RE: SolrCloud Indexing question

2013-08-07 Thread Kalyan Kuram
Thank you so much for the suggestion, Is the same recommended for querying too 
i found it very slow when i do query using clousolrserver

 Date: Tue, 6 Aug 2013 13:25:37 -0600
 Subject: Re: SolrCloud Indexing question
 On 8/6/2013 12:55 PM, Kalyan Kuram wrote:
  Hi AllI need suggestion on how to send indexing commands to 2 different 
  solr server,Basically i want to mirror my index,here is the scenarioi have 
  2 cluster,
  each cluster has one master and 2 slaves with external zookeeper in the 
  fronti need suggestion on what solr api class i should use to send indexing 
  commands to 2 masters,will LBHttpSolrServer do the indexing or is this only 
  used for querying
  If there is a better approach please suggest
 If you're using zookeeper, then your index is SolrCloud, and you don't 
 have masters and slaves.  The traditional master/slave replication model 
 does not apply to SolrCloud.
 With SolrCloud, there is no need to have two independent clusters.  If a 
 server dies, the other servers in the cloud will keep the cluster 
 operational.  When you bring the dead server back with the proper 
 config, it will automatically be synchronized with the cluster.
 For a Java program with SolrJ, use a CloudSolrServer object for each 
 cluster.  The constructor for CloudSolrServer accepts the same zkHost 
 parameter that you give to each Solr server when starting in SolrCloud 
 mode.  You cannot index to independent clusters at the same time through 
 one object - if they truly are independent SolrCloud installs, you have 
 to manage updates to both of them independently.

SolrCloud Indexing question

2013-08-06 Thread Kalyan Kuram
Hi AllI need suggestion on how to send indexing commands to 2 different solr 
server,Basically i want to mirror my index,here is the scenarioi have 2 cluster,
each cluster has one master and 2 slaves with external zookeeper in the fronti 
need suggestion on what solr api class i should use to send indexing commands 
to 2 masters,will LBHttpSolrServer do the indexing or is this only used for 
If there is a better approach please suggest

URLDatasource Authentication

2013-07-23 Thread Kalyan Kuram
I am trying to access xml files which are stored in our cms,how do i pass 
username/passwd to dih so i can get all xml files
its throwing exception Server returned HTTP response code: 401 for URL: 
Is there anything else i can use to pull data from cms

Solr Shards and ZooKeeper

2013-06-12 Thread Kalyan Kuram
Hi allI am trying to configure external zookeeper with solr instances which has 
to have 2 shards.I tried the introductory solrcloud wiki page and lucidworks 
solrcloud page it works just fine(embedded zookeeper),The problem i have is 
start solr with 2 shards when i have external zookeeper,i cant get solr to 
start with 2 shards 
Steps followed1.start zookeeper
2.Start First solr instance with args nohup java 
-Dbootstrap_confdir=./solr/Articles/conf -Dcollection.configName=Articles 
-DzkHost=dev-core-solr1:2181 -DnumShards=2 -jar start.jar 
3.Start the second solr instancenohup  java -DzkHost=dev-core-solr1:2181 -jar 

And when i navigate to the cloud page i see shard1 connected to 2 solr 
instances instead of shard1 connected to solr1instance1 and shard2 to 
Behaviour is not the same when i start embedded zookeeper from solr,i see 
shard1 connected to solrinstance1 and shard2 connected to solrinstance2
Am i doing something wrong or have i missed any steps.Please help

RE: Solr Shards and ZooKeeper

2013-06-12 Thread Kalyan Kuram
It worked ,i followed steps only difference i erased everything and started 
from scratch again

 Subject: Solr Shards and ZooKeeper
 Date: Wed, 12 Jun 2013 14:51:41 -0400
 Hi allI am trying to configure external zookeeper with solr instances which 
 has to have 2 shards.I tried the introductory solrcloud wiki page and 
 lucidworks solrcloud page it works just fine(embedded zookeeper),The problem 
 i have is start solr with 2 shards when i have external zookeeper,i cant get 
 solr to start with 2 shards 
 Steps followed1.start zookeeper
 2.Start First solr instance with args nohup java 
 -Dbootstrap_confdir=./solr/Articles/conf -Dcollection.configName=Articles 
 -DzkHost=dev-core-solr1:2181 -DnumShards=2 -jar start.jar 
 3.Start the second solr instancenohup  java -DzkHost=dev-core-solr1:2181 -jar 

 And when i navigate to the cloud page i see shard1 connected to 2 solr 
 instances instead of shard1 connected to solr1instance1 and shard2 to 
 Behaviour is not the same when i start embedded zookeeper from solr,i see 
 shard1 connected to solrinstance1 and shard2 connected to solrinstance2
 Am i doing something wrong or have i missed any steps.Please help

RE: Strip HTML Tags and Store

2013-05-31 Thread Kalyan Kuram
Thanks it worked..!!

 Subject: Re: Strip HTML Tags and Store
 Date: Thu, 30 May 2013 22:53:37 -0400
 Update Request Processors to the rescue again. Namely, the HTML Strip Field 
 Update processor:
 Add to your solrconfig:
   updateRequestProcessorChain name=html-strip-features
 processor class=solr.HTMLStripFieldUpdateProcessorFactory
   str name=fieldNamefeatures/str
 processor class=solr.LogUpdateProcessorFactory /
 processor class=solr.RunUpdateProcessorFactory /
 Index content:
   -H 'Content-type:application/json' -d '
   [{id: doc-1,
 title: lt;Hello Worldgt;,
 features: pThis is a atest/a line gt;.,
 other_t: pOther btext/b/p,
 more_t: Some bmore itext/i./b The end}]'
   title:[lt;Hello Worldgt;],
   features:[\nThis is a test line .],
   other_t:pOther btext/b/p,
   more_t:Some bmore itext/i./b The end,
 That stripped the HTML only from the features field, and expanded the 
 named character entity as well.
 Add multiple str for multiple fields, or use fieldRegex, or... some 
 other options. See:
 -- Jack Krupansky
 -Original Message- 
 From: Kalyan Kuram
 Sent: Thursday, May 30, 2013 8:18 PM
 Subject: Strip HTML Tags and Store
 Hi AllI am trying to understand what gets stored when i configure a field 
 indexed and stored for example i have this in my schema.xmlfield 
 name=articleBody type=text_general indexed=true stored=true /and 
 fieldType name=text_general class=solr.TextField 
   analyzer type=index
 tokenizer class=solr.StandardTokenizerFactory/
 charFilter class=solr.HTMLStripCharFilterFactory/
 filter class=solr.StopFilterFactory ignoreCase=true 
 words=stopwords.txt enablePositionIncrements=true /
 filter class=solr.LowerCaseFilterFactory/
   analyzer type=query
 tokenizer class=solr.StandardTokenizerFactory/
 filter class=solr.StopFilterFactory ignoreCase=true 
 words=stopwords.txt enablePositionIncrements=true /
 filter class=solr.SynonymFilterFactory synonyms=synonyms.txt 
 ignoreCase=true expand=true/
 filter class=solr.LowerCaseFilterFactory/
 I was expecting that solr will index  store html strip content when i 
 invoke query i get some thing like this str 
 name=articleBodyxhtml:h1xhtml:bSouth African Miners Are Trapped by 
 Debt/xhtml:b/xhtml:h1 xhtml:pxhtml:b▸ A surge in high-interest 
 lending contributes to mine violence/xhtml:b/xhtml:p xhtml:pxhtml:b▸ 
 At least one bank “may have reckless lending problems”/xhtml:b/xhtml:p 
 xhtml:pIn 2008, platinum miner James Ntseane borrowed 8,000 rand ($886) 
 from xhtml:bAfrican Bank Investments/xhtml:b to pay for his 
 grandmother's funeral. Soon after, he took out two more loans, totaling 
 10,000 rand, for a sofa and house extension. Four years later he owes at 
 least 30,515 rand, according to text messages he gets from African Bank, 
 South Africa's biggest provider of unsecured loans. Under a court-ordered 
 payment plan, his employer garnishes about 13 percent of his monthly 
 12,600-rand salary for the lender. He doesn't know how much interest he's 
 paying. “They are taking too much money,” says Ntseane, 41./xhtml:p 
 xhtml:pNtseane is one of more than 9 million South Africans mired in debt. 
 African Bank, xhtml:bBayport Financial Services, Capitec Bank 
 Holdings/xhtml:b, and other firms have led a boom in unsecured lending, 
 charging interest as high as 80 percent a year, as is allowed there. Last 
 year a series of strikes led to at least 46 deaths, the country's worst 
 mining violence since the end of apartheid. “One of the contributing factors 
 to all of these strikes has been this surge in unsecured lending,” says Mike 
 Schussler, chief economist at the research group a 
 href=;, echoing an October 
 statement by Trade and Industry Minister Rob Davies./xhtml:p xhtml:pThe 
 value of consumer loans not backed by assets such as homes rose 39 percent 
 in the year through September, to 140 billion rand, reports the National 
 Credit Regulator. The loans made up 10 percent of consumer credit on Sept. 
 30, up from 8 percent a year earlier. In November, South Africa's National 
 Treasury and the Banking Association of South Africa agreed to review 
 lending affordability rules, improve client education, and reduce wage 
 garnishing after the number of people with bad credit rose

Strip HTML Tags and Store

2013-05-30 Thread Kalyan Kuram
Hi AllI am trying to understand what gets stored when i configure a field 
indexed and stored for example i have this in my schema.xmlfield 
name=articleBody type=text_general indexed=true stored=true /and
fieldType name=text_general class=solr.TextField 
  analyzer type=index
tokenizer class=solr.StandardTokenizerFactory/
charFilter class=solr.HTMLStripCharFilterFactory/
filter class=solr.StopFilterFactory ignoreCase=true 
words=stopwords.txt enablePositionIncrements=true /
filter class=solr.LowerCaseFilterFactory/
  analyzer type=query
tokenizer class=solr.StandardTokenizerFactory/
filter class=solr.StopFilterFactory ignoreCase=true 
words=stopwords.txt enablePositionIncrements=true /
filter class=solr.SynonymFilterFactory synonyms=synonyms.txt 
ignoreCase=true expand=true/
filter class=solr.LowerCaseFilterFactory/

I was expecting that solr will index  store html strip content when i invoke 
query i get some thing like this str 
name=articleBodyxhtml:h1xhtml:bSouth African Miners Are Trapped by 
Debt/xhtml:b/xhtml:h1 xhtml:pxhtml:b▸ A surge in high-interest lending 
contributes to mine violence/xhtml:b/xhtml:p xhtml:pxhtml:b▸ At least 
one bank “may have reckless lending problems”/xhtml:b/xhtml:p xhtml:pIn 
2008, platinum miner James Ntseane borrowed 8,000 rand ($886) from 
xhtml:bAfrican Bank Investments/xhtml:b to pay for his grandmother's 
funeral. Soon after, he took out two more loans, totaling 10,000 rand, for a 
sofa and house extension. Four years later he owes at least 30,515 rand, 
according to text messages he gets from African Bank, South Africa's biggest 
provider of unsecured loans. Under a court-ordered payment plan, his employer 
garnishes about 13 percent of his monthly 12,600-rand salary for the lender. He 
doesn't know how much interest he's paying. “They are taking too much money,” 
says Ntseane, 41./xhtml:p xhtml:pNtseane is one of more than 9 million 
South Africans mired in debt. African Bank, xhtml:bBayport Financial 
Services, Capitec Bank Holdings/xhtml:b, and other firms have led a boom in 
unsecured lending, charging interest as high as 80 percent a year, as is 
allowed there. Last year a series of strikes led to at least 46 deaths, the 
country's worst mining violence since the end of apartheid. “One of the 
contributing factors to all of these strikes has been this surge in unsecured 
lending,” says Mike Schussler, chief economist at the research group a 
href=;, echoing an October 
statement by Trade and Industry Minister Rob Davies./xhtml:p xhtml:pThe 
value of consumer loans not backed by assets such as homes rose 39 percent in 
the year through September, to 140 billion rand, reports the National Credit 
Regulator. The loans made up 10 percent of consumer credit on Sept. 30, up from 
8 percent a year earlier. In November, South Africa's National Treasury and the 
Banking Association of South Africa agreed to review lending affordability 
rules, improve client education, and reduce wage garnishing after the number of 
people with bad credit rose to a record. Finance Minister Pravin Gordhan called 
the rise “worrying” a week earlier./xhtml:p xhtml:pGeorge Roussos, an 
executive for central support services at African Bank, says miner Ntseane 
borrowed more than he claims and took out a credit card. (The bank received 
permission from Ntseane, who denies the bank's figures, to discuss his account 
with xhtml:iBloomberg Businessweek/xhtml:i.) The bank says it stopped 
charging interest in 2011 and has no record of Ntseane making contact after he 
was injured in a home robbery in 2010. “The bank attempts to communicate 
clearly and transparently, employing multilingual consultants,” says 
Roussos./xhtml:p xhtml:pSouth African lenders have re sorted to 
court-ordered wage garnishing in more than 3 million active cases, according to 
the National Debt Mediation Association, a credit industry group that provides 
consumer debt counseling. Kem Westdyk, chief executive of xhtml:bSummit 
Garnishee Solutions/xhtml:b, which helps mining companies review bank 
requests, says at some companies up to 15 percent of workers have wages 
garnished; at one, more than a quarter of those cases involve African Bank. 
“They may have reckless lending problems,” says Westdyk, adding that some 
workers have five or six garnishee orders against them./xhtml:p 
xhtml:pNtseane says his loan agent didn't mention garnishment when she agreed 
to delay his loan payments. Although Davies and the country's credit regulator 
have pledged to clamp down on unsecured lending, Ntseane doesn't have high 
hopes. “I don't know when I will stop paying,” he says./xhtml:p xhtml:p 
prism:class=bylinexhtml:i—Franz Wild, Mike Cohen, and Renee 
Bonorchis/xhtml:i/xhtml:p xhtml:pxhtml:ixhtml:bThe bottom 

RE: Export Index and Re-Index XML

2013-04-23 Thread Kalyan Kuram
Thanks for the help,i could successfully export the file as csv and import it 
into my local  box successfully ,now i have a different problem i tried to 
re-index the content using anc chaging  
URL=http://dev-core-solr1:8983/solr/ZinioArticles/update/csv this is now i see 
this error
Before this i deleted all documents and then tried to re-index .$ sh 
output1.csvPosting file output1.csv to 
version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?responselst name=responseHeaderint 
name=status409/intint name=QTime19/int/lstlst name=errorstr 
name=msgversion conflict for 100845239 expected=1432420345067864064 
actual=-1/strint name=code409/int/lst/response
?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?responselst name=responseHeaderint 
name=status0/intint name=QTime5/int/lst/response

Can somebody help me how to do this 

 Subject: Re: Export Index and Re-Index XML
 Date: Tue, 23 Apr 2013 15:46:36 +0200
 I have done this many times. First use a curl job or something to download 
 the complete index as CSV
 Then use post.jar to push that csv into the new node.
 Alternatively you can query with XML and use xslt update request handler with 
 parm tr=updateXml which is a stylesheet for indexing response XML directly.
 Jan Høydahl, search solution architect
 Cominvent AS -
 Solr Training -
 23. apr. 2013 kl. 02:11 skrev Kalyan Kuram
  Thank you all very much for your help.I do have field configured as stored 
  and index,i did read the FAQ from wiki,I think SolrEntityProcessor is what 
  i think needed.I am trying to index the data from Adobe CQ and its a push 
  based indexing and pain to index data from a very large repository.I think 
  i can manage this with SolrEntityProcessor for now and will think of 
  modelling data for re-indexing purposes
  Subject: Re: Export Index and Re-Index XML
  Date: Mon, 22 Apr 2013 19:54:26 -0400
  Any fields which have stored values can be read and output, but 
  indexed-only, non-stored fields cannot be read or exported. Even if they 
  could be, their values are post-analysis, which means that there is a good 
  chance that they cannot be run through term analysis again.
  It is always best to keep a copy of your raw source data separate from the 
  data you add to Solr. Or, at least make sure any important data is 
  In short, you need to model your data for reindexing, which is a fact of 
  life in Solr land.
  -- Jack Krupansky
  -Original Message- 
  From: Kalyan Kuram
  Sent: Monday, April 22, 2013 7:07 PM
  Subject: Export Index and Re-Index XML
  Hi AllI am new to solr and i wanted to know if i can export the Index as 
  and then re-index back into Solr,The reason i need to do this is i 
  misconfigured fieldtype and to make it work i need to re-index the content


Export Index and Re-Index XML

2013-04-22 Thread Kalyan Kuram
Hi AllI am new to solr and i wanted to know if i can export the Index as XML 
and then re-index back into Solr,The reason i need to do this is i 
misconfigured fieldtype and to make it work i need to re-index the content 

RE: Export Index and Re-Index XML

2013-04-22 Thread Kalyan Kuram
Thank you all very much for your help.I do have field configured as stored and 
index,i did read the FAQ from wiki,I think SolrEntityProcessor is what i think 
needed.I am trying to index the data from Adobe CQ and its a push based 
indexing and pain to index data from a very large repository.I think i can 
manage this with SolrEntityProcessor for now and will think of modelling data 
for re-indexing purposes

 Subject: Re: Export Index and Re-Index XML
 Date: Mon, 22 Apr 2013 19:54:26 -0400
 Any fields which have stored values can be read and output, but 
 indexed-only, non-stored fields cannot be read or exported. Even if they 
 could be, their values are post-analysis, which means that there is a good 
 chance that they cannot be run through term analysis again.
 It is always best to keep a copy of your raw source data separate from the 
 data you add to Solr. Or, at least make sure any important data is stored.
 In short, you need to model your data for reindexing, which is a fact of 
 life in Solr land.
 -- Jack Krupansky
 -Original Message- 
 From: Kalyan Kuram
 Sent: Monday, April 22, 2013 7:07 PM
 Subject: Export Index and Re-Index XML
 Hi AllI am new to solr and i wanted to know if i can export the Index as XML 
 and then re-index back into Solr,The reason i need to do this is i 
 misconfigured fieldtype and to make it work i need to re-index the content