Re: Slow qTime for distributed search

2013-04-12 Thread Furkan KAMACI
Manuel Le Normand, I am sorry but I want to learn something. You said you
have 40 dedicated servers. What is your total document count, total
document size, and total shard size?

2013/4/11 Manuel Le Normand

 We have different working hours, sorry for the reply delay. Your assumed
 numbers are right, about 25-30Kb per doc. giving a total of 15G per shard,
 there are two shards per server (+2 slaves that should do no work
 An average query has about 30 conditions (OR AND mixed), most of them
 textual, a small part on dateTime. They use only simple queries (no facet,
 filters etc.) as it is taken from the actual query set of my entreprise
 that works with an old search engine.

 As we said, if the shards in collection1 and collection2 have the same
 number of docs each (and same RAM  CPU per shard), it is apparently not a
 slow IO issue, right? So the fact of not having cached all my index doesn't
 seem the be the bottleneck.Moreover, i do store the fields but my query set
 requests only the id's and rarely snippets so I'd assume that the plenty of
 RAM i'd give the OS wouldn't make any difference as these *.fdt files don't
 need to get cached.

 The conclusion i get to is that the merging issue is the problem, and the
 only possibility of outsmarting it is to distribute to much fewer shards,
 meaning that i'll get back to few millions of docs per shard which are
 about linearly slower with the num of docs per shard. Though the latter
 should improve if i give much more RAM per server.

 I'll try tweaking a bit my schema and making better use of solr cache
 (filter query as an example), but i have something telling me the problem
 might be elsewhere. My main clue to it is that merging seems a simple CPU
 task, and tests show that even with a small amount of responses it takes a
 long time (and clearly the merging task on few docs is very short)

 On Wed, Apr 10, 2013 at 2:50 AM, Shawn Heisey wrote:

  On 4/9/2013 3:50 PM, Furkan KAMACI wrote:
  Hi Shawn;
  You say that:
  *... your documents are about 50KB each.  That would translate to an
  that's at least 25GB*
  I know we can not say an exact size but what is the approximately ratio
  document size / index size according to your experiences?
  If you store the fields, that is actual size plus a small amount of
  overhead.  Starting with Solr 4.1, stored fields are compressed.  I
  that it uses LZ4 compression.  Some people store all fields, some people
  store only a few or one - an ID field.  The size of stored fields does
  an impact on how much OS disk cache you need, but not as much as the
  parts of an index.
  It's been my experience that termvectors take up almost as much space as
  stored data for the same fields, and sometimes more.  Starting with Solr
  4.2, termvectors are also compressed.
  Adding docValues (new in 4.2) to the schema will also make the index
  larger.  The requirements here are similar to stored fields.  I do not
  whether this data gets compressed, but I don't think it does.
  As for the indexed data, this is where I am less clear about the storage
  ratios, but I think you can count on it needing almost as much space as
  original data.  If the schema uses types or filters that produce a lot of
  information, the indexed data might be larger than the original input.
   Examples of data explosions in a schema: trie fields with a non-zero
  precisionStep, the edgengram filter, the shingle filter.

Re: Slow qTime for distributed search

2013-04-11 Thread Manuel Le Normand
We have different working hours, sorry for the reply delay. Your assumed
numbers are right, about 25-30Kb per doc. giving a total of 15G per shard,
there are two shards per server (+2 slaves that should do no work normally).
An average query has about 30 conditions (OR AND mixed), most of them
textual, a small part on dateTime. They use only simple queries (no facet,
filters etc.) as it is taken from the actual query set of my entreprise
that works with an old search engine.

As we said, if the shards in collection1 and collection2 have the same
number of docs each (and same RAM  CPU per shard), it is apparently not a
slow IO issue, right? So the fact of not having cached all my index doesn't
seem the be the bottleneck.Moreover, i do store the fields but my query set
requests only the id's and rarely snippets so I'd assume that the plenty of
RAM i'd give the OS wouldn't make any difference as these *.fdt files don't
need to get cached.

The conclusion i get to is that the merging issue is the problem, and the
only possibility of outsmarting it is to distribute to much fewer shards,
meaning that i'll get back to few millions of docs per shard which are
about linearly slower with the num of docs per shard. Though the latter
should improve if i give much more RAM per server.

I'll try tweaking a bit my schema and making better use of solr cache
(filter query as an example), but i have something telling me the problem
might be elsewhere. My main clue to it is that merging seems a simple CPU
task, and tests show that even with a small amount of responses it takes a
long time (and clearly the merging task on few docs is very short)

On Wed, Apr 10, 2013 at 2:50 AM, Shawn Heisey wrote:

 On 4/9/2013 3:50 PM, Furkan KAMACI wrote:

 Hi Shawn;

 You say that:

 *... your documents are about 50KB each.  That would translate to an index
 that's at least 25GB*

 I know we can not say an exact size but what is the approximately ratio of
 document size / index size according to your experiences?

 If you store the fields, that is actual size plus a small amount of
 overhead.  Starting with Solr 4.1, stored fields are compressed.  I believe
 that it uses LZ4 compression.  Some people store all fields, some people
 store only a few or one - an ID field.  The size of stored fields does have
 an impact on how much OS disk cache you need, but not as much as the other
 parts of an index.

 It's been my experience that termvectors take up almost as much space as
 stored data for the same fields, and sometimes more.  Starting with Solr
 4.2, termvectors are also compressed.

 Adding docValues (new in 4.2) to the schema will also make the index
 larger.  The requirements here are similar to stored fields.  I do not know
 whether this data gets compressed, but I don't think it does.

 As for the indexed data, this is where I am less clear about the storage
 ratios, but I think you can count on it needing almost as much space as the
 original data.  If the schema uses types or filters that produce a lot of
 information, the indexed data might be larger than the original input.
  Examples of data explosions in a schema: trie fields with a non-zero
 precisionStep, the edgengram filter, the shingle filter.


Re: Slow qTime for distributed search

2013-04-09 Thread Manuel Le Normand
Thanks for replying.
My config:

   - 40 dedicated servers, dual-core each
   - Running Tomcat servlet on Linux
   - 12 Gb RAM per server, splitted half between OS and Solr
   - Complex queries (up to 30 conditions on different fields), 1 qps rate

Sharding my index was done for two reasons, based on 2 servers (4shards)

   1. As index grew above few million of docs qTime raised greatly, while
   sharding the index to smaller pieces (about 0.5M docs) gave way better
   results, so I bound every shard to have 0.5M docs.
   2. Tests showed i was cpu-bounded during queries. As i have low qps rate
   (emphasize: lower than expected qTime) and as a query runs single-threaded
   on each shard, it made sense to accord a cpu to each shard.

For the same amount of docs per shards I do expect a raise in total qTime
for the reasons:

   1. The response should wait for the slowest shard
   2. Merging the responses from 40 different shards takes time

What i understand from your explanation is that it's the merging that takes
time and as qTime ends only after the second retrieval phase, the qTime on
each shard will take longer. Meaning during a significant proportion of the
first query phase (right after the [id,score] are retieved), all cpu's are
idle except the response-merger thread running on a single cpu. I thought
of the merge as a simple sorting of [id,score], way more simple than
additional 300 ms cpu time.

Why would a RAM increase improve my performances, as it's a
response-merge (CPU resource) bottleneck?

Thanks in advance,

On Mon, Apr 8, 2013 at 10:19 PM, Shawn Heisey wrote:

 On 4/8/2013 12:19 PM, Manuel Le Normand wrote:

 It seems that sharding my collection to many shards slowed down
 unreasonably, and I'm trying to investigate why.

 First, I created collection1 - 4 shards*replicationFactor=1 collection
 2 servers. Second I created collection2 - 48 shards*replicationFactor=2
 collection on 24 servers, keeping same config and same num of documents

 The primary reason to use shards is for index size, when your index is so
 big that a single index cannot give you reasonable performance. There are
 also sometimes performance gains when you break a smaller index into
 shards, but there is a limit.

 Going from 2 shards to 3 shards will have more of an impact that going
 from 8 shards to 9 shards.  At some point, adding shards makes things
 slower, not faster, because of the extra work required for combining
 multiple queries into one result response.  There is no reasonable way to
 predict when that will happen.

  Observations showed the following:

 1. Total qTime for the same query set is 5 time higher in collection2
 (150ms-700 ms)
 2. Adding to colleciton2 the ** param in the query

 that each shard is much slower than each shard was in collection1
 (about 4
 times slower)
 3.  Querying only specific shards on collection2 (by adding the

 shards=shard1,shard2...shard12 param) gave me much better qTime per
 (only 2 times higher than in collection1)
 4. I have a low qps rate, thus i don't suspect the replication factor

 for being the major cause of this.
 5. The avg. cpu load on servers during querying was much higher in

 collection1 than in collection2 and i didn't catch any other

 A distributed query actually consists of up to two queries per shard. The
 first query just requests the uniqueKey field, not the entire document.  If
 you are sorting the results, then the sort field(s) are also requested,
 otherwise the only additional information requested is the relevance score.
  The results are compiled into a set of unique keys, then a second query is
 sent to the proper shards requesting specific documents.

 1. Why does the amount of shards affect the qTime of each shard?
 2. How can I overcome to reduce back the qTime of each shard?

 With more shards, it takes longer for the first phase to compile the
 results, so the second phase (document retrieval) gets delayed, and the
 QTime goes up.

 One way to reduce the total time is to reduce the number of shards.

 You haven't said anything about how complex your queries are, your index
 size(s), or how much RAM you have on each server and how it is allocated.
  Can you provide this information?

 Getting good performance out of Solr requires plenty of RAM in your OS
 disk cache.  Query times of 150 to 700 milliseconds seem very high, which
 could be due to query complexity or a lack of server resources (especially
 RAM), or possibly both.


Re: Slow qTime for distributed search

2013-04-09 Thread Shawn Heisey

On 4/9/2013 2:10 PM, Manuel Le Normand wrote:

Thanks for replying.
My config:

- 40 dedicated servers, dual-core each
- Running Tomcat servlet on Linux
- 12 Gb RAM per server, splitted half between OS and Solr
- Complex queries (up to 30 conditions on different fields), 1 qps rate

Sharding my index was done for two reasons, based on 2 servers (4shards)

1. As index grew above few million of docs qTime raised greatly, while
sharding the index to smaller pieces (about 0.5M docs) gave way better
results, so I bound every shard to have 0.5M docs.
2. Tests showed i was cpu-bounded during queries. As i have low qps rate
(emphasize: lower than expected qTime) and as a query runs single-threaded
on each shard, it made sense to accord a cpu to each shard.

For the same amount of docs per shards I do expect a raise in total qTime
for the reasons:

1. The response should wait for the slowest shard
2. Merging the responses from 40 different shards takes time

What i understand from your explanation is that it's the merging that takes
time and as qTime ends only after the second retrieval phase, the qTime on
each shard will take longer. Meaning during a significant proportion of the
first query phase (right after the [id,score] are retieved), all cpu's are
idle except the response-merger thread running on a single cpu. I thought
of the merge as a simple sorting of [id,score], way more simple than
additional 300 ms cpu time.

Why would a RAM increase improve my performances, as it's a
response-merge (CPU resource) bottleneck?

If you have not tweaked the Tomcat configuration, that can lead to 
problems, but if your total query volume is really only one query per 
second, this is probably not a worry for you.  A tomcat connector can be 
configured with a maxThreads parameter.  The recommended value there is 
1, but Tomcat defaults to 200.

You didn't include the index sizes.  There's half a million docs per 
shard, but I don't know what that translates to in terms of MB or GB of 
disk space.

On another email thread you mention that your documents are about 50KB 
each.  That would translate to an index that's at least 25GB, possibly 
more.  That email thread also says that optimization for you takes an 
hour, further indications that you've got some really big indexes.

You're saying that you have given 6GB out of the 12GB to Solr, leaving 
only 6GB for the OS and caching.  Ideally you want to have enough RAM to 
cache the entire index, but in reality you can usually get away with 
caching between half and two thirds of the index.  Exactly what ratio 
works best is highly dependent on your schema.

If my numbers are even close to right, then you've got a lot more index 
on each server than available RAM.  Based on what I can deduce, you 
would want 24 to 48GB of RAM per server.  If my numbers are wrong, then 
this estimate is wrong.

I would be interested in seeing your queries.  If the complexity can be 
expressed as filter queries that get re-used a lot, the filter cache can 
be a major boost to performance.  Solr's caches in general can make a 
big difference.  There is no guarantee that caches will help, of course.


Re: Slow qTime for distributed search

2013-04-09 Thread Furkan KAMACI
Hi Shawn;

You say that:

*... your documents are about 50KB each.  That would translate to an index
that's at least 25GB*

I know we can not say an exact size but what is the approximately ratio of
document size / index size according to your experiences?

2013/4/9 Shawn Heisey

 On 4/9/2013 2:10 PM, Manuel Le Normand wrote:

 Thanks for replying.
 My config:

 - 40 dedicated servers, dual-core each
 - Running Tomcat servlet on Linux
 - 12 Gb RAM per server, splitted half between OS and Solr
 - Complex queries (up to 30 conditions on different fields), 1 qps

 Sharding my index was done for two reasons, based on 2 servers (4shards)

 1. As index grew above few million of docs qTime raised greatly, while
 sharding the index to smaller pieces (about 0.5M docs) gave way better
 results, so I bound every shard to have 0.5M docs.
 2. Tests showed i was cpu-bounded during queries. As i have low qps
 (emphasize: lower than expected qTime) and as a query runs
 on each shard, it made sense to accord a cpu to each shard.

 For the same amount of docs per shards I do expect a raise in total qTime
 for the reasons:

 1. The response should wait for the slowest shard
 2. Merging the responses from 40 different shards takes time

 What i understand from your explanation is that it's the merging that
 time and as qTime ends only after the second retrieval phase, the qTime on
 each shard will take longer. Meaning during a significant proportion of
 first query phase (right after the [id,score] are retieved), all cpu's are
 idle except the response-merger thread running on a single cpu. I thought
 of the merge as a simple sorting of [id,score], way more simple than
 additional 300 ms cpu time.

 Why would a RAM increase improve my performances, as it's a
 response-merge (CPU resource) bottleneck?

 If you have not tweaked the Tomcat configuration, that can lead to
 problems, but if your total query volume is really only one query per
 second, this is probably not a worry for you.  A tomcat connector can be
 configured with a maxThreads parameter.  The recommended value there is
 1, but Tomcat defaults to 200.

 You didn't include the index sizes.  There's half a million docs per
 shard, but I don't know what that translates to in terms of MB or GB of
 disk space.

 On another email thread you mention that your documents are about 50KB
 each.  That would translate to an index that's at least 25GB, possibly
 more.  That email thread also says that optimization for you takes an hour,
 further indications that you've got some really big indexes.

 You're saying that you have given 6GB out of the 12GB to Solr, leaving
 only 6GB for the OS and caching.  Ideally you want to have enough RAM to
 cache the entire index, but in reality you can usually get away with
 caching between half and two thirds of the index.  Exactly what ratio works
 best is highly dependent on your schema.

 If my numbers are even close to right, then you've got a lot more index on
 each server than available RAM.  Based on what I can deduce, you would want
 24 to 48GB of RAM per server.  If my numbers are wrong, then this estimate
 is wrong.

 I would be interested in seeing your queries.  If the complexity can be
 expressed as filter queries that get re-used a lot, the filter cache can be
 a major boost to performance.  Solr's caches in general can make a big
 difference.  There is no guarantee that caches will help, of course.


Re: Slow qTime for distributed search

2013-04-09 Thread Shawn Heisey

On 4/9/2013 3:50 PM, Furkan KAMACI wrote:

Hi Shawn;

You say that:

*... your documents are about 50KB each.  That would translate to an index
that's at least 25GB*

I know we can not say an exact size but what is the approximately ratio of
document size / index size according to your experiences?

If you store the fields, that is actual size plus a small amount of 
overhead.  Starting with Solr 4.1, stored fields are compressed.  I 
believe that it uses LZ4 compression.  Some people store all fields, 
some people store only a few or one - an ID field.  The size of stored 
fields does have an impact on how much OS disk cache you need, but not 
as much as the other parts of an index.

It's been my experience that termvectors take up almost as much space as 
stored data for the same fields, and sometimes more.  Starting with Solr 
4.2, termvectors are also compressed.

Adding docValues (new in 4.2) to the schema will also make the index 
larger.  The requirements here are similar to stored fields.  I do not 
know whether this data gets compressed, but I don't think it does.

As for the indexed data, this is where I am less clear about the storage 
ratios, but I think you can count on it needing almost as much space as 
the original data.  If the schema uses types or filters that produce a 
lot of information, the indexed data might be larger than the original 
input.  Examples of data explosions in a schema: trie fields with a 
non-zero precisionStep, the edgengram filter, the shingle filter.


Re: Slow qTime for distributed search

2013-04-08 Thread Manuel Le Normand
After taking a look on what I'd wrote earlier, I will try to rephrase in a
clear manner.

It seems that sharding my collection to many shards slowed down
unreasonably, and I'm trying to investigate why.

First, I created collection1 - 4 shards*replicationFactor=1 collection on
2 servers. Second I created collection2 - 48 shards*replicationFactor=2
collection on 24 servers, keeping same config and same num of documents per
Observations showed the following:

   1. Total qTime for the same query set is 5 time higher in collection2
   (150ms-700 ms)
   2. Adding to colleciton2 the ** param in the query shows
   that each shard is much slower than each shard was in collection1 (about 4
   times slower)
   3.  Querying only specific shards on collection2 (by adding the
   shards=shard1,shard2...shard12 param) gave me much better qTime per shard
   (only 2 times higher than in collection1)
   4. I have a low qps rate, thus i don't suspect the replication factor
   for being the major cause of this.
   5. The avg. cpu load on servers during querying was much higher in
   collection1 than in collection2 and i didn't catch any other bottlekneck.

1. Why does the amount of shards affect the qTime of each shard?
2. How can I overcome to reduce back the qTime of each shard?


Re: Slow qTime for distributed search

2013-04-08 Thread Shawn Heisey

On 4/8/2013 12:19 PM, Manuel Le Normand wrote:

It seems that sharding my collection to many shards slowed down
unreasonably, and I'm trying to investigate why.

First, I created collection1 - 4 shards*replicationFactor=1 collection on
2 servers. Second I created collection2 - 48 shards*replicationFactor=2
collection on 24 servers, keeping same config and same num of documents per

The primary reason to use shards is for index size, when your index is 
so big that a single index cannot give you reasonable performance. 
There are also sometimes performance gains when you break a smaller 
index into shards, but there is a limit.

Going from 2 shards to 3 shards will have more of an impact that going 
from 8 shards to 9 shards.  At some point, adding shards makes things 
slower, not faster, because of the extra work required for combining 
multiple queries into one result response.  There is no reasonable way 
to predict when that will happen.

Observations showed the following:

1. Total qTime for the same query set is 5 time higher in collection2
(150ms-700 ms)
2. Adding to colleciton2 the ** param in the query shows
that each shard is much slower than each shard was in collection1 (about 4
times slower)
3.  Querying only specific shards on collection2 (by adding the
shards=shard1,shard2...shard12 param) gave me much better qTime per shard
(only 2 times higher than in collection1)
4. I have a low qps rate, thus i don't suspect the replication factor
for being the major cause of this.
5. The avg. cpu load on servers during querying was much higher in
collection1 than in collection2 and i didn't catch any other bottlekneck.

A distributed query actually consists of up to two queries per shard. 
The first query just requests the uniqueKey field, not the entire 
document.  If you are sorting the results, then the sort field(s) are 
also requested, otherwise the only additional information requested is 
the relevance score.  The results are compiled into a set of unique 
keys, then a second query is sent to the proper shards requesting 
specific documents.

1. Why does the amount of shards affect the qTime of each shard?
2. How can I overcome to reduce back the qTime of each shard?

With more shards, it takes longer for the first phase to compile the 
results, so the second phase (document retrieval) gets delayed, and the 
QTime goes up.

One way to reduce the total time is to reduce the number of shards.

You haven't said anything about how complex your queries are, your index 
size(s), or how much RAM you have on each server and how it is 
allocated.  Can you provide this information?

Getting good performance out of Solr requires plenty of RAM in your OS 
disk cache.  Query times of 150 to 700 milliseconds seem very high, 
which could be due to query complexity or a lack of server resources 
(especially RAM), or possibly both.


Slow qTime for distributed search

2013-04-07 Thread Manuel Le Normand
After performing a benchmark session on small scale i moved to a full scale
on 16 quad core servers.
Observations at small scale gave me excellent qTime (about 150 ms) with up
to 2 servers, showing my searching thread was mainly cpu bounded. My query
set is not faceted.
Growing to full scale (with same config  schema  num of docs per shard) i
sharded my collection to 48 shards and added a replication for each.
Since then i have a major performance deteriotaion, my qTime went up to 700
msec. Servers have a much smaller load, and network does not show any
difficulties. I understand that the response merging and waiting for the
slowest shard response should increase my small scale qTime, so checked to observe that each shard was taking much longer, while
defining query for specific shards (shards=shard1,shard2...shard12) i get
much better results for each shard qTime and total qTime.

Keeping the same config, how come the num of shards affects the qTime of
each shard?

How can i evercome this issue?
