Re: Core admin: create new core

2015-03-06 Thread manju16832003
Solr 5 has been released. I was just giving a try and come across the same
issue. As I heard over from some documentation, Solr 5 doesn't come with
default core (example in earlier versions).  And this requires us to create
a core from Solr Admin. When I tried to create the core, I get the following

Error CREATEing SolrCore 'inventory': Unable to create core [inventory]
Caused by: Can't find resource 'solrconfig.xml' in classpath or

So I had to manually create the core based on my previous experience with
Solr 4.10 version.
I guess its quite misleading for new users of Solr. I like the older
versions of Solr that comes with default cores so that It would be easier to
follow up on.

I have attached screen shots for the reference. Is there a work around for

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Re: Applying boosting for keyword search

2014-05-27 Thread manju16832003
Hi Erick,

Your explanation leads me to one question :-)

*/select?q=featured:true^100&fq=make:toyota&sort=featured_date desc,price

The above query, without edismax, works well because, If I'm not mistaken
its boosting document by value method.

So I'm boosting all my documents with the value featured=true and all those
documents would be sorted by their featured date in descending order (Latest
featured documents) and price (lower to higher).

My question is,
If we were to boost the documents based on a value, how could we make sure
the order of the documents?

For example :

In the above case, all the documents that contains the word *popularity*
would be on top depends on their score.

However, I want to order the documents by certain criteria that contains the
word popularity So we would have to use *sort* to order the documents.

if we say, boosting has no or almost no effect if we use sort, then whats
the contradiction story between *sort* and *boost*

:-) would be interesting to know the answer

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Re: Applying boosting for keyword search

2014-05-26 Thread manju16832003
Hi Jack,
Thank you for the suggestions. :-)

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Re: Applying boosting for keyword search

2014-05-21 Thread manju16832003
Hi Jack,
Thanks for your help.

I do not want to boost *keyword* field. I apply full text search no keyword
field and boost based on another field *featured*.

Also qf field allows us to boost the field without values. I would like to
boost with value

Ex: qf=featured:true^100 - I don't think this is correct

Example : Get all Toyota 2013 Car listings, which are featured listings.
Field *featured* is a boolean flag

So I tried this way

2014&defType=edismax&q.op=AND&qf=featured:true^100&wt=json&sort=price asc

No luck :-(.

My boosting works fine without keyword, I only have issue having keyword

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Re: Using fq as OR

2014-05-21 Thread manju16832003
The *fq* is used for searching more deterministic results something like
WHERE type={}
Where as *q* is something like WHERE type like '%%'

user *fq*, if your are sure of what your going to search
use *q*, if not sure what your trying to search

If you are using fq and if you do not get any matching documents, solr
throws 0 or error message
where q would try to match nearest documents for your search query

That's what I have experienced so far. :-). 

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Applying boosting for keyword search

2014-05-21 Thread manju16832003
I have a scenario where by I apply boosting in the following two cases
 - Usual search, by user selection
 - Keyword search. I have a field *keyword* that is copy/combination of many

When user does the usual query, my boosting works fines, this is how I do

/select?q=featured:true^100&fq=make:toyota&sort=price asc
This works fine 

However I'm confused, how we could perform boosting using *keyword* serach

/select?q=toyota&defType=edismax&bq=featured:true^100&sort=price asc
This does not work as I expected. In solrconfig.xml my default field set to
keyword (df=keyword)

My question, how could I perform boosting with keyword search?

when we are using keyword search, user keys goes into *q* param, so where
Can I specify the boosting query?
I tried with *bq* and *function query*, No luck :-(.

Can I perform like this
/select?q=toyota featured:true^100
Keyword and boosting done with *q* param.

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Re: Sharing configuration files among cores [4.7.1]

2014-04-14 Thread manju16832003
Thanks Dmitry,

Yes I'm on *nix OS. Yes *soft-link* was mentioned by one of my sys-admin
friend as well. :-).

I was just trying to from the community if there there would be a way from
Solr itself.

Thanks for suggestion. Probably  soft-link is the way to go now :-).

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Sharing configuration files among cores [4.7.1]

2014-04-13 Thread manju16832003
Hi All,
I'm using latest version of Solr 4.7.1 and was wondering if there is a way
to share common schema.xml.
Here is my use case.
I have two cores which would have same schema structure.
Core 1 = Stores Active Records
Core 2 = All records regardless of the status

Both the cores would have the same schema structure however data-config.xml
(DIH) would be different as the query would change based on the record

As of now, I created two cores 
*Core 1*
  - conf
-- data-config.xml
-- schema.xml
-- solrconfig.xml
  - data

*Core 2*
  - conf
-- data-config.xml
-- schema.xml
-- solrconfig.xml
  - data

In such scenario, is there a way to share same schema.xml file between two
cores :-).

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Does CachedSqlEntityProcessor works?

2014-03-17 Thread manju16832003
I tried to use *CachedSqlEntityProcessor* in DataImportHandler with
Sub-entity query. It does not seems to be working.
Here is my query


If I remove *processor="CachedSqlEntityProcessor"*, run without
CachedSqlEntityProcessor it works fine. With CachedSqlEntityProcessor my
sub-entity some how fails to load the data?

My Solr version 4.3.1

I also tried to use other options of CachedSqlEntityProcessor

Is CachedSqlEntityProcessor deprecated in 4.3.1? 

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URLDataSource : Issue assigning single xpath field name to two solr fields

2014-02-24 Thread manju16832003
I'm not sure if I would be missing any configuration params here, however
when I tried to assign an xpath field from URLDataSource (XML end point) to
two fields defined in schema.xml.

Here is my scenario,
I have two fields
*profile_display* and *profile_indexed*

My assignment in DataImpotHandler looks like this


My Scheama.xml config looks like this

*So the issue here is, the value is value is always assigned to
profile_indexed, and profile_display does not contain any value. *

Meaning, if we were to assign xpath field name to different solr fields,
only the last field contains the data.

The reason I have two fields is that, One to store it as a String to display
to user, another field where I apply Filter and Tokenizers to do text

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Re: start.jar config

2014-02-24 Thread manju16832003
Solr already writes the logs to a file 'solr.log'. Its located in the same
folder as start.jar (logs/solr.log).

I'm not sure if thats what you looking for :-).

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Re: Issue with PHP urlencode and solr encoding

2014-02-23 Thread manju16832003
Hi Shawn and Rico,
Thanks you for your suggestions, those are valuable suggestions :-). 

If Pharse Query does not work as we expected sometimes, I guess we could use
*TermQuery* instead.

This worked fine *fq={!term%20f=model%20v="WBE(Honda%20Edix)"}*.

I agree with Shawn comments that "Escaping query characters must be done
before URL encoding."

Thanks again for your replies.

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Issue with PHP urlencode and solr encoding

2014-02-23 Thread manju16832003
I come across the issue with urlencoding between PHP and Solr.
I have a field indexed with value *WBE(Honda Edix)* in Solr.

>From PHP codes, if I urlencode($string) and send to Solr, I do not get the
accurate results.
Here is the part of the solr query *fq=model:WBE(Honda+Edix)*

However, If I do it *fq=model:WBE\(Honda+Edix\)* this way directly from
Solr, I would get the accurate results.

I assume that the '(' and ')' part of the solr query.

How do I escape '(' and ')' from the client side.

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Re: Indexing strategies?

2014-02-12 Thread manju16832003
Hi Erick,
Thank you very much, those are valuable suggestions :-).
I would give a try.
Appreciate your time.

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Indexing strategies?

2014-02-12 Thread manju16832003
I'm facing a dilemma of choosing the indexing strategies.
My application architecture is 
 - I have a listing table in my DB
 - For each listing, I have 3 calls to a URL Datasource of different system

 I have 200k records

 Time taken to index 25 docs is 1Minute, so for 200k it might take more than
100hrs :-(?

 I know there are lot of factors to consider from Network to DB.
I'm looking for different strategies that we could perform index.

 - Can we run multiple data import handlers? one data-config for first 100k
and second one is for another 100k
 - Would it be possible to write java service using SolrJ and perform
multi-threaded calls to Solr to Index?
 - The URL Datasources i'm using is actually resided in MSSQL database of
different system. Could I be able to fasten indexing time if I just could
use JDBCDataSource that calls DB directly instead through API URL data

Is there any other strategies we could use?

Thank you,

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Difference in boosting with q and eDisMax. Are they same or different?

2014-02-09 Thread manju16832003
In an application I'm working on, I have applied two types of search
criteria to Solr.
First one is a definitive search using filter query (fq) where by I know
exactly the fields I'm searching for.
Secondly I use eDisMax for full-text search, this would be applied when user
enters keywords. The keyword field is combination of fields (using

Is there a difference in applying boosting to 'q' query and eDisMax query?

If I apply boosting to q, the way I do it is
select/?q=listing_type:bump^100 listing_type:featured^10

If I'm using eDisMax what is the appropriate way of using boosting? 
I'm bit confused with using params when we apply eDisMax

Can I apply boosting query to *q.alt*
Ex: select/?defType=edisMax&q=*:*&q.alt=listing_type:bump^100
listing_type:featured^10 (*:*)^1&bq=recip(rord(creation_date),1,3,3)^1.5

what is the significance of qf,pf,pf2, bq, bf and boost in eDisMax for
boosting documents?

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Re: Storing MYSQL DATETIME field in solr as String

2014-01-23 Thread manju16832003
Hi Tariq,
I'm glad that helped you :-).


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Re: Storing MYSQL DATETIME field in solr as String

2014-01-06 Thread manju16832003
I found a way to store MySQL DateTime as a string in Solr

Here is the way

in data-config.xml in the SQL query we could convert the date directly to

CAST(l.creation_date as char) as creation_date,
CAST(l.modification_date as char) as modification_date,

in schema.xml

Output would be 
 2013-11-13 10:26:32
 2013-11-13 10:26:32

This is exactly what I was looking for.

If you guys have any other wise please free to share. :-).

Happy Solr!!!

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Re: Boosting results on value of field different from query

2013-12-29 Thread manju16832003
Hi Puneet,

 http://localhost:8983/solr/my/select?q=type:sedan^100 type:compact^10
> desc 

Not really. The query I mentioned it does not restrict the other types,
instead it would push other types to bottom of the list as they have lower
score. The query I mentioned, Cars with type sedan listed first, compact
secondly and rest are the bottom of the list.

You would have to control the logic at the application level, which type you
want to be on the top.
In the above query, we are boosting type sedan to be on top, compact below
the sedan types and rest are at the bottom.
Change the those boosting values to get the different results.

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Re: Boosting results on value of field different from query

2013-12-25 Thread manju16832003
Hi Puneet,
if you type field is pre-determined text field ex type [compact, sedan,
hatchback], I think you have to boost with query type field (q) to 
get more accurate boosting.

Ex: http://localhost:8983/solr/my/select?q=type:sedan^100 type:compact^10

For publish_date, replace with the date you use for getting latest resultes.

In the above query, things to note is that 
 - fl=,score -> The result set would display score value for each document
 - sort by score as first sort field that will give you the documents with
the highest boost value (score) on top
 Play around with the boosting values ^100 ^10 (perhaps 5,10,20 ) and
observe how the score value will change the documents.
 I'm not really sure how solr calculation works, however the above query
must give you the accurate boosted documents.

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Re: Storing MYSQL DATETIME field in solr as String

2013-12-17 Thread manju16832003
Hi Raymond,
Let me give a try. Thanks for suggestion :-).


On Wed, Dec 18, 2013 at 12:38 AM, Raymond Wiker [via Lucene] <> wrote:

> On 17 Dec 2013, at 17:30 , manju16832003 <[hidden 
> email]<http://user/SendEmail.jtp?type=node&node=4107138&i=0>>
> wrote:
> > Hi Raymond,
> > You mean during the DIH execution?
> Yes; as part of the sql statement.
> --
>  If you reply to this email, your message will be added to the discussion
> below:
>  To unsubscribe from Storing MYSQL DATETIME field in solr as String, click
> here<>
> .
> NAML<>

Thank you,

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Re: Storing MYSQL DATETIME field in solr as String

2013-12-17 Thread manju16832003
Hi Shekhar,

Yes :-).

Thanks for the references. Will try out the options you mentioned.


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Re: Storing MYSQL DATETIME field in solr as String

2013-12-17 Thread manju16832003
Hi Raymond,
You mean during the DIH execution?

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Re: Solr Profiler

2013-12-16 Thread manju16832003
Hi NewRelic is good enough to monitor the Solr.

Are you using Solarium or SolrJ client to connect to Solr?.

We have used Solarium and able to monitor each calls and gather most of the

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Re: Storing MYSQL DATETIME field in solr as String

2013-12-16 Thread manju16832003
OK here are the scenarios I tried.

*Scenario - 1: *

dih.xml (aka data-config.xml)

-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss*" locale="en"/>


It does not work. Throws an following exception 
WARN  org.apache.solr.handler.dataimport.DateFormatTransformer  – Could not
parse a Date field
java.text.ParseException: Unparseable date: "2013-12-05 15:40:03.0"

*Scenario - 2*
dih.xml (aka data-config.xml)

HH:mm:ss*" locale="en"/> 


Output is 

*Scenario - 3*
dih.xml (aka data-config.xml)

HH:mm:ss*" locale="en"/> 


Output is 
  Thu Dec 05 15:38:27 MYT 2013

My expectation was *2012-12-05 07:38:27* (MySQL DateTime format)

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Re: Storing MYSQL DATETIME field in solr as String

2013-12-15 Thread manju16832003
Hi Shekhar,
Yes, I did specify transformer="DateFormatTransformer" in  and I
did re-index :-(.

Bit strange output.

Even I tried to change the Data type of the data field in schema.xml as
I have tried with changing date type from String to Date and Date to String
by applying DateFormatTransformer. No luck :-(.

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Re: Storing MYSQL DATETIME field in solr as String

2013-12-15 Thread manju16832003
Hi Shekhar,
Thanks for replying :-).
Yes your answer is justifiable.
DateFormatTransformer was a good consideration. However it doesn't out the
format I expected. Rather it outputs in the following manner

Tue Jun 05 00:00:00 MYT 2012

Here is DIH configuration

And also I tried this way

*-- without having 'T'*

Output is the same :-)

I expected date format to be *-MM-dd HH:mm:ss*

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Storing MYSQL DATETIME field in solr as String

2013-12-15 Thread manju16832003
Hi All,
In database, MYSQL DateTime format is 2013-10-17 15:32:48 [-MM-dd
hh:mm:ss] however, when I store this DateTime field in solr as String, it
would look something like this  2013-10-17 15:32:48*.0*.
Why the 0 is appended at the end of the DateTime?

For the same date field, I do have another field in solr that stores date as
UTC. The reason I'm storing date in String with different field to display
user as it appears in MySQL database.

But when DateTime stored as String in solr, it appends .0 end of the date.
Is it the behaviour of Solr? is there a reason behind that?


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Re: Difference between textfield and strfield

2013-12-09 Thread manju16832003
Hey Iori,
Apologize for misunderstanding :-). 

Yes agree with you, faceting will be OK with TextField type however I'm
concern about performance impact while running the facets if we have
millions of documents.

I wish in future we could apply tokensizers and filters to String fields.
:-).Thanks for your inputs.

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Re: Prioritize search returns by URL path?

2013-12-08 Thread manju16832003
Could it be achieved using multiple request handlers?



As we could configure config for each request handler to specify the query.
It would be great if Solr supports to query those three request handlers
together and combine the result set?

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Re: Difference between textfield and strfield

2013-12-08 Thread manju16832003
I don't understand. Use the field type *Ahmet* recommended. Who is Ahmet?

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Re: Prioritize search returns by URL path?

2013-12-05 Thread manju16832003
Hi Jim Glynn,

KAMACI is correct. How do you discriminate your documents?.

Jim and Kamaci,

I do have the same situation where I will be boosting document regular basis
and expect documents with higher score appears on top and lower one at the

Here is my requirement.

My entity name is LISTING.

I have few 100k listings and I distinguish each listing by *bumped, featured
and normal* listings by listing_type.

My Implementation plan is that
 - I want all the bumped (paid listings) on top of featured and normal
 - I want all featured listings on top of normal listings
 - Normal listings always stays bottom of the list

Again in bumped listings, when user pays more money, those listings must
appear on top of other bumped listings?

My Question is
 - Can it be done using boosting those specific listings and sort by the
 - Can it be done on the fly from an application and directly inject to Solr
and reflect the changes in application again

 - At certain conditions, I might need to mix up bumped listings to get
random bumped listings.

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Re: Difference between textfield and strfield

2013-12-05 Thread manju16832003
Hi Iori,

Thank you replying, really appreciate that.

My concern not to use *TextField* and I want to make use of *string* field.

Reason is that I have 7 fields that I want to apply case-insensitiveness and
all these fields are *facetable* fields. It would not be feasible if I
change data type from String to TextField just to apply
case-insensitiveness. However Solr document suggests that if we were to make
fields facetable, its better to use String.

Is there any way of achieving this using String itself?.

Thank you,

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Re: Difference between textfield and strfield

2013-12-05 Thread manju16832003

If we can not analyse string field, is there any other way to apply case

Ex: I have a field called *make* its values are Toyota, Honda, Chery etc. In
Solr make data type is string and values are stored as they appear (Toyota,
Honda, Chery).

However, when user try to search for toyota (instead Toyota), Solr wont
fetch any result set as  it does not match the exact word Toyota.

I thought of applying LowerCaseFilterFactory at query level, but as its
string field, I won't be able to do that.

Is there any way, as I would like to search the user with case insensitive.?

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Re: How to set default values for int fields

2013-11-07 Thread manju16832003
Thanks for replying :-).
If I were to do that, we are trying to set string value to int and Solr
throws an error.

Oh wait, I guess it works because Solr would automatically parse based on
the data type of the field. :-).
As I could see from the exception

> *at java.lang.Integer.parseInt( *
> at java.lang.Integer.parseInt( 
> at
> org.apache.solr.schema.TrieField.createField( 

Thanks for the answer. I will test it as soon as I could reproduce the issue


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Re: Multi-core support for indexing multiple servers

2013-11-07 Thread manju16832003
Just a question :-), wouldn't it be easy to use DIH to pull data from
multiple data sources.

I do use DIH to do that comfortably. I have three data sources
 - MySQL
 - URLDataSource that returns XML from an .NET application
 - URLDataSource that connects to an API and return XML

Here is part of data-config data source settings


Of course, in application I do the same.
To construct my results, I do connect to MySQL and those two data sources.

Basically we have two point of indexing
 - Using DIH at one time indexing
 - At application whenever there is transaction to the details that we are
storing in Solr.

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Re: Multi-core support for indexing multiple servers

2013-11-07 Thread manju16832003
Hi Rob,
mlti-core approach is different. You could have two cares lets say
marketing-core [Has its own schema.xml and data-config.xml]
magento-core [Has its own schema.xml and data-config.xml]

each core have their own schema.xml and data-config.xml
If you go by multi-core approach I guess you won't be able to achieve what
you described or what you needed. You can 
query across two cores but that is expensive and tedious.

The one you explained with having document type is just single core (Single
index) and you differentiate each 
document by their type

lets say document_type=marketing OR document_type=magento

I think you could go by having single-index (Single-core) with document_type
as differentiator.

Also note that if you have common fields between two databases, you don't
need to re-define those fields. 
You can make use of the same field for two databases.

Lets say you have field 'title' in marketing database and magento database.
You could have one 'title' field defined
in schema.xml, no need to define two title fields. Also carefully look at
each fields default values in schema.xml
Lets say you have some fields in marketing database and those fields does
not exists in magento db. When your done
with indexing, if the fields does not have values they will not show up in
the result. If you want it that way you 
don't need to define default="". If you still want to appear the field
regardless of data or no data you would have
to mention default=""

To index two databases together, you can try with DataImportHandler.
In DataImportHandler you can query multiple data sources. Good thing about
DataImportHandler is that your datasource
could be data bases (MySQL, MS-SQL, etc), URLDataSource etc.

Hope that is helpful

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How to set default values for int fields

2013-11-06 Thread manju16832003
How do I set default value for int fields

While indexing lets say if I have not set the value for mileage, and solr
tries to assign default value and it fails. Because *mileage* is of type int
not string. It throws following exception

3656198 [http-bio-8080-exec-4] ERROR
org.apache.solr.servlet.SolrDispatchFilter  –
null:java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: ""
at java.lang.Integer.parseInt(
at java.lang.Integer.parseInt(
at org.apache.solr.schema.TrieField.createField(
at org.apache.solr.schema.TrieField.createFields(
at org.apache.solr.handler.loader.XMLLoader.load(
at org.apache.solr.core.SolrCore.execute(

Also if I were to set default values for sting fields, it would be
*default="null" and not null*.

is there way to set default value of the field to *null instead of "null"*

is there any solution?

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Re: get min-max prices as facets

2013-11-06 Thread manju16832003
Hey Peter,
Now I understood your requirement :-).

I come across this

have a look if it helps you :-).

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Re: get min-max prices as facets

2013-11-05 Thread manju16832003
I'm not sure if my answer would help you :-).
Usually we do not need to know the min and max prices that our current
database or solr is holding for all the products. Even if you were to that,
would be complex and just make your business logic bigger and tedious. 

Instead, we would know what is the min price and what would be the max
price. Based on this you could create price buckets in solr using

In others words, Lets say my site is about selling cars, I would mention min
price could be =0 and max price = 400 (4million just logical value)
could be more than that. So price range will fall between those two
logically defined fields. Based on that you could construct solr facet query
range, that Solr will automatically give you the price range (price bucket
what amazon calls it).

Hope that is helpful :-).

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Re: solr sort facets by name

2013-11-05 Thread manju16832003
Yes it is
facet.sort=index would return facet result set in alphabetical order

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Re: Solr starting problem after spellchecker configuration

2013-09-02 Thread manju16832003

Following post help you.


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Re: multiValued : How do I specify name to each value returned by multiValue field.

2013-08-12 Thread manju16832003
Hi Jack,
Thank you for the suggestions.

I'm using DIH and the field names mobile,home,office comes as database
fields. And 'phones' field is defined in schema.xml as multiValued.
in DIH I'm using sub-entity for 'phones' fields.
Let me give a try based on your suggestion :-).

Thank you

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Re: multiValued : How do I specify name to each value returned by multiValue field.

2013-08-12 Thread manju16832003
Hi Tamanjit,

Not really :-).

**phones** is an multiValued. Usually solr will produce list of array of
values without naming each row something like this


I wanted to be this way.

073628362782 wrote
> So your doc would look something like this:
> Micheal
> Schumacher
> 090933434343
> 052323232323
> 073628362782
> 090933434343
> 052323232323
> 073628362782
> wrote
> So your doc would look something like this:
> Micheal
> Schumacher
> 090933434343
> 052323232323
> 073628362782
> 090933434343
> 052323232323
> 073628362782
> wrote
> So your doc would look something like this:
> Micheal
> Schumacher
> 090933434343
> 052323232323
> 073628362782
> 090933434343
> 052323232323
> 073628362782

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multiValued : How do I specify name to each value returned by multiValue field.

2013-08-12 Thread manju16832003
Hi All,
I have a multiValued field, and it returns the result in the following


In the above document phones is multiValued and it works fine :-). However I
would like to name each row in the 'phones' with meaningful names like 


any suggestions 

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Re: Solr design. Choose Cores or Shards?

2013-08-07 Thread manju16832003
Hi Eric,
Thanks for your reply.

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Re: Problems with distributed MoreLikeThis

2013-08-06 Thread manju16832003
I'm not sure about the root cause in your case. However one thing to remember
while MLT is that, *MLT does not work with integer fields*. 
In your case if 'catchall' is copyField and if you are trying to copy any
integer values verify it again :-).


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Re: entity classification solr

2013-08-06 Thread manju16832003
Can you provide sample structure of the document with entities, how does the
document look like?.
As far as I can assume, you do not need to apply any filters. If you are
entities are searchable include them in the fulltext or keyword research.
Is your entities are part of the document and are they multivalued?

do you want to keep the word combination 'peanut butter' while indexing?


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Solr design. Choose Cores or Shards?

2013-08-06 Thread manju16832003
I have a confusion over choosing Cores or Shards for the project scenario.
My scenario is as follows
I have three entities 
 1. Customers
 2. Product Info
 3. Listings [Contains all the listings posted by customer based on product]

I'm planning to design Solr structure for the above scenario like this
 1. Customers Core
 2. Product Info Core
 3. Listings Core
 4. Searchable Listing Core [Indexing searchable parameters selected from
Listings, Product Info and Customer entities]. 

Having in mind that there wouldn't be much updates to Customers, Product
Info. There will be regular updates to Listings that in turn I need to
update Searchable listings that I could manage it.

My Confusion is it feasible to choose many cores or use shards. I do not
have much experience on how shards works and why they are used for. I would
like to know the suggestions :-) for the design like this.
What are the implications if I were to choose to use many cores and handle
stuff at application level calling different cores.


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Re: multiValued schema example (SOLVED)

2013-05-13 Thread manju16832003
Hi All,
I managed to *solve* the issue I had posted earlier with respect to

Here is the Query suppose to configured this way in *data-config.xml *
Description: in the below, first query has associated table images. Each
person would have many images. Here the JSON/XML would return all the images
associated with the person in block.



and *schema.xml* for the above query fields looks like


multiValued="true"* />

"response": {
"numFound": 3,
"start": 0,
"docs": [
"MemberName": "Vettel",
"member_id": 1,
"_version_": 1434904021528739800
"MemberName": "Schumacher",
"member_id": 2,
"imagepath": [ //As you could see here that Three rows from the
table *images* returned as one JSON object.
"_version_": 1434904021541322800
"MemberName": "J.Button",
"member_id": 3,
"_version_": 143490402154342


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Re: MultiValue

2013-05-13 Thread manju16832003
Hi All,
I managed to *solve* the issue I had posted earlier with respect to

Here is the Query suppose to configured this way in *data-config.xml *
Description: in the below, first query has associated table images. Each
person would have many images. Here the JSON/XML would return all the images
associated with the person in block.



and *schema.xml* for the above query fields looks like


multiValued="true"* />

"response": {
"numFound": 3,
"start": 0,
"docs": [
"MemberName": "Vettel",
"member_id": 1,
"_version_": 1434904021528739800
"MemberName": "Schumacher",
"member_id": 2,
"imagepath": [ //As you could see here that Three rows from the
table *images* returned as one JSON object.
"_version_": 1434904021541322800
"MemberName": "J.Button",
"member_id": 3,
"_version_": 143490402154342


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Re: MultiValue

2013-05-12 Thread manju16832003
Hi All,
I wanted to achieve something similar

[ { "last_name" : "jain", "training_skill":["c", "c++", "php,java,.net"] }] 

[{"person_id" : "111", "documents" :
Meaning one person could have more than one document.

how do we need to write the query, and configure data fields.

My current data-config.xml is




and data field declearion in schema.xml is


Currently I don't see any errors and the no output. 
I'm bit confused how to configure above scenario in Solr.

Thank you

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multiValue schema example

2013-05-09 Thread manju16832003
I have two table to be indexed.
Table-1: Person [id,name,addr]
Table-2: Docs [id,doc_name,person_id]

Relationship is: One person can have many documents.

I would like to get json as follows
[ { "id" : "name", "address",["doc_id1", "doc_id2", "doc_id3,etc"] }]

How would I configure this in Solr.
How would I write configure the queries in data-config.xml

I tried this way. Main query and there is sub-query that returns many rows
to main query.



This is how my schema.xml data filed configuration



I couldn't succeed. 
What is the way to achieve the above scenario.

Thanks in advance.

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