RE: CustomTool Pick

2013-06-17 Thread Brent McPherson
Hi Vincent,

The first place to start is by checking the return values to make sure the 
calls succeed before attempting to use the  values.

Just because picking got an intersection doesn't mean the point locator query 
will succeed because they are using different techniques for testing 
intersection. Also picking generally uses a small region around the cursor. (so 
you could still get a picking hit when your cursor is a few pixels outside the 

I found this code snippet from Piotrek on this thread that shows how to check 
the point locator setup/results for errors.

I think that with proper error checking your issue will probably go away.

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Vincent Ullmann
Sent: 14 June 2013 20:35
Subject: CustomTool Pick

Hey List,

currently i try to develop a little CustomTool.
Most of it works fine, except one annoying Issue.

I use the Pick-Command to get a current Location under my Cursor
As demonstrated in the attached picture, when the cursor is near the 
Edge between Object and ViewportBackground there seems to be an Error.

Does anyone know how to avoid this?

attachment: winmail.dat

Re: CustomTool Pick

2013-06-17 Thread Vincent Ullmann

thanks for your response.

Also picking generally uses a small region around the cursor
This might be the Issue. So sometimes Pick will get a Object, but my 
GetRaycastIntersections will fail then becouse of that Radius.
I assuemd Pick and Raycast will work similar enough so i could be sure 
to use Raycast-Information without have to recheck them.

I saw Piotrek's Snippet bevore. I learend a lot from this (so thanks 
here) but i dint understood why he was checking everything twice. Now 
i know. ;-)


Am 17.06.2013 12:42, schrieb Brent McPherson:

Hi Vincent,

The first place to start is by checking the return values to make sure the 
calls succeed before attempting to use the  values.

Just because picking got an intersection doesn't mean the point locator query 
will succeed because they are using different techniques for testing 
intersection. Also picking generally uses a small region around the cursor. (so 
you could still get a picking hit when your cursor is a few pixels outside the 

I found this code snippet from Piotrek on this thread that shows how to check 
the point locator setup/results for errors.

I think that with proper error checking your issue will probably go away.

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Vincent Ullmann
Sent: 14 June 2013 20:35
Subject: CustomTool Pick

Hey List,

currently i try to develop a little CustomTool.
Most of it works fine, except one annoying Issue.

I use the Pick-Command to get a current Location under my Cursor
As demonstrated in the attached picture, when the cursor is near the
Edge between Object and ViewportBackground there seems to be an Error.

Does anyone know how to avoid this?

CustomTool Pick

2013-06-14 Thread Vincent Ullmann

Hey List,

currently i try to develop a little CustomTool.
Most of it works fine, except one annoying Issue.

I use the Pick-Command to get a current Location under my Cursor
As demonstrated in the attached picture, when the cursor is near the 
Edge between Object and ViewportBackground there seems to be an Error.

Does anyone know how to avoid this?

in_ctxt.GetMousePosition( cursX, cursY );
CLongArray l_points;l_points.Add( cursX);   l_points.Add( cursY );
CRefArray pickObjs;

in_ctxt.Pick( l_points, siPickSingleObject, siPickRaycast, L, CRefArray(), 
pickObjs );
if( pickObjs.GetCount() != 0  X3DObject(pickObjs[0]).GetType() == Lpolymsh  
// Try to get a Object
CLine worldRay;
in_ctxt.GetWorldRay(cursX, cursY, worldRay);
CVector3   rayO = worldRay.GetOrigin();
CVector3   rayD = worldRay.GetTangent();

X3DObject pickObj(pickObjs[0]);
PointLocatorData locs = 
(double*)rayO, (double*)rayD, siSemiLineIntersection );
pickObj.GetActivePrimitive().GetGeometry().EvaluatePositions(locs, -1, 
0, (double*)worldPos);  
in_ctxt.GetWorldPosition(   cursX, cursY, worldPos  );
}attachment: LocUnderCursor_snap.jpg