Re: ant build problem

2010-10-15 Thread Chris Hostetter

: i updated my solr trunk to revision 1004527. when i go for compiling
: the trunk with ant i get so many warnings, but the build is successful. the

Most of these warnings are legitimate, the probelms have always been 
there, but recently the Lucene build file was updated to warn about them 
by default.

This one though...
: [javac] warning: [path] bad path element
: /usr/share/ant/lib/hamcrest-core.jar: no such file or directory

...thta's something specific to your setup.  something in your systems ant 
configs thinks thta jar should be there.

: After the compiling i thought to check with the ant test and performed but
: it is failed..

failing tests are also a posisbility ... there are several tests in hte 
code base right now that fail sporadicly (especially because of recent 
changes ot hte build system designed to get test that *might* fail 
based on locale to fail more often) and people are working on them -- 
w/o full details about wat failurs you got though, we can't say if they 
are known issues.


ant build problem

2010-10-04 Thread satya swaroop
Hi all,
i updated my solr trunk to revision 1004527. when i go for compiling
the trunk with ant i get so many warnings, but the build is successful. the
warnings are here:::
[mkdir] Created dir:
[javac] Compiling 475 source files to
[javac] warning: [path] bad path element
/usr/share/ant/lib/hamcrest-core.jar: no such file or directory
warning: [cast] redundant cast to int
[javac]  int hiByte = (int)(curChar  8);
[javac]   ^
warning: [cast] redundant cast to int
[javac]  int hiByte = (int)(curChar  8);
[javac]   ^
warning: [cast] redundant cast to int
[javac]  int hiByte = (int)(curChar  8);
[javac]   ^
warning: [cast] redundant cast to int
[javac]  int hiByte = (int)(curChar  8);
[javac]   ^
warning: [unchecked] unchecked cast
[javac] found   : java.lang.Object
[javac] required: T
[javac] key.creator.validate( (T)value, reader);
[javac]  ^
warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to
Entry(java.lang.String, as a
member of the raw type
[javac] return (ByteValues)caches.get(Byte.TYPE).get(reader, new
Entry(field, creator));


[javac] Note: Some input files use or override a deprecated API.
[javac] Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.
[javac] Note: Some input files additionally use unchecked or unsafe
[javac] 100 warnings

Total time: 19 seconds

here i placed only the starting stage of warnings.
After the compiling i thought to check with the ant test and performed but
it is failed..

i didnt find any hamcrest-core.jar in my ant library
i use ant 1.7.1
