with Solr 4.10.3 I was advised to set luceneMatchVersion to "4.3" to make
hit highlight work with NGram/EdgeNgram- fields, like this:

 <filter class="solr.EdgeNGramFilterFactory" maxGramSize="20"
minGramSize="1" luceneMatchVersion="4.3"/>

In Solr 5 and 5.1 this seems to not work any more.
The complete word is  highlighted, not just the part that matches the
search term.

In Solr admin analysis page it again does not show the proper end-offset
positions. What is shows is this:

text            t       te          tes         test
raw_bytes       [74]    [74 65]     [74 65 73]  [74 65 73 74]
start           0       0           0           0
end             4       4           4           4
positionLength  1       1           1           1
type            word    word        word        word
position        1       1           1           1

In Solr 4.10.3 with LuceneMatchVersion set to "4.3" end offset would be: 1,
2, 3, 4 and hit higlight would work.

Any advise on making hit highlight with (Edge)NGram -fields would be highly


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