I've a problem with the ExtractingRequestHandler of Solr. I want to
send a really big base64 encoded string to Solr with the
CommonsHttpSolrServer. The base64 encoded string is the contet of the
indexed file. The CommonsHttpSolrServer sends the parameters as a HTTP
GET request. Because of that I'll get a "socket write error". If I
change the CommonsHttpSolrServer to send the parameters as HTTP POST
sending will work, but the ExtractingRequestHandler will not recognize
the parameters. If I'm using the EmbeddedSolrServer there is no
problem. This is an option for me now, but I don't know exactly if the
solr server will be at another location than the website when my
project will be ready for the "real world" use ;-). Is there anything
what I can do in the configuration of solr or the application server?
Otherwhise I'll write a patch for that, if it'll be accepted.


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