Hello Solr Geeks,

Am looking for some helping hands to proceed on an issue am facing now.
Here given below one record from the prepared index. i could query the
fields without greater than symbol. but when i did query for
widthSquareTube_string_mv & heightSquareTube_string_mv. It is not returning
any result, thought there are records which has some values tagged similar
like below. These two fields are dynamicFields and are of fied type:


*Given below the query executed through solr console at Query area1.
90 - 100 mm


2. heightSquareTube_string_mv:"> 90 - 100 mm"

"indexOperationId_long": 379908,
"id": "Online/10004003x1500",
"pk": 2558081,
"wallThickessTubeSquare_string_mv": [
"3 - 5.99 mm"
"widthSquareTube_string_mv": [
"> 30 - 40 mm"
"heightSquareTube_string_mv": [
"> 90 - 100 mm"
"length_string_mv": [
"1000 - 1999 mm"
"allCategories_string_mv": [
"category_string_mv": [
"inStockFlag_boolean": true,
"baseProduct_string": "ST606010004003",
"name_text_de_de": "100 x 40 x 3 x 1500 mm",
"name_sortable_de_de_sortabletext": "100 x 40 x 3 x 1500 mm",
"autosuggest": [
"_version_": 1567229255468712000

Best Regards,

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