Re: SOLR SpeelChecker and german Umlauts

2009-07-01 Thread Kraus, Ralf | pixelhouse GmbH

Michael Ludwig schrieb:

Kraus, Ralf | pixelhouse GmbH schrieb:

When I am searching for ONE word with an german umlaut like
kräuterkeckse (the right word is kräuterkekse) the spellchecker
gives me two corrections :

Spellcheck for kr = kren
Spellcheck for uterkeksse = butterkekse

WHY is SOLR break this ONE word apart ?

Moin Ralf,

please read the following threads to understand the issue. In short,
you need to specify your query in spellcheck.q as well.

DANKE ! :-)

Greets -Ralf-

SOLR SpeelChecker and german Umlauts

2009-06-30 Thread Kraus, Ralf | pixelhouse GmbH


I really need some help with the SOLR SpeelChecker and german Umlauts.
So far I am really satisfied with the JAROWINKLER algorithm.

Now my problem :-)

When I am searching for ONE word with an german umlaut like 
kräuterkeckse (the right word is kräuterkekse) the spellchecker

gives me two corrections :

Spellcheck for kr = kren
Spellcheck for uterkeksse = butterkekse

WHY is SOLR break this ONE word apart ?

My Config is :

spellcheck = 'true';
spellcheck.dictionary = 'jarowinkler'
spellcheck.onlyMorePopular = 'true' = 'false'
spellcheck.count = 1

Greets -Ralf-

Re: SOLR SpeelChecker and german Umlauts

2009-06-30 Thread Michael Ludwig

Kraus, Ralf | pixelhouse GmbH schrieb:

When I am searching for ONE word with an german umlaut like
kräuterkeckse (the right word is kräuterkekse) the spellchecker
gives me two corrections :

Spellcheck for kr = kren
Spellcheck for uterkeksse = butterkekse

WHY is SOLR break this ONE word apart ?

Moin Ralf,

please read the following threads to understand the issue. In short,
you need to specify your query in spellcheck.q as well.

Re: French and SpellingQueryConverter - Shalin Shekhar Mangar

SpellCheckComponent: queryAnalyzerFieldType - Michael Ludwig

(BTW, the patch in SOLR-1204 is ready but still awaiting clarification.
See comments from June 11 and 18.)

My Config is :

spellcheck = 'true';
spellcheck.dictionary = 'jarowinkler'
spellcheck.onlyMorePopular = 'true' = 'false'
spellcheck.count = 1

So add: spellcheck.q = 'your query'

Michael Ludwig