Field Definitions Ignored

2016-06-07 Thread Alan G Quan
Solr seems to ignore my field definitions in schema.xml.  I have defined many 
fields, each using the standard syntax, e.g.,:

These fields are defined but not yet populated with data.  Solr reads the 
schema.xml with no problem on startup, and the core using that schema is 
created successfully, but none of the fields appear in the Schema Browser.  Is 
this because the fields are not defined in Solr until they are initialized with 
actual document data?

Thank you,

Problem retaining PDF text

2016-04-13 Thread Alan G Quan
I am indexing PDF documents in Solr 5.3.0 like this:
-F "myfile=@101.pdf".
This works fine and I can search for keywords in the PDF text in Solr and it 
finds the document correctly.  But when I make any subsequent changes to the 
Solr record for that document, using atomic updates "set" or "add", the PDF 
text is lost.  I verified this by searching for the same keyword after the 
update and the document is not found.  The Solr record for the document with 
the literal id field value "101" is still there after the update but the text 
is gone.  Why does Solr delete the PDF text after any update of the record for 
the document, and is there a way to prevent that?
