You could use Zookeeper's chroot:

You can use chroot in Solr by specifying it in the zkHost parameter, for
example -DzkHost=localhost:2181/namespace1

In order for this to work, you need to first create the initial path (in
the example above, you should create /namespace1 in zookeeper before
starting Solr)


On Thu, Nov 22, 2012 at 2:08 PM, Sandopolus <> wrote:

> Is it possible with Solr Cloud 4.0 to specify a namespace for zookeeper so
> that you can run completely isolated Solr Cloud Clusters.
> There is the collection.configName property puts specific items into sub
> nodes for that collection, but certain things are still shared and in the
> root directory in Zookeeper like clusterstate.json
> What i am looking for a property which allows me to prepend a namespace to
> all nodes in Zookeeper that Solr Cloud inserts.
> Does anyone know if this exists?

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