Re: Error loading class 'solr.ISOLatin1AccentFilterFactory'

2013-08-08 Thread Parul Gupta(Knimbus)
Hey ...

It works for me!

Thanks a lot!!!

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Error loading class 'solr.ISOLatin1AccentFilterFactory'

2013-08-07 Thread Parul Gupta(Knimbus)

I am trying to use solr.ISOLatin1AccentFilterFactory in solr4.3.1,But its
giving error 
Error loading class 'solr.ISOLatin1AccentFilterFactory'.

However its working fine in Solr3.6

Can anybody suggest me how to remove this error..Or is there any new
FilterFactory I have to use?

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Re: Problem using Term Component in solr

2013-07-14 Thread Parul Gupta(Knimbus)

Vocabulary is not known that's the main issue else I will implement synonyms
 what do u mean by 'regularizing the title'.

so let me know some solution...

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Re: Problem using Term Component in solr

2013-07-12 Thread Parul Gupta(Knimbus)
Ok I will not use Bold text in my queries  

I guess my question is not clear to you

See what I am doing is, i have a live source say 'A'  and a stored database
say it as 'B'.ok
A and B ,both have title fields in them.Consider A as non-persistent solr
and B as persistent solr.

I have to match the title coming from A to the database B.

Since some title from live source A comes in short form e.g 'med. phys.' and
'phys. fluids'.
But corresponding to these titles my database B have titles 'medical
physics' and 'physics of fluids'.
Since this type of differences occurs and A not able to search there
corresponding titles in B by using 'tokenized' field 'title' with using wild
cards,hence i used Term component first.Which gives me the corresponding
matched title with B.When i got the full title like 'medical physics',i
fetched it from HTML,and then again search it in tokenized field of 'title'
say it 'titlenew'(copy field of title) which brings me result 'medical
physics'.But I am failing to get match of 'phys. fluids' with 'physics of
fluids' as it has stop word in it using [a-z0-9]*.

Hope know u will get my issue...and will help..

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Problem using Term Component in solr

2013-07-11 Thread Parul Gupta(Knimbus)
Hi All

I am using *Term component* in solr for searching titles with short form
using wild card characters(.*) and [a-z0-9]*.

I am using *Term Component* specifically as wild card characters are not
working on *select?q=* query search.

Examples of some *title *are:

1)Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy
2)Medical Physics
3)Physics of fluids
4)Medical Engineering and Physics

***When i do *solr query*:

*Output* is 3rd title:
*Physics of fluids*

This is relevant output.

***But when i do *solr query*:


*Output* are 2nd and 4th title:

*Medical Engineering and Physics*
*Medical Physics*

This is irrelevant.I want only one result for this query i.e. *Medical

*Although i have changed my wild card
characters to *[a-z0-9]** instead of *.** ,but than first query doesn't work
as '*of*' is included in '*Physics of fluids*'.However Second query works
fine .

example of query is:


This works fine,gives one output *Medical Physics*.

If there is another way for searching using *Term Component* or without
using it..Please suggest to neglect such stop words.

Note:Term Component works only on string dataType field.  :(

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Phrase search without stopwords

2013-07-09 Thread Parul Gupta(Knimbus)
Hi solr-user!!!
I have an issue
I want to know that is it possible to implement StopwordFilterFactory with
example I have multiple title :
1)title:Canadian journal of information and library science
2)title:Canadian information of  science
3)title:Southern  information and library science

what I want is if i search for
q=title:Canadian information of science
q=title:Canadian information science

My output should be only title no. 2,i.e Canadian information of  science.

my schema.xml is:
fieldType name=itext class=solr.TextField positionIncrementGap=100
charFilter class=solr.MappingCharFilterFactory mapping=mapping.txt/
tokenizer class=solr.KeywordTokenizerFactory/
filter class=solr.LowerCaseFilterFactory/
filter class=solr.TrimFilterFactory/
filter class=solr.StopFilterFactory ignoreCase=true
words=stopwords.txt enablePositionIncrements=false/
filter class=solr.PatternReplaceFilterFactory pattern=([^a-z])
replacement=  replace=all /

field name=title type=itext indexed=true stored=true
required=false multiValued=false /

Then exact search is working but search without stopwords is not working and
if I use WhitespaceTokenizer instead of KeywordTokenizer then search without
stopwords is working but all the 3 title are coming as output.Please reply

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Re: Phrase search without stopwords

2013-07-09 Thread Parul Gupta(Knimbus)
Hey thanks.

Its some what works for me

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