solr Metrics api

2020-04-17 Thread akhil dutt
Hi everyone,
  For the system cpu load and process cpu load, I sometimes see that
process cpu load is higher than system cpu load.I'm not sure in what cases
can it really be possible.Like in one case -
ProcessCpuLoad - 0.6908776706398165
SystemCpuLoad - 0.42642669943113387
 From what I understand from the definitions on OperatingSystemMXBean

I dont think it is possible.Can it be an error in the way solr metrics api
is getting that , or can it happen in some cases?


Doubt in solr metrics

2020-01-30 Thread akhil dutt
Hi everyone,
 What does this "gc.G1-Young-Generation.count" metric give ? number of
times the garbage collector was called till that point of time or number of
objects it holds? And also, does this "SEARCHER.searcher.numDocs" mean the
number of documents the current searcher object is holding ? because I have
a little more than a million documents indexed in my core, and the
SEARCHER.searcher.numDocs"  field is also showing the same number. I am
crawling my files and continuously inserting documents into a core and
while this is running my memory is constantly touching 4 GB. can this be
because of the searcher object? Thanks, in advance.

understanding solr metrics

2020-01-02 Thread akhil dutt
I'm trying to understand solr metrics and was looking at request/response
dispatch rate. I want to understand what meanRate signify. As per below
values, am I to suppose that  each request takes 300 seconds (1/ meanRate )?


   - count: 628,
   - meanRate: 0.003289067572916428,
   - 1minRate: 0.05987072200468513,
   - 5minRate: 0.0011878359052365337,
   - 15minRate: 0.001259541736414636,
   - min_ms: 0,
   - max_ms: 755,
   - mean_ms: 43.5,
   - median_ms: 6,
   - stddev_ms: 40.5,
   - p75_ms: 84,
   - p95_ms: 84,
   - p99_ms: 84,
   - p999_ms: 84

