Relevant results with DisMaxRequestHandler

2009-07-29 Thread Vincent Pérès


I did notice several strange behaviors on queries. I would like to share
with you an example, so maybe you can explain to me what is going wrong.

Using the following query :

I get back around 100 results. Follow the two first :

Victoria Davisson

Anna Lewis

And the related debugs :
57.998047 = (MATCH) sum of:
  0.048290744 = (MATCH) sum of:
0.024546575 = (MATCH) max plus 0.01 times others of:
  0.024546575 = (MATCH) weight(text:anna^0.5 in 64288), product of:
0.027395602 = queryWeight(text:anna^0.5), product of:
  0.5 = boost
  5.734427 = idf(docFreq=564, numDocs=30400)
  0.009554783 = queryNorm
0.8960042 = (MATCH) fieldWeight(text:anna in 64288), product of:
  1.0 = tf(termFreq(text:anna)=1)
  5.734427 = idf(docFreq=564, numDocs=30400)
  0.15625 = fieldNorm(field=text, doc=64288)
0.02374417 = (MATCH) max plus 0.01 times others of:
  0.02374417 = (MATCH) weight(text:lewi^0.5 in 64288), product of:
0.026944114 = queryWeight(text:lewi^0.5), product of:
  0.5 = boost
  5.6399217 = idf(docFreq=620, numDocs=30400)
  0.009554783 = queryNorm
0.88123775 = (MATCH) fieldWeight(text:lewi in 64288), product of:
  1.0 = tf(termFreq(text:lewi)=1)
  5.6399217 = idf(docFreq=620, numDocs=30400)
  0.15625 = fieldNorm(field=text, doc=64288)
  57.949757 = (MATCH) FunctionQuery(ord(name_s)), product of:
1213.0 = ord(name_s)=1213
5.0 = boost
0.009554783 = queryNorm

5.006892 = (MATCH) sum of:
  0.038405567 = (MATCH) sum of:
0.021955125 = (MATCH) max plus 0.01 times others of:
  0.021955125 = (MATCH) weight(text:anna^0.5 in 62632), product of:
0.027395602 = queryWeight(text:anna^0.5), product of:
  0.5 = boost
  5.734427 = idf(docFreq=564, numDocs=30400)
  0.009554783 = queryNorm
0.80141056 = (MATCH) fieldWeight(text:anna in 62632), product of:
  2.236068 = tf(termFreq(text:anna)=5)
  5.734427 = idf(docFreq=564, numDocs=30400)
  0.0625 = fieldNorm(field=text, doc=62632)
0.016450444 = (MATCH) max plus 0.01 times others of:
  0.016450444 = (MATCH) weight(text:lewi^0.5 in 62632), product of:
0.026944114 = queryWeight(text:lewi^0.5), product of:
  0.5 = boost
  5.6399217 = idf(docFreq=620, numDocs=30400)
  0.009554783 = queryNorm
0.61053944 = (MATCH) fieldWeight(text:lewi in 62632), product of:
  1.7320508 = tf(termFreq(text:lewi)=3)
  5.6399217 = idf(docFreq=620, numDocs=30400)
  0.0625 = fieldNorm(field=text, doc=62632)
  4.968487 = (MATCH) FunctionQuery(ord(name_s)), product of:
104.0 = ord(name_s)=104
5.0 = boost
0.009554783 = queryNorm

I'm using a simple boost function :
 text^0.5 name_s^5.0

Can anyone explain to me why the first result is on top (the query is 'anna
lewis') with a huge weight and nothing related (it seems the weight come
from the name_s field...) ?

A second general question... is it possible to boost a field if the query
match exactly the content of a field?

Thank you !
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Re: Relevant results with DisMaxRequestHandler

2009-08-10 Thread Vincent Pérès


Thank you for your answer, I finally used only a 'qf' parameter in the
dismax requesthandler and it seems that I have now better and more relevant
I just don't understand why a result is mainly boosted by his last update by
default !

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Re: Relevant results with DisMaxRequestHandler

2009-08-10 Thread Vincent Pérès

I actually have an other question...

The 'qf' parameter used in the dismax seems to work with a 'AND' separator.
I have much more results without dixmax. Is there any way to keep the same
amount of document and process the 'qf' ?

My dismax : 
 text^0.5 title_ac^4.0 name_ac^4.0 authors_list_sm^4.0
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Re: Relevant results with DisMaxRequestHandler

2009-08-19 Thread Vincent Pérès

Wow, it's like the 'mm' parameters is just appeared for the first time...
Yes, I read the doc few times, but never understood that the documents who
doesn't match any of the expressions will not be return... my apologize
everything seems more clear now thanks to the min number parameter.

Thank you,

hossman wrote:
> : The 'qf' parameter used in the dismax seems to work with a 'AND'
> separator.
> : I have much more results without dixmax. Is there any way to keep the
> same
> : amount of document and process the 'qf' ?
> did you read any of the docs on dismax?
> did you look at the "mm" param?
> -Hoss

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Need help to finalize my autocomplete

2009-09-16 Thread Vincent Pérès


I'm using the following code for my autocomplete feature :

The field type :




The field :

The query :

It gives me a list of results I can parse and use with jQuery autocomplete
plugin and all that works very well.

Example of results :
> harry
> harry potter
> the last fighting harry
> harry potter 5
> comic relief harry potter

What I would like to do now is only to have results starting with the query,
so it should be :
> harry
> harry potter
> harry potter 5

Can anybody tell me if it is possible and so how to do it ?

Thank you !
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Re: Need help to finalize my autocomplete

2009-09-16 Thread Vincent Pérès


I tried to replace the class as you suggested, but I still get the same
result (and not results where the query start only with the giving query).




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Re: Need help to finalize my autocomplete

2009-09-16 Thread Vincent Pérès

After re-indexing it works very well ! Thanks a lot !

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DataImportHandler with multiple values

2009-04-13 Thread Vincent Pérès


I'm trying to import a simple book table with the full-import command. The
datas are stored in mysql.
It worked well when I tried to import few fields from the 'book' table :
title, author, publisher etc.
Now I would like to create a facet (multi valued field) with the categories
which belong to the book.

There is my sql request to get the list of categories from a book
(009959241X for example, return 7 categories) :
SELECT AS cat, ab.isbn AS isbn_temp FROM (amazon_books AS ab LEFT
JOIN amazon_book_browse_nodes AS abbn ON ab.isbn = abbn.amazon_book_id) LEFT
JOIN amazon_browse_nodes AS abn ON abbn.amazon_browse_node_id = WHERE
ab.isbn = '009959241X'

I tried to integrate it on my dataconfig :





And my solr schema :

And below standart solr 1.4 dynamics fields...

Ten fields are well created... but without the 'cat' multi value field.

Terry Pratchett

Corgi Books
The Colour of Magic (Discworld Novel)

I guess I missed something, could you help me or redirect me to the right

Thank you !

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Re: DataImportHandler with multiple values

2009-04-13 Thread Vincent Pérès

I changed the ISBN to lowercase (and the other fields as well) and it works !

Thanks very much !
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How to update only few fields in a document

2009-05-15 Thread Vincent Pérès


I did just find only post about updating document, maybe things evolved
since that time.
I need to update a field in few thousand documents in one time (or multiple
request), but I wouldn't like to have to add a new document instead of the
current one (I mean it's how it works if I well understand).

Example :
curl http://localhost:8982/solr/update --data-binary '1522' -H
'Content-type:text/xml; charset=utf-8'

This request will replace the current documents by two new one. The
documents contains big text parts and I wouldn't have to send them every

Is there any feature which could allow me to do that?

Thanks !
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Re: How to update only few fields in a document

2009-05-18 Thread Vincent Pérès


I went through the ticket but it seems that nothing is envisaged until
version 1.5

Thanks for your answer !!


Otis Gospodnetic wrote:
> Vincent,
> Unfortunately things haven't changed yet.  If all your fields are stored,
> have a look at SOLR-139.
> Otis --
> Sematext -- -- Lucene - Solr - Nutch
> ----- Original Message 
>> From: Vincent Pérès 
>> To:
>> Sent: Friday, May 15, 2009 9:45:06 AM
>> Subject: How to update only few fields in a document
>> Hello,
>> I did just find only post about updating document, maybe things evolved
>> since that time.
>> I need to update a field in few thousand documents in one time (or
>> multiple
>> request), but I wouldn't like to have to add a new document instead of
>> the
>> current one (I mean it's how it works if I well understand).
>> Example :
>> curl http://localhost:8982/solr/update --data-binary '
>> name="id">15
>> name="id">22' -H
>> 'Content-type:text/xml; charset=utf-8'
>> This request will replace the current documents by two new one. The
>> documents contains big text parts and I wouldn't have to send them every
>> time.
>> Is there any feature which could allow me to do that?
>> Thanks !
>> Vincent
>> -- 
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How to change the weight of the fields ?

2009-05-19 Thread Vincent Pérès


I'm stuck my the boost feature...

I'm doing the following query :


Below a part of my debug (the results are correct) :



0.6041825 = (MATCH) fieldWeight(text:novel in 395), product of:
  1.7320508 = tf(termFreq(text:novel)=3)
  3.1892564 = idf(docFreq=55, numDocs=500)
  0.109375 = fieldNorm(field=text, doc=395)


0.51787066 = (MATCH) fieldWeight(text:novel in 443), product of:
  1.7320508 = tf(termFreq(text:novel)=3)
  3.1892564 = idf(docFreq=55, numDocs=500)
  0.09375 = fieldNorm(field=text, doc=443)

It seems Solr is only evaluating the 'text' field and skip the 'title_s'
The line in the schema for dynamic string is :

Do I need to enable something else to be able to change the weight of my

Thanks very much
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Re: How to change the weight of the fields ?

2009-05-20 Thread Vincent Pérès


I'm sorry I wrote a mistake, I mean :
(using qf (Query Fields))

But it seems I need to add dismax as well and configure it by default in
solr config?

Thanks for your answer !

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Re: How to change the weight of the fields ?

2009-05-20 Thread Vincent Pérès

I tried the following request after changed the dismax :

But I don't get any results :

+(title_s:novel^2.0)~0.01 ()









Do I need to add some specific attributes to my string fields?
It looks now like this :

and below :

Thanks !!
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Re: How to change the weight of the fields ?

2009-05-21 Thread Vincent Pérès

It seems I can only search on the field 'text'. With the following url :

I get answers, but on the debug area, it seems it's only searching on the
'text' field (with or without 'qt' the results are displayed within the same
order) :


+DisjunctionMaxQuery((text:novel^0.5 | title_s:novel^5.0 |
id:novel^10.0)~0.01) ()


+(text:novel^0.5 | title_s:novel^5.0 | id:novel^10.0)~0.01 ()



0.014641666 = (MATCH) sum of:
  0.014641666 = (MATCH) max plus 0.01 times others of:
0.014641666 = (MATCH) weight(text:novel^0.5 in 114927), product of:
  0.01362607 = queryWeight(text:novel^0.5), product of:
0.5 = boost
3.4734163 = idf(docFreq=10634, numDocs=43213)
0.007845918 = queryNorm
  1.0745333 = (MATCH) fieldWeight(text:novel in 114927), product of:
1.4142135 = tf(termFreq(text:novel)=2)
3.4734163 = idf(docFreq=10634, numDocs=43213)
0.21875 = fieldNorm(field=text, doc=114927)


I should have a debug below with a search of the term into 'title_s' and
'id' no?

Thanks for your answers !
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User search in Facebook like

2009-05-31 Thread Vincent Pérès


I built a feature which allow users to search for other user thanks to a
dynamic text box.
Like facebook, when you search for your friends, the name is display in a
javascript dropdown list with a small picture. 
But I'm not completely happy with the search... I'm using a standard search
like "?q=vincent" and I get back the results list. If I type 'vinc' I will
not get any results (But I would like to display all the users where the
name start with 'vinc'). Maybe I need an extra param?
I also tried the autosuggest, but I get a list of terms and not direct

Could you suggest me some solr feature which could help me to get better

Thanks a lot !
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Re: User search in Facebook like

2009-05-31 Thread Vincent Pérès

Thanks very much, that's solve my problem !

Now I see another question : how can I manage the lower/upper cases in my

Thanks !

Dietrich Featherston-2 wrote:
> try searching for matches where the name starts with whatever the user has
> entered so far with a wildcard
> ?q=vinc*
> Are you always going to be searching for names?  If so you could see if
> the
> user has entered two terms and suffix each with a wildcard to get
> potentially more relevant searches.
> For example, if a user enters "vince p", you might substitute that with
> the
> query "vince* p*" to get the following hits
> Vincent Pérès
> Vincent Price
> Vince Price
> Vince Pérès
> etc...
> D
> 2009/5/31 Vincent Pérès 
>> Hello,
>> I built a feature which allow users to search for other user thanks to a
>> dynamic text box.
>> Like facebook, when you search for your friends, the name is display in a
>> javascript dropdown list with a small picture.
>> But I'm not completely happy with the search... I'm using a standard
>> search
>> like "?q=vincent" and I get back the results list. If I type 'vinc' I
>> will
>> not get any results (But I would like to display all the users where the
>> name start with 'vinc'). Maybe I need an extra param?
>> I also tried the autosuggest, but I get a list of terms and not direct
>> results...
>> Could you suggest me some solr feature which could help me to get better
>> results?
>> Thanks a lot !
>> Vincent
>> --
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Re: User search in Facebook like

2009-06-01 Thread Vincent Pérès

Thanks a lot for your answer it fixed all my issues !!!

It's really well working !

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Solr update performance decrease after a while

2009-06-09 Thread Vincent Pérès


We are indexing approximately 500 documents per day. My benchmark says an
update is done in 0.7 sec just after Solr has been started. But it quickly
decrease to 2.2 secs per update !
I have just been focused on the Schema until now, and didn't changed many
stuffs in the solrconfig file. Maybe you have some tips which could help me
to be more linear ?

Thanks a lot
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Re: Solr update performance decrease after a while

2009-06-11 Thread Vincent Pérès

Thank for your answer, I will have a look and try to find a solution.

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Stats for all documents and not current search

2009-06-12 Thread Vincent Pérès


I need to retrieve the stats of my index (using StatsComponent). It's not a
problem when my query is empty, but the stats are update according the
current search... and I need the stats of the whole index everytime.
I'm currently doing two request (one with empty keyword to get the stats,
one to get the results). Any idea which could save me one request?

Thanks !
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Create custom facets after building index

2008-10-21 Thread Vincent Pérès


I would like to create a custom facet for a 'rating_facets'. 
The rates are like that : 1, 1.2, 5, 5.78 etc.
Is it possible to tell solr to create a 'custom' facet :
[0 to 0.99] is 0
[ 1 to 1.99] is 1 
etc. (and get them back into xml results with number of results by value)
Or I have to specify this way on my schema.xml?

Thank you !
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Re: Create custom facets after building index

2008-10-21 Thread Vincent Pérès

Hello !

Thank you it is working. I've done a query, and my facet query is :

"published_year_facet:[1999 TO 2005]":95,
"rating_facet:[3 TO 3.99]":25,
"rating_facet:[1 TO 1.99]":1},

Is it possible to 'group' kind of queries (published together, rating
together etc.) ? Or I have to match every query with regex ?

Thanks !

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How to get the min and max values from facets?

2008-10-30 Thread Vincent Pérès


I'm using Solr 1.3. I would like to get only minimum and maximum values from
a facet.
In fact I'm using a range to get the results : [value TO value], and I don't
need to get the facets list in my XML results (which could be more than
hundred thousands)... so, I have to display the range (minimum and maximum
values) from a facet. Is there any way to do that?
I found the new statistics components, follow the link :
But it's for solr 1.4.

Does anyone have any idea?

Thank you !
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Re: How to get the min and max values from facets?

2008-10-30 Thread Vincent Pérès


Yes I understand, like :
myfacet, ASC, limit 1
myfacet, DESC, limit 1
So I can get the first value and the last one.

Do you think I will get more performance with this way than using stats?

Thanks !
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What are the way to update / delete solr datas?

2008-10-31 Thread Vincent Pérès


I'm trying to find the best way to update / delete datas according to my
project (developed with javascript and rails).
I would like to do something like that : 
Is it possible ?

But I found only these two ways :
or using an xml file with that :

The last possibility is to use the solr-ruby library.

Is there any way I forgot ?

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Re: What are the way to update / delete solr datas?

2008-10-31 Thread Vincent Pérès

Thanks for your quick answer.

I'm using only HTTP to display my results, that's why I would like to
continue with this way.
If I can use HTTP instead of solr, it will be better for me.

Erik Hatcher wrote:
> On Oct 31, 2008, at 11:40 AM, Vincent Pérès wrote:
>> The last possibility is to use the solr-ruby library.
> If you're using Ruby, that's what I'd use.  Were your other proposals  
> to still do those calls from Ruby, but with the HTTP library directly?
>   Erik

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