I’m using the following example on Lucidworks to use streaming expressions from 


Problem is, when I run it inside a for loop, even the simplest expression 
(echo) stops executing after about 5 iterations. I thought the underlying 
HttpClient was not closing the tcp connection to the solr host, and after 4-5 
iterations it reaches the max connections per host limit of the OS (mine is 
windows 10) and stops working.

But then I tried to manually supply a SolrClientCache with a custom configured 
HttpClient, debugged and saw my custom HttpClient is being utilized by the 
stream, but whatever I tried it didn’t change the outcome.

Do you have any idea about this problem? Am I on the right track about 
HttpClient not closing-reusing a connection after an expression is finished? Or 
is there another issue?

I also tried this with different expressions but result didn’t change.

I created a gist to share my code here: https://git.io/Jqevp
but I’m pasting a shortened version here to read without going there: 

String workerUrl = "http://mySolrHost:8983/solr/WorkerCollection";;

String expr = "echo(x)";

for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) {

    TupleStream tplStream = null;

    ModifiableSolrParams modifiableSolrParams =
        new ModifiableSolrParams()
        .set("expr", expr.replaceAll("x", Integer.toString(i)))
        .set("preferLocalShards", true)
        .set("qt", "/stream");

    TupleStream tplStream = new SolrStream(workerUrl, modifiableSolrParams);

    tplStream.setStreamContext(new StreamContext());


    Tuple tuple;
    tuple = tplStream.read();


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