I'm testing some patches to put here the log when they fail.
If I test Soya SVN sources without my patch that adds mainloop events
__set__ function:
deavid:~/git/soya/soya/tutorial$ python pudding-2.py
* Soya * Using 8 bits stencil buffer
* Soya * version 0.14
* Using OpenGL 1.5.8 NVIDIA 96.43.13
* - renderer : GeForce4 MX 440/AGP/SSE2
* - vendor : NVIDIA Corporation
* - maximum number of lights: 8
* - maximum number of clip planes : 6
* - maximum number of texture units : 2
* - maximum texture size: 2048 pixels
* Soya Pudding * Version: 0.1-0
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "pudding-2.py", line 80, in
File "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/soya/pudding/main_loop.py",
line 25, in __init__
self.events = []
AttributeError: attribute 'events' of 'soya._soya.MainLoop' objects is
not writable
* Soya3D * Quit...
(The same happens with other pudding examples)
Probably something is wrong in puding's main_loop function.
About the patch that adds the eraseGeom1 and eraseGeom2 functions to
collisions.pyx, I wrote it because when I try the tutorial
ode-collision-4-pushable.py i get:
deavid:~/git/soya/soya/tutorial$ python ode-collision-4-pushable.py
* Soya * Using 8 bits stencil buffer
* Soya * version 0.14
* Using OpenGL 1.5.8 NVIDIA 96.43.13
* - renderer : GeForce4 MX 440/AGP/SSE2
* - vendor : NVIDIA Corporation
* - maximum number of lights: 8
* - maximum number of clip planes : 6
* - maximum number of texture units : 2
* - maximum texture size: 2048 pixels
Exception exceptions.TypeError: "'soya._soya.Contact' object does not
support item assignment" in 'soya._soya.collide_callback' ignored
Exception exceptions.TypeError: "'soya._soya.Contact' object does not
support item assignment" in 'soya._soya.collide_callback' ignored
Exception exceptions.TypeError: "'soya._soya.Contact' object does not
support item assignment" in 'soya._soya.collide_callback' ignored
Exception exceptions.TypeError: "'soya._soya.Contact' object does not
support item assignment" in 'soya._soya.collide_callback' ignored
Exception exceptions.TypeError: "'soya._soya.Contact' object does not
support item assignment" in 'soya._soya.collide_callback' ignored
Exception exceptions.TypeError: "'soya._soya.Contact' object does not
support item assignment" in 'soya._soya.collide_callback' ignored
Exception exceptions.TypeError: "'soya._soya.Contact' object does not
support item assignment" in 'soya._soya.collide_callback' ignored
Exception exceptions.TypeError: "'soya._soya.Contact' object does not
support item assignment" in 'soya._soya.collide_callback' ignored
^CTraceback (most recent call last):
File "ode-collision-4-pushable.py", line 57, in
File "main_loop.pyx", line 179, in soya._soya.MainLoop.main_loop
File "main_loop.pyx", line 269, in soya._soya.MainLoop.advance_time
File "/usr/lib/python2.5/weakref.py", line 308, in __iter__
def __iter__(self):
* Soya3D * Quit...
The tutorial runs, but it doesn't work: the two spheres don't collide
because of this bug.
I don't know why Python syas that Contact doesn't support item
assignment (in fact there is an appropiate function for item
assignment) . I prefered to develop two small functions for these
special cases.
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