
At the moment, partitioning with solrcloud is hash based on uniqueid.
What I'd like to do is have custom partitioning, e.g. based on date

I'm aware of https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SOLR-2592, but
after a cursory look it seems that with the latest patch, one might
end up with multiple partitions in the same shard, perhaps all (e.g.
if 2 or more partition hash values end up in the same range), which
I'd not want.

Has anyone else implemented custom shard partitioning for solrcloud ?

I think the answer is to have the partition class itself pluggable
(default to hash of unique_key as now), but not sure how to pass the
solrConfig pluggable partition class through to ClusterState (which is
in solrj not core)? any advice?


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