Re: strange performance issue with many shards on one server

2011-09-28 Thread Federico Fissore

Frederik Kraus, il 28/09/2011 23:16, ha scritto:

  Yep, I'm not getting more than 50-60% CPU during those load tests.

I would try reducing the number of shards. A part from the memory 
discussion, this really seems to me a concurrency issue: too many 
threads waiting for other threads to complete, too many context switches...

recently, on a lots-of-cores database server, we INCREASED speed by 
REDUCING the number of cores/threads each query was allowed to use 
(making sense of our customer investment)
maybe you can get a similar effect by reducing the number of pieces your 
distributed search has to merge

my 2 eurocents


Re: strange performance issue with many shards on one server

2011-09-28 Thread Federico Fissore

Jaeger, Jay - DOT, il 28/09/2011 18:40, ha scritto:

That  would still show up as the CPU being busy.

i don't know how the program (top, htop, whatever) displays the value 
but when the cpu has a cache miss definitely that thread sits and waits 
for a number of clock cycles

with 130GB of ram (per server?) I suspect caches miss as a rule

just a suspicion however, nothing I'll bet on

Re: strange performance issue with many shards on one server

2011-09-28 Thread Federico Fissore

Frederik Kraus, il 28/09/2011 12:58, ha scritto:


I am experiencing a strange issue doing some load tests. Our setup:

just because I've listened to JUG mates talking about that at the last 
meeting, could it be that your CPUs are spending their time getting 
things from RAM to CPU cache?

maybe that, say, 10% CPU power is spent on the bus


Re: Lucene->SOLR transition

2011-09-16 Thread Federico Fissore


Scott Smith, il 16/09/2011 02:30, ha scritto:

I've been using lucene for a number of years.  We've now decided to move to 
SOLR.  I have a couple of questions.

1.   I'm used to creating Boolean queries, filter queries, term queries, 
etc. for lucene.  Am I right in thinking that for SOLR my only option is 
creating string queries (with q and fq components) for solrj?

2.   Assuming that the answer to 1 is "correct", then is there an easy way 
to take a lucene query (with nested Boolean queries, filter queries, etc.) and generate a 
SOLR query string with q and fq components?

one other option is to build your own SearchComponent and handle 
additional parameters

best regards


Re: Solr custom plugins: is it possible to have them persistent?

2011-09-01 Thread Federico Fissore

a brief question: is using an IoC framework like spring an option for you?

if so, maybe this could help

Re: Solr custom plugins: is it possible to have them persistent?

2011-09-01 Thread Federico Fissore

samuele.mattiuzzo, il 31/08/2011 18:22, ha scritto:

SEVERE: org.apache.solr.common.SolrException: Error Instantiating
UpdateRequestProcessorFactory, ToTheGoCustom is not a

btw you can't load classes in the default package from classes in a 
package: put your class in a package


Re: dependency injection in solr

2011-08-30 Thread Federico Fissore

Tomás Fernández Löbbe, il 29/08/2011 20:32, ha scritto:

You can use reflection to instantiate the correct object (specify the class
name on the parameter on the solrconfig and then invoke the constructor via
reflection). You'll have to manage the life-cycle of your object yourself.
If I understand your requirement, you probably have created a
SearchComponent that uses that "retriever", right?

sorry for the delay: I was experimenting.

Raw reflections do not suffice: you can't specify a dependency required 
by your reflection-constructed object

I've ended up using spring this way (will cut some code for brevity)

I've enabled spring the usual way, adding a ContextLoaderListener in 
web.xml and configuring the spring xml or java configuration files (I do 
java configuration)

I've declared a spring bean named myComponentDeclaredInTheSpringConf, 
that is an extension of SearchComponent, with it's collaborators

I've created SpringAwareSearchComponent, that is a delegate of 

public SpringAwareSearchComponent() {
 this.ctx = ContextLoader.getCurrentWebApplicationContext();
public void init(NamedList args) {
 inner = ctx.getBean(args.get("__beanname__").toString(), 


public void prepare(ResponseBuilder rb) throws IOException {

public void process(ResponseBuilder rb) throws IOException {

In solrconfig.xml I've declared the search component as

 ...other bean specific parameters

and added myComponent to the list of search components

And it works like a charm. Maybe I can implement some other solr class 
delegate and add hooks between spring and solr as needed

any comment will be appreciated

best regards


Re: How to send an OpenBitSet object from Solr server?

2011-08-30 Thread Federico Fissore

Satish Talim, il 30/08/2011 14:22, ha scritto:

But how to throw? As a stream of bits?

getBits() return a long[]
add a long[] part to your response

rb.rsp.add("long_array", obs.getBits())


Re: How to send an OpenBitSet object from Solr server?

2011-08-30 Thread Federico Fissore

Satish Talim, il 30/08/2011 05:42, ha scritto:

Is there a work-around wherein I can send an OpenBitSet object?

JavaBinCodec (used by default by solr) supports writing arrays. you can 
"getBits()" from openbitset and throw them into the binary response


Re: How to send an OpenBitSet object from Solr server?

2011-08-30 Thread Federico Fissore

Satish Talim, il 30/08/2011 05:42, ha scritto:

Is there a work-around wherein I can send an OpenBitSet object?

JavaBinCodec (used by default by solr) supports writing arrays. you can 
"getBits()" from openbitset and throw them into the binary response


Re: dependency injection in solr

2011-08-29 Thread Federico Fissore

Tomás Fernández Löbbe, il 29/08/2011 17:58, ha scritto:

 I think I get it. Many of the objects that depend on the configuration
are instantiated by using reflection, is that an option for you?

yes it is
what do you propose?

Re: dependency injection in solr

2011-08-29 Thread Federico Fissore

Tomás Fernández Löbbe, il 29/08/2011 17:58, ha scritto:

 I think I get it. Many of the objects that depend on the configuration
are instantiated by using reflection, is that an option for you?

yes it is
what do you propose?

Re: dependency injection in solr

2011-08-29 Thread Federico Fissore

Tomás Fernández Löbbe, il 29/08/2011 16:39, ha scritto:

You can do a lot of dependency injection though solrconfig.xml and
schema.xml, Specify search components, update processors, filters,
similarity, etc. Solr doesn't use any DI framework, everything is built-in
in a pluggable manner. What kind of customizations do you need to apply?
maybe we can point you better.

for example, I have a classification component: it can retrieve 
classification data either from the file system or via a rest call.

the "retriever" is a parameter of the component and we want to set it 
depending if we host the searcher or if the customer choose to install 
it locally

i would like to inject a custom bean into the search component: at init 
time, it will just call the retrieve method and that will return the 

(ps: we are trying to migrate our existing system to solr)

thanks in advance


dependency injection in solr

2011-08-29 Thread Federico Fissore

Hello everyone

I need to hack solr by adding a couple custom search components.
One small inconvenience is about configuring all the stuff. AFAIK 
solrconfig.xml is not a place where to do dependency injection, not yet 
at least.

Have you ever had the need to use DI on a solr configuration? How have 
you managed it? Hard coding params in some delegate SearchComponent? 
Getting a reference of a spring application context via some static 
method? Any more elegant ways?

thanks in advance
