You can either escape the whitespace with "\" or search as a phrase.

fieldNonTokenized:foo\ bar
fieldNonTokenized:"foo bar"

On Thu, Nov 22, 2012 at 9:08 AM, Varun Thacker

> I have indexed documents using a fieldType which does not break the word
> up. I confirmed this by looking up the index in luke. I can see that the
> words haven't been tokenized.
> I use a search handler which uses edismax query parser for searching.
> According to the wiki also
> Extended DisMax
> breaks up the query string into words before searching. Thus no results
> show up.
> Example for q=foo bar:
> In the index : fieldNonTokenized:foo bar
> And when searching this is the final query getting made
> is: ((fieldNonTokenized:foo:foo)~0.01 (fieldNonTokenized:foo:bar)~0.01)~1
> Thus no document matches and returns no result. I can understand why this
> is happening. Is there any way where I can say that the query string should
> not be broken up into words?
> --
> Regards,
> Varun Thacker

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