Re: Solr performance issue on querying --> Solr 6.5.1

2017-09-30 Thread sasarun
Hi Erick, 

As suggested, I did try nonHDFS solr cloud instance and it response looks to
be really better. From the configuration side to, I am mostly using default
configurations and with as false.  On
analysis of hdfs cache, evictions seems to be on higher side. 


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exporting large records in solr format

2017-09-30 Thread sivaramom
I am using solr 5.2 version with Node JS 4. I need to export millions of
records each having only 3 columns.
The columns does not need any solr features  for scoring. Also 2 of the
columns are constants. I dont need to have any sorting functionality. But
when using export handler or streaming expressions, sorting is mandatory and
also only 'json' format is possible. So is using '/export' handler or
streaming expressions possible with no sorting and in 'csv' format? Also is
there any node client similiar to solrj(Java client for solr) what supports
streaming expressions.
I find using the '/select' query handler causes large increase in solr heap
memory when fetching records. I give the solr query as q=*:*= Will
using the '/export' handler or streaming expressions lead to less
consumption of solr heap memory for millions of records?.

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