Hi list,

Having had a thorough look at the wiki over the weekend and doing some testing 
myself I have some additional questions regarding loading my plug-in to Solr. 
Taking the 'Old Way' to loading plug-ins, I have JARred up the relevant classes 
and added the JAR to the web app WEB-INF/lib dir. I am unsure of next steps to 
take as my plug-in has extension properties (which specify web-based OWL files 
which I wish to use whenever the plug-in is invoked). My main question would be 
where I would include these config properties? My initial thoughts are that 
they would be included within  WEB-INF/web.xml but I am unsure as to how to 
include them. I have had a good look at web.xml and think that they could be 
included as <init-param>'s but this is solely due to my lack of knowledge in 
this situation.

Thank you


Glasgow Caledonian University is a registered Scottish charity, number SC021474

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