Cannot find Solr 7.4.1 release

2021-02-18 Thread Olivier Tavard

I wanted to download Solr 7.4.1, but I cannot find the 7.4.1 release into : there are Solr 7.4 and after
directly 7.5.
Of course I can build from source code, but this is frustrating because I
can see that in the 7_4_branch there is a fix that I need (SOLR-12594) with
the status fixed into 7.4.1 and 7.5 versions. Everythings seems to have
been prepared to release the 7.4.1, but I cannot find it.
Does this release exist ?

Thank you,


ConfigSet API V2 issue with present

2018-11-12 Thread Olivier Tavard

I have an issue for creating a configset with the V2 API using a configset
Indeed if I enter the command :
curl -X POST -H 'Content-type: application/json' -d '{ "create":{"name":
"Test", "baseConfigSet": "myConfigSet","configSetProp.immutable":
"false"}}'  http://localhost:8983/api/cluster/configs?omitHeader=true
(same one than in the documentation :
It fails with the error :
"errorMessages":["Unknown field 'configSetProp.immutable' in object : {\n
\"name\":\"Test\",\n  \"baseConfigSet\":\"myConfigSet\",\n
"msg":"Error in command payload",

If I enter the same command still with the V2 API without the
configSetProp.immutable property it succeeds.

With the V1 API, no problem with or without the presence of the configset

The tests were done with Solr 7.4 and Solr 7.5.

Did I miss something with the configset property usage ?

Best regards,

Backup collections using SolrJ

2018-05-04 Thread Olivier Tavard

I have a question regarding the backup of a Solr collection using SolrJ. I
use Solr 7.
I want to do a JAR for that and launch it into a cron job.

So far, no problem for the request using
CollectionAdminRequest.backupCollection then I use the processAsync method.

The command is well transmitted to Solr.

My problem is for parsing the response and manage the different cases in
the code for a failure.

Let's say that the Solr response is the following after sending the
asynchronous backup request (the request id is "backupsolr")  :

"responseHeader": {
"status": 0,
"QTime": 1
"success": {
"IP:8983_solr": {
"responseHeader": {
"status": 0,
"QTime": 0
"IP:8983_solr": {
"responseHeader": {
"status": 0,
"QTime": 0
"solrbackup5704378348890743": {
"responseHeader": {
"status": 0,
"QTime": 0
"STATUS": "failed",
"Response": "Failed to backup core=Test_shard1_replica1 because Aucun espace disponible sur le périphérique"
"status": {
"state": "completed",
"msg": "found [solrbackup] in completed tasks"
If I use the code :

The output is : "COMPLETED".
But it is not enough to check if the backup was well done or not. For
example in this case the task is completed but the backup was not
successful because there was not enough space left on the disk.
So the interesting part is into the solrbackup5704378348890743 section of
the response.

My first question is why some numbers are added to the request-id name ?

Because if I write :
CollectionAdminRequest.requestStatus("solrbackup").getRequestId() the
response is : "solrbackup" and not solrbackup5704378348890743.
So retrieving the section related to solrbackup5704378348890743 in the
response is not very easy.
I cannot directly use (NamedList)
but instead I have to use an iterator into the entire Solr response and
check the beginning of each String for retrieving the section that begins
by solrbackup. And finally get the elements that I want.

Am I correct to do this, maybe there is a simpler way to do that ?

Olivier Tavard

Solr Cell and operations on metadata extracted

2011-05-16 Thread Olivier Tavard

I have a question about Solr Cell please.

I index some files. For example, if I want to extract the filename, then use
a hash function on it like MD5 and then store it on Solr ; the correct way
is to use Tika « manually » to extract the metadata I want, do the
transformations on it and then send it to Solr ?

I can’t use directly Solr Cell in this case because I can't do modifications
on the metadata extracted, right ?

