Re: help need on words with special characters

2007-04-19 Thread Chris Hostetter

: with special characters from tokenizing, sat for example A+, A1+ etc.
: because when i searched for group A i am getting results with A+
: aswell as A1+ and so on, is there any special way to index these type of
: words?

all fo the tokenization is controlled via the analyzers you configure in
your schema.xml -- you don't have to use any of the stuff in the example
schema, you cna change it as much as you want.

if you starting with an existing schema, and you want to udnerstand
why/how certain thigns are happening duriring analysis, the Analysis
tool (linked to from the admin screen) makes it easy to help you decide
which tokenier/tokenfilter changes to make...



help need on words with special characters

2007-04-18 Thread Doss

I am new to solr(and 0 in lucene), my doubt is how can i protect  words with 
special characters from tokenizing, sat for example A+, A1+ etc. because when i 
searched for group A i am getting results with A+ aswell as A1+ and so on, is 
there any special way to index these type of words? 
