. This replace the HD version
 that used to be $99 us but was non-commercial.

 - Only one mantra node ( I guess you could buy engine licenses? or just
 extra indies)

 - HD maximum res and no third party renderers

 - Commercial use of Houdini Indie is limited to studios or artists that
 make less than $100K USD per year

 Besides that it has all the bells and whistles ;)

 On Thursday, 7 August 2014, Maurício P. Cuencas

 Since nobody posted here ...

  [image: Image]

 *TORONTO: Aug 7, 2014 *- Side Effects Software, an industry leader in 3D
 animation and visual effects software, is proud to announce the immediate
 release of Houdini Indie which makes all of Houdini’s animation and VFX
 tools available under a limited commercial license to independent animators
 and game makers who want to use Houdini during the incubation stage of
 their business.

 “Independent animators and game creators are the lifeblood of the
 entertainment industry” says Kim Davidson, President and CEO, Side Effects
 Software. “With Houdini Indie, they now have access to a comprehensive set
 of procedural tools and assets to help them experiment, innovate, and

 Independent artists can use Houdini Indie to create animations, effects
 or game art. Houdini Indie includes the same procedural node-based workflow
 and features as the commercial version of Houdini and the physically-based
 Mantra renderer. Houdini Indie can be used in all stages of animation and
 game production including procedural modelling, character animation,
 lighting, rendering, effects and compositing. Houdini Indie also gives
 artists render farm access using HQueue on Amazon’s EC2 compute cloud.

 “Houdini Indie is a perfect solution for independent animators and game
 artists” says Chris Romano, Writer and Director, MONSTRO! “Houdini
 empowered my team to rig, animate, light, render and add effects such as
 hair, cloth, water and smoke with off-the-shelf tools. No special wizardy.
 No battery of programmers. This let me focus on story and style.”

 [image: Image]
 *Houdini Indie with V-REX Orbolt Asset by Fabio D'amico*

 Houdini Engine Indie

 Houdini Indie, and the standalone Houdini Engine Indie, can be used to
 load Houdini Digital Assets into other content creation apps such as Maya®,
 Cinema4D, and 3DS Max®, or game editors such as Unity® and Unreal.® Houdini
 Digital Assets can be accessed from the Orbolt Smart 3D Asset store or
 created in Houdini Indie for sharing with other artists.

 [image: Image]
 *Houdini Engine Indie working inside Maya*

 Pricing And Availability

 Houdini Indie is available today for $199 USD annually while Houdini
 Engine Indie is available for $99 USD annually. Houdini Indie replaces
 Houdini Apprentice HD which was only available for non-commercial projects.
 Houdini Indie will recognize Apprentice HD licenses and can be used under
 the limited commercial license for the remainder of the annual term. The
 free Houdini Apprentice license is still available for non-commercial use
 by students.

 Commercial use of Houdini Indie is limited to studios or artists that
 make less than $100K USD per year and cannot be used in the same pipeline
 as commercial versions of Houdini. Houdini Indie uses its own file format
 for saving scenes and assets and is restricted to 1920x1080 when rendering
 out animations using Mantra. Houdini Indie also includes FBX input and

Re: Maya 2015 Node Editor

2014-07-15 Thread Serch Mucino
Modo has the nicest schematic view I've had the pleasure of using, after
ICE. It still needs some work (it lacks any form of layout and management
tools), but I believe this will change soon.
Modo's schematic is based on workspaces. These are basically viewports
that provide a view into a part of the scene. You can drag anything you
need into them, and see only relevant nodes for whatever you're working on.
You can have as many workspaces as you need. You can graph node
relationships, shaders, particle simulations, dynamic simulations, etc.
Modo still lacks a bit in support for certain types of nodes (not much
available in the matrix department), and there is no exposure yet for mesh
data, but as soon as that is supported, you'll be able to do a lot of
what's available in ICE. I can already do everything that I could do with
ICE kinematics (considering the limitations... like no matrix math nodes),
which is a lot. I've actually been replicating some of ICE's compounds as
Assemblies in Modo (Modo's term for a compound),
I have a bunch of videos I've been doing in the past few months, and in a
lot of them, I use the schematic view. So, if you're curious, you can check
some more here...

Sergio Mucino

On Tue, Jul 15, 2014 at 12:18 PM, Angus Davidson

  For those folks who haven’t seen them in action  you can have a look at
 the videos at

  Its like a great playpen. If you want to can drag what your interested
 into the workspace and just start exploring,

  To me it makes me want to use them , rather then trying to avoid it.

   From: Sebastien Sterling
 Date: Tuesday 15 July 2014 at 5:52 PM
 Subject: Re: Maya 2015 Node Editor

   Really Angus ? do tell of these Modo nodes :)

 On 15 July 2014 16:47, Angus Davidson wrote:

 I don靖 think that is a solution at all. Ice has a workflow and the ice
 node editor compliments it very well. It doesn靖 mean its the right thing
 for the maya Node editor though. The main issue in Maya is actually
 defining what it is would be useful for people to be spending their time
 doing in a new Node editor 2.0

 That been said , working in Modo零 nodes are a absolute joy ;)

 On 2014/07/15, 5:29 PM, Gerbrand Nel wrote:

 well, you could make it work like ice :P
 On 2014/07/15 05:07 PM, Luc-Eric Rousseau wrote:
  Define make it better?
  On Tue, Jul 15, 2014 at 10:31 AM, Eric Mootz
  Thanks, guys.
  I had already used the node editor in Maya 2014 and yes, it is far
  than the hypergraph, but still... it's not good at all. Had hoped that
  would make that better, but no.

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Re: Maya 2015 Node Editor

2014-07-15 Thread Serch Mucino
You can also assign colors to nodes directly in the schematic view (even
non-item related nodes, such as math nodes). I would like Modo to
color-code sockets by data type. That would be quite useful.

Sergio Mucino

On Tue, Jul 15, 2014 at 2:54 PM, Tim Crowson

  The color coding of nodes in Modo's is very different from ICE's: instead
 of coding by node type, they inherit the color assigned to the item they
 represent. So for example, in the Item List, if you select something,
 right-click, and set the 'Editor Color', the corresponding node(s) will be
 outlined in that color in the Schematic.

 It's not like ICE, but it's something at least, so you don't *have *to
 stare at a sea of light gray outlines. At the rate they've been improving
 Modo's schematic over the last couple of versions, I expect cool stuff in
 the future.


 On 7/15/2014 1:45 PM, Sebastien Sterling wrote:

  Modo's nodes are quite pretty, all they need is a bit of color to
 identify different components of a tree :), why is no one else doing this ?

  is it because an ICE trees layout is linear ? so its easier to identify
 where the beginning and end of things is happening and subsequent color
 coding ?

Re: OT: What strong features have you found in your new transition software that SI didn´t have?

2014-06-05 Thread Serch Mucino
It appears to me some of your concerns might be addressed already. Some of
the things you mention might be covered here...

Also, if you'd be doing a lot of CA, I really suggest looking into ACS. It
currently only supports biped-like rigs, but it's one of the best
auto-riggers I've used, and it has a very nice set of animation tools and
workflows built into it. You can find more info here...

It can also be customized to support other types of anatomical structures,
but it requires working a little with the innards of the ACS character.
There's videos that explain well how to do it though. I've been able to add
additional deformation items to ACS rigs without too much problem.

I hope this helps a bit! Cheers!

Sergio Mucino

On Wed, Jun 4, 2014 at 1:53 PM, Marco Peixoto wrote:

 I only touched briefly Modo for Character Animation, before that i bought
 Modo long time ago and used for Modeling but then got so used to Softimage
 that I forgot about Modo.

 Top of my head things that I got used in Soft and now in Maya (where I now

 - Slow Viewport...

 - No Character Key Sets or a fast way to just select some or all
 Controllers and drag and drop the Select Code to a Shelf. (maybe there is
 but I could not find them)

 - Pose Manager

 - Way to have a Synoptic or a Picker

 - Exporting Poses or Animation so we can re-use them on Another Character
 (I dont use the Mixer in Maya but we use the super old DKAnim or sometimes
 when its only for me I use PAIE script)

 Like I said I only very very briefly took a look around, I need to devote
 more time to it one of these days to really test it, but so far those where
 the things that I encountered and they probably have a workaround or other
 ways to achieve the same but of course I dont know about them. Going from
 Soft to Maya just for CA is not that hard, somethings are different but
 majority is basically the same since Soft copied and improved a lot of
 Mayas way of working like Layers, Channel Box, Timeline.

 On Wed, Jun 4, 2014 at 3:12 PM, Sergio Mucino

 Hey Marco. I'm curious... Where is Modo falling short for you? Cheers!

 Sergio Muciño.
 Sent from my iPad.

 On Jun 4, 2014, at 6:12 AM, Marco Peixoto wrote:

 Fist thing you do in Modo is to remove the awfull (IMO) Trackball
 rotation... that and also the grid Plane they have, it might suits for
 Modeling but I keep finding it vey introsive and distracting, of course
 thats me that is not that used to Modo and im slowly trying to see if it
 fits my CA needs (so far it doesnt)

 On Tue, Jun 3, 2014 at 10:45 AM, Angus Davidson wrote:

  HI Matt

  This is the type of vertex maps that Modo supports

  *Quick table to summarise the link*

Weight Map   Weight Strength Values stored for Falloff and Texturing
 purposes  SubD Weight Map   Weight Strength Value influences edge
 creasing in SubDivision Surface geometry  UV Map   UV maps translates
 3D vertex positions to flat 2D coordinates  Relative Morph Map   Vertex
 position offset, relative to the base vertex position  Absolute Morph
 Map   Vertex position offset to specific absolute position in 3D space  RGB
 Map   Vertex Color map defined by three R, G and B color values  RGBA
 Map   Vertex Color map defined by three R, G and B color and an
 additional Alpha value  Pick Map   Like a Selection Set, defines
 groupings of vertices  Vertex Normal Map   Surface Normal direction
 (Smoothing) values stored as fixed value  Edge Pick Map   Like a
 Selection Set, defines groupings of edges  Particle Size Map   Determines
 scale values for individual particles  Particle Dissolve Map   Determines
 transparency values for indvidual particles  Transform Map   Determines
 transform amounts for individual vertices/particles

  If you click the Gear in the top right hand corner of your view in
 Modo you can change the mouse rotation style.

  I tend to have  trackball rotation set to no , and orbit around
 selection checked. (oscillate I uncheck always that’s annoying ;) )

  Kind regards


   From: Matt Lind
 Date: Tuesday 03 June 2014 at 4:49 AM
 Subject: RE: OT: What strong features have you found in your new
 transition software that SI didn´t have?

   Well, most people on this forum submitting their thoughts on C4D,
 Houdini, Modo, Maya, etc… tend to review it from a film/video perspective.
 Many of the bullet points are not applicable to other market segments such
 as games.  Examples: Alembic support, 3rd party renderers, 

Re: Software company Autodesk creates synthetic virus

2014-06-05 Thread Serch Mucino
Hehehehe. Horribly possible (Monstanto it's already trying to get that
model working... with Nestle behind them)

Sergio Mucino

On Thu, Jun 5, 2014 at 4:48 PM, Francois Lord wrote:

  Soon, you'll need to pay your subscription just to stay alive!

 On 05-Jun-14 16:42, Marc-Andre Carbonneau wrote:


Re: OT: What strong features have you found in your new transition software that SI didn´t have?

2014-06-05 Thread Serch Mucino
That Pose Manager looks pretty sweet. I think a simple version of that
could be done using native Actors/Poses and the Card View (which it's quite
outdated, being honest). I am in touch with Lukasz (ACS), and I'll gladly
suggest something like this to him. We'll see... from what I hear, he's got
a lot on his plate lately.

I agree with Angus there... for me, it's going to be all Modo + Houdini.
That should do it for me (with the occasional 3ds max from time to time...)

Sergio Mucino

On Thu, Jun 5, 2014 at 5:22 PM, Angus Davidson

  As more character animators start using Modo those kind of tools will
 come. Studio library is very impressive (have already passed it on to our
 lecturer to look at for next year when we get forced into Maya )

  Most of the folks I have spoken to are going for a Modo / Houdini combo
 as they compliment each other very well.

  Its going to be tough to find just one package to be able to be the
 swiss army knife that softimage is.

   From: Marco Peixoto
 Date: Thursday 05 June 2014 at 11:03 PM

 Subject: Re: OT: What strong features have you found in your new
 transition software that SI didn´t have?

 Thanks Sergio :)

  Yes i know ACS, i played with its free sample when it first appeared and
 even suggested some new features to it, like the ability to change from IK
 to FK and vice versa maintaining the same Positions or changing Parentings
 like IK follow head or Shoulder or Hips and maintaing same positions, im
 used to it on the rigs I work with, going back to no having those features
 its not a show stopper but... yah know :) I even made simple example videos
 showing this to ACS guy(forgot his name) showing how they worked on
 iAnimate Rigs. As a curious fact, I was a owner of the first ACS
 apparition, in good old LW times :)

  When I spoke about Pose Managers im speaking in things like this:

  Although its  third partie script (free by the way) but im used to these
 kind os Pose Managers that take screenshots when we make the Poses, I
 currently must have probably 20-30 stored Poses already in a  TV production
 I recently started working on, if I didn't had the screenshots and
 everything was text based it would be a mess for me. Also this Poses are
 made Public so anyone from the Studio can acess them to save time during

 I need to take a more serious look at Modo like I said previously, Maya is
 great for CA, but for the rest... its welcome to 1999 when we are used to
 Softimage... and so far I havent found the slightest interest in getting
 more deep than just doing CA in Maya, so im looking around and trying to
 decide if I should invest time in Modo or Houdini :)

 On Thu, Jun 5, 2014 at 4:59 PM, Serch Mucino

   It appears to me some of your concerns might be addressed already.
 Some of the things you mention might be covered here...

  Also, if you'd be doing a lot of CA, I really suggest looking into ACS.
 It currently only supports biped-like rigs, but it's one of the best
 auto-riggers I've used, and it has a very nice set of animation tools and
 workflows built into it. You can find more info here...

  It can also be customized to support other types of anatomical
 structures, but it requires working a little with the innards of the ACS
 character. There's videos that explain well how to do it though. I've been
 able to add additional deformation items to ACS rigs without too much

  I hope this helps a bit! Cheers!

 Sergio Mucino

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 agreements between the University and outsiders are subject to South African 
 Law unless the University agrees in writing to the contrary.

Re: Modo 801 Reveal

2014-04-25 Thread Serch Mucino
Hey Manuel! The nodal shading in Modo works great, but it's not a full
replacement of the Shader Tree. They work great together though. I guess
the best parallel to this I've seen was how Combustion works... you can do
all your effects work in the schematic, and then just order layers in their
Layer Stack.

Hope this helps!

Sergio Mucino

On Fri, Apr 25, 2014 at 2:07 PM, Manuel Huertas Marchena wrote:

 Haven't got the time to see the event yet, but lurking though your
 comments and the
 features on the foundry website it looks stunning!!

 ... I am yet thinking if there is any future arnold and/or vray
 implementation in the works...
 that will really be great. I ll definetly take a look at the new nodal
 shading system...
 that was keeping me away from modo from the last time I saw it.



 IMDB | Portfolio| 

 Date: Fri, 25 Apr 2014 15:36:05 +0100
 Subject: Re: Modo 801 Reveal

 Brad: We're not saying we're going ME ... (WINK!)...

 On 25 April 2014 15:25, Jordi Bares wrote:

 Me too, I have been blown away by the new animation tools.. FINALLY
 someone cracked how to animated the right way The new animation chart
 is amazing… truly amazing.

 On top of that the UV tools, the modelling, shaders… WOW, that is a major
 upgrade like I haven't seen before !!!

  Jordi Bares

 On 25 Apr 2014, at 14:34, Greg Punchatz wrote:

 AWESOME. I am very impressed with what I have seen so far.

 On Fri, Apr 25, 2014 at 3:04 AM, Jon Swindells 

  Stream is on replay for those that missed it - needs a foundry login

  Jon Swindells

 On Fri, Apr 25, 2014, at 09:03 AM, Angus Davidson wrote:

 Firstly it was definitely worth waking up at 3:45am to see. Brad doing a
 captain america live action improv while waiting for the screen to be
 sorted out was great.

 For me the two things of interest are time spacing bar. That is such an
 amazing teaching tool right there.

 One of my bugbears in Modo 701 is the shader system. I don’t like it. 5
 Minutes of playing with the new Node based shader tree in 801 and I am in
 heaven ;)

 Have a look at

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 between the University and outsiders are subject to South African Law unless 
 the University agrees in writing to the contrary.

Re: Softimage to MODO - Forum participation?

2014-04-24 Thread Serch Mucino
No prob!

Sergio Mucino

On Thu, Apr 24, 2014 at 12:16 PM, Sebastien Sterling wrote:

 Cheers! it got solved in the end, was a windows issue after all, thanks
 for looking out for me Sergio ;)

 On 24 April 2014 16:50, Sergio Mucino wrote:

 Saw your post in the Modo forums. Mine is located here...


 Should be called MODO701.CFG. Just trash it and you should be good to go.

 Sergio Muciño.
 Sent from my iPad.

 On Apr 23, 2014, at 11:47 PM, Sebastien Sterling wrote:

 i'm trying to reset mine to factory default but there is no 
 and no MODO701.CFG (the equivalent of maya presets) to be found, i don't
 understand :(

 On 24 April 2014 04:35, Sergio Mucino wrote:

 I've been rigging in Modo quite a bit lately. Let me know if I can help
 you with anything. And yes, you can just create an account for the forums
 without a license.

 Sergio Muciño.
 Sent from my iPad.

 On Apr 23, 2014, at 10:47 PM, Ben Rogall wrote:

 I think you can just go to the main forum page and click Create
 Account at the upper right. I've used Modo, but not for character


 On 4/23/2014 8:35 PM, David Rivera wrote:

  Hello, Ï´m curious if anyone has had already downloaded the
 Modo-15-day trial?
 I´d like to ask some questions regarding all the videos around youtube
 about character setup / joints to modo.

  So I don´t know if there´s a way to register as a Foundry community
 user of the forum without a modo serial?
 To my understanding one must buy a Modo licence in order to partcipate
 in the forums.

  Anyone knows how one can register to the Modo forums at the Foundry

 *David Rivera*
 *3D Compositor/Animator*
 VFX Reel