Solr 1.3 does not recognize Solr home...

2008-09-22 Thread William Pierce


I have an odd situation that I am hoping someone can shed light on.

I have a solr apps running under tomcat 6.0.14 (on a windows xp sp3 

The app is declared in the tomcat config file as follows:

In file merchant.xml for the merchant app:

Context docBase=c:\apache-tomcat-6.0.14\lib\solr.war debug=0
  Environment name=solr/home type=java.lang.String
value=c:\tomcatweb\merchant override=true /

I have of course created the folders:  c:\tomcatweb\merchant under which you 
can find the data, conf and

bin folders.

Now this configuration worked with 1.2.  It also worked with the 1.3
solr.war but still using the older 1.2 config files that I have been using.

The problem comes when I use the 1.3 solr.war and use the new 1.3
solrconfig.xml files.  I used as a base the config files found in the
example folder of the 1.3 bits I downloaded.  I then modified these files
by including
the various fields, field types, and the request handler definitions, etc
that are particular to my configuration.

When I start up tomcat,  I notice that the home directory is set to
Windows\system32\solr and the requisite index files are being created
under that.

I have temporarily solved the problem by hardcoding the folders in the
dataDir element like so:

dataDirC:\tomcatweb\merchant\data/dataDir   (in the solrconfig.xml)

Any ideas of what I am doing wrong?

Re: Solr 1.3 does not recognize Solr home...

2008-09-22 Thread Ryan McKinley

I have temporarily solved the problem by hardcoding the folders in the
dataDir element like so:

dataDirC:\tomcatweb\merchant\data/dataDir   (in the  

Any ideas of what I am doing wrong?

Is it solr home or or the data directory that is getting set wrong?

I *think* the difference is that with 1.2, you could not use  
properties to set the dataDir, it was hardcoded to /data/ relative  
to your solr home.

In 1.3, the example comes with a default property ${data.dir:./data}  
(or something like that

If you remove the dataDir element altogether, it should go back to  
1.2 behavior...
