
How can I change the field name in the "grouped" section of the solr
I know for changing the field names in the response where solr returns
documents you can make a query with "fl" changed as

How do I achieve the same thing for "grouping"?

For eg: If the solr returns the below response for "grouped" section when I
send the query with "group.field=fieldname"

"grouped": {"fieldname": {"matches": 1,"ngroups": 1,"groups": [{"groupValue
": "11254","doclist": {"numFound": 1,"start": 0,"docs": [{"store_id": 101,"
name": "tubelight ","fieldname": "14"}]}}]}},

I want solr to change the "fieldname" in the response to say some other
value I specify in the query.
How can I achieve this?


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