Re: CVS commit: src/usr.sbin/cpuctl/arch

2013-11-07 Thread SAITOH Masanobu
(2013/11/08 3:45), John Nemeth wrote:
> On Nov 7,  6:18pm, "SAITOH Masanobu" wrote:
> } 
> } Module Name:src
> } Committed By:   msaitoh
> } Date:   Thu Nov  7 18:18:59 UTC 2013
> } 
> } Modified Files:
> } src/usr.sbin/cpuctl/arch: i386.c
> } 
> } Log Message:
> } Update some processor names.
> } 
> } Modified files:
> } 
> } Index: src/usr.sbin/cpuctl/arch/i386.c
> } diff -u src/usr.sbin/cpuctl/arch/i386.c:1.47 
> src/usr.sbin/cpuctl/arch/i386.c:1.48
> } --- src/usr.sbin/cpuctl/arch/i386.c:1.47Wed Oct 30 08:42:16 2013
> } +++ src/usr.sbin/cpuctl/arch/i386.c Thu Nov  7 18:18:59 2013
> } @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
> } -/* $NetBSD: i386.c,v 1.47 2013/10/30 08:42:16 mrg Exp $*/
> } +/* $NetBSD: i386.c,v 1.48 2013/11/07 18:18:59 msaitoh Exp $*/
> }  
> }  /*-
> }   * Copyright (c) 1999, 2000, 2001, 2006, 2007, 2008 The NetBSD Foundation, 
> Inc.
> } @@ -57,7 +57,7 @@
> }  
> }  #include 
> }  #ifndef lint
> } -__RCSID("$NetBSD: i386.c,v 1.47 2013/10/30 08:42:16 mrg Exp $");
> } +__RCSID("$NetBSD: i386.c,v 1.48 2013/11/07 18:18:59 msaitoh Exp $");
> }  #endif /* not lint */
> }  
> }  #include 
> } @@ -342,18 +342,19 @@ const struct cpu_cpuid_nameclass i386_cp
> } [0x2a] = "Xeon E3-12xx, 2nd gen i7, i5, "
> }  "i3 2xxx",
> } [0x2c] = "Xeon 36xx & 56xx, i7, i5 and i3",
> } -   [0x2d] = "Xeon E5 Sandy bridy family",
> } +   [0x2d] = "Xeon E5 Sandy Bridy family, "
>  Shouldn't that be "Sandy Bridge"?



> } +"Core i7-39xx Extreme",
> } [0x2e] = "Xeon 75xx & 65xx",
> } [0x2f] = "Xeon E7 family",
> } [0x35] = "Atom Family",
> } [0x36] = "Atom S1000",
> } [0x37] = "Atom C2000, E3000",
> } [0x3a] = "Xeon E3-1200v2 and 3rd gen core, "
> } -"Ivy bridge",
> } +"Ivy Bridge",
> } [0x3c] = "4th gen Core, Xeon E3-12xx v3 "
> }  "(Haswell)",
> } [0x3d] = "Next gen Core",
> } -   [0x3e] = "Next gen Xeon E5/E7, Ivy bridge",
> } +   [0x3e] = "Xeon E5/E7, Ivy Bridge-EP",
> } [0x3f] = "Future gen Xeon",
> } [0x45] = "4th gen Core, Xeon E3-12xx v3 "
> }  "(Haswell)",
> } 
> }-- End of excerpt from "SAITOH Masanobu"

SAITOH Masanobu (

Re: CVS commit: src/usr.sbin/cpuctl/arch

2013-11-07 Thread John Nemeth
On Nov 7,  6:18pm, "SAITOH Masanobu" wrote:
} Module Name:  src
} Committed By: msaitoh
} Date: Thu Nov  7 18:18:59 UTC 2013
} Modified Files:
}   src/usr.sbin/cpuctl/arch: i386.c
} Log Message:
} Update some processor names.
} Modified files:
} Index: src/usr.sbin/cpuctl/arch/i386.c
} diff -u src/usr.sbin/cpuctl/arch/i386.c:1.47 
} --- src/usr.sbin/cpuctl/arch/i386.c:1.47  Wed Oct 30 08:42:16 2013
} +++ src/usr.sbin/cpuctl/arch/i386.c   Thu Nov  7 18:18:59 2013
} @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
} -/*   $NetBSD: i386.c,v 1.47 2013/10/30 08:42:16 mrg Exp $*/
} +/*   $NetBSD: i386.c,v 1.48 2013/11/07 18:18:59 msaitoh Exp $*/
}  /*-
}   * Copyright (c) 1999, 2000, 2001, 2006, 2007, 2008 The NetBSD Foundation, 
} @@ -57,7 +57,7 @@
}  #include 
}  #ifndef lint
} -__RCSID("$NetBSD: i386.c,v 1.47 2013/10/30 08:42:16 mrg Exp $");
} +__RCSID("$NetBSD: i386.c,v 1.48 2013/11/07 18:18:59 msaitoh Exp $");
}  #endif /* not lint */
}  #include 
} @@ -342,18 +342,19 @@ const struct cpu_cpuid_nameclass i386_cp
}   [0x2a] = "Xeon E3-12xx, 2nd gen i7, i5, "
}"i3 2xxx",
}   [0x2c] = "Xeon 36xx & 56xx, i7, i5 and i3",
} - [0x2d] = "Xeon E5 Sandy bridy family",
} + [0x2d] = "Xeon E5 Sandy Bridy family, "

 Shouldn't that be "Sandy Bridge"?

} +  "Core i7-39xx Extreme",
}   [0x2e] = "Xeon 75xx & 65xx",
}   [0x2f] = "Xeon E7 family",
}   [0x35] = "Atom Family",
}   [0x36] = "Atom S1000",
}   [0x37] = "Atom C2000, E3000",
}   [0x3a] = "Xeon E3-1200v2 and 3rd gen core, "
} -  "Ivy bridge",
} +  "Ivy Bridge",
}   [0x3c] = "4th gen Core, Xeon E3-12xx v3 "
}   [0x3d] = "Next gen Core",
} - [0x3e] = "Next gen Xeon E5/E7, Ivy bridge",
} + [0x3e] = "Xeon E5/E7, Ivy Bridge-EP",
}   [0x3f] = "Future gen Xeon",
}   [0x45] = "4th gen Core, Xeon E3-12xx v3 "
}-- End of excerpt from "SAITOH Masanobu"