MoreLikeThis similarity field boosting

2008-01-14 Thread Vladimir Garvardt


I'm using Solr for searching our system.
Using MoreLikeThis for related content searching.
Now url used for search is like this:
Where nid is uniqueKey and title,teaser,body are stored fields with 
multiValued set to true.

The question is:
Is it possible to boost terms for one or more similarity fields?
For example I'd like something like mlt.fl=title^3,teaser^10,body - 
terms from teaser will have highest weight, then title terms and the 
lowest terms weight for body.


Search for related content

2007-12-29 Thread Vladimir Garvardt


I'm new to Solr and exploring its capabilities to use in my project.

I already implemented simple search and highlighting via Solr.
Now I need to implement search for related content.

As I understand the best way to do it is MoreLikeThis that I found .

But when I tried to get MoreLikeThis results for document by ID the only 
result I received is the document itself.

I run Solr on local machine from project example folder.

My Solr version is:

Solr Specification Version: 1.2.0

Solr Implementation Version: 1.2.0 - Yonik - 2007-06-02 17:35:12

Lucene Specification Version: 2007-05-20_00-04-53

Lucene Implementation Version: build 2007-05-20

shema.xml cut:
field name=nid type=integer indexed=true stored=true/
field name=title type=text indexed=true stored=true 
termVectors=true /
field name=body type=text indexed=true stored=true 
termVectors=true /


URL with search conditions I'm executing:
