Hello solr-fellows,

i'm currently implementing the MoreLikeThis Feature in an e-commerce platform.
I setup my solr.MoreLikeThisHandler in my solrconfig.xml like this:

<requestHandler name="/mlt" class="solr.MoreLikeThisHandler">
  <lst name="defaults">
    <!--similar documents defaults-->
    <!--The fields to use for similarity-->
    <str name="mlt.fl">aid, eans, desclong</str>
    <str name="mlt.interestingTerms">list</str>
    <str name="mlt.match.include">true</str>
    <str name="mlt.maxntp">10</str>
    <str name="mlt.qf">aid, eans, desclong</str>
    <str name="mlt.mintf">0</str>

Running the following command in browser 
It returns with 10 docs in his response and a list of interestingTerms.

Running the same via solrj, I can't find the interestingTerms.
I setup my SolrQuery like this:

SolrQuery sq = new SolrQuery();
sq.setQuery("aid:" + p_aid);

In the returning QueryResponse I can't find the interestingTerms.
I would really like to grab it on this way, before calling another time.
Any advices? I'm running solr 8.5.2

Thanks in advance,
Sebastian Zander

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