Hi, there In order to keep a DocID vs UID map, we added payload to a solr core. The search on UID is very fast but we get a problem with adding/deleting docs. Every time we commit an adding/deleting action, solr/lucene will take up to 30 seconds to complete. Without payload, a same action can be done in milliseconds.
We do need real time commit. Here is the payload definition: <fieldType name="payloadfld" class="solr.TextField"> <analyzer> <tokenizer class="org.apache.solr.analysis.KeywordTokenizerFactory"/> <filter class="org.apache.solr.analysis.DelimitedPayloadTokenFilterFactory" encoder="integer"/> </analyzer> </fieldType> <field name="uid" type="payloadfld" indexed="true" stored="false" required="true"/> Any suggestions? Any help is appreciated. Best Regards G. Y.