Re: Getting started with Solr

2008-09-24 Thread Mark Miller

How can I setup to run Solr as a service, so I don't need to have a
SSH connection open?
Sorry for being stupid here btw.
This is kind of independent from solr. You have to look how to do it for 
the OS you are running on. With Ubuntu, you could just launch solr with 
nohup to keep it from stopping when you log off, or look into writing an 
init.d/rc startup script that launches solr (just google).

I'm working to have a multi-langual search. So a company (doc) exists
in say Poland, what design of scheme should I read/work on to be able
to write Poland/Polen/Polska (Poland in different languages) and still
hit the same results. I have the data from for this, but
I can't really grasp how I should be working the scheme.xml. The
easiest solution would be to populate each document with each possible
hit word, but this would give me a bunch of duplicates.
Not sure I get you completely, but you one option might be to index each 
language to a separate field, and search over those fields sep/together 
as needed.

Another option, if there is a lot of overlap, might be to use something 
like a synonym type analyzer: put tokens that differ in each language at 
the same position in the index. Of course this immediately gets 
difficult if one language has two tokens for a word and another has 1. 
This could get tricky quick depending on what queries you need to 
support how they should work, etc.

- Mark

Re: getting started with Solr Flare

2011-10-12 Thread Chris Hostetter

: but run into a problem at step 4
: Launch Solr:
: cd ; java -Dsolr.solr.home= -jar start.jar
: where Solr complains that it can't find solrconfig.xml in either the
: classpath or the solr-ruby home dir. Can anyone help me disentangle this?

what exactly was the command line you executed? what wsa the real path?

The solrconfig.xml file shouldn't exist *in* the directory you specify 
with -Dsolr.solr.home, it should be at ./conf/solrconfig.xml relative that 
path (or there should be a "./solr.xml" relative that patch in a more 
modern/multi-core setup)
