PermGen OOM Error

2012-05-16 Thread
When running Solr we are experiencing PermGen OOM exceptions, this problem gets 
worse and worse the more documents are added and committed.

Stopping the java process does not seem to free the memory.

Has anyone experienced issues like this.

Kind regards,


Solr Performance

2012-05-09 Thread

We are testing an updated version of our Solr server running solr 3.5.0 and we 
are experiencing some performance issues with regard to updates and commits.

Searches are working well.

There are approximately 80,000 documents and the index is about 2.5 GB. This 
does not seem to be extreme based on other implementations I have seen.

An attempt to add a single document and commit is taking many minutes but the 
time taken is not consistent.

Despite being in very light usage the java process seems to consistently 
require an entire CPU core.

Optimising the index produced a limited improvement but this also takes a good 
deal of time to run.

I am at a slight loss as to what the issue may be, I am interested in what 
others think would be a normal commit time with this sort of data volume.

I am thinking there may be an issue with the schema but I am just guessing.

Many thanks for any help.
