I have a large SolrCloud collection that I'm trying to add replicas for
existing shards.  I've tried both the Collections API via ADDREPLICA:
curl "

I've also tried adding a replica via the Core Admin API, though I can't
find  documentation on the CoreAdmin call I'm using:
curl "

Logs are in the gist below, as well as clusterstate for the shard in
question, which describe what I see via the UI also -- the newly created
replica shard erroneously thinks it has fully replicated.

The logs are after issuing a REQUESTRECOVERY call.

The only message on the leader after that call is:

[qtp1728790703-173] org.apache.solr.handler.admin.CoreAdminHandler Leader
collection1_1402358400_replica1 ignoring request to be in the recovering
state because it is live and active.

Thanks for any help or insight!  Let me know if any further information is


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