[Spacewalk-devel] Java server pages precompilation

2010-09-30 Thread lzap+spw
Hello all,

I have changed our build process to precompile JSPF pages along with JSP pages. 
This solves known bug 628555 (ServletException/JspException File not found 
/usr/share/tomcat6/work/Catalina/ ... /jsp/WEB_002dINF/ ...) and also speeds up 
application responses after startup (no server pages compilation needs to be 
done now - you may noticed some links were slower than others when clicking for 
the first time).

I have upgraded the jasper2-compiler library in the ivy.xml to version 5.5 (we 
use this version in RPMs), created a internal class that sets file extensions 
for Jasper2 properly, changed the jasper2 taskdef in our build-taskdefs.xml and 
fixed a LOG4J warning in the precompilation build step. By precompiling those 
pages I have found three minor problems in JSPF files: one was no longer in use 
and two was missing a jsp tag definition. I have fixed that. Our package will 
be slightly bigger because instead 446 compiled pages (class files) we have 
561. That's nothing.

If you run into problems let me know.

commit 3fd124cb5b3c61319ed94c3cacd37a54b8175729
Author: Lukas Zapletal lzap+...@redhat.com
Date:   Wed Sep 29 17:33:51 2010 +0200

jspf pages are now precompiled too

commit eee9e5fba8c7562e8c8cb978f27ac38883079a0e
Author: Lukas Zapletal lzap+...@redhat.com
Date:   Fri Sep 24 16:56:23 2010 +0200

deleted jpsf that was no longer in use

Sent to user's list by mistake. Please respond here.


 Lukas Zapletal | E32E400A
 RHN Satellite Engineering
 Red Hat Czech s.r.o. Brno

Spacewalk-devel mailing list

[Spacewalk-devel] When changing schema, keep PostgreSQL in sync

2010-09-30 Thread Jan Pazdziora


when you change the Oracle-specific SQL schema sources
(schema/spacewalk/oracle), please make sure from now on to also
commit the equivalent change to the PostgreSQL side
(schema/spacewalk/postgres). After you do so, please mark the Oracle
version on which the PostgreSQL is based by putting the SHA1 of
the Oracle source file to the first line of the PostgreSQL source.

If you don't do this, the spacewalk-schema rpm will not build, so
please keep in mind to do it from now on. Of course, you also
need to add Oracle schem upgrade script -- that stays the same.

For example, the file


now starts with

-- oracle equivalent source sha1 

When you change schema/spacewalk/oracle/procs/lookup_package_arch.sql
and commit the change to the PostgreSQL file, put the new SHA1
(use the sha1sum command) to the PostgreSQL source instead of that
ff037... string.

Well, the file


actually starts with

-- oracle equivalent source sha1 
-- retrieved from 

because I've just spent some time to find the old matching Oracle
versions and I've retrofitted the SHA1 to our PostgreSQL code, so
please remove the second line at the same time because it will
no longer be true.

Jan Pazdziora
Principal Software Engineer, Satellite Engineering, Red Hat

Spacewalk-devel mailing list

[Spacewalk-devel] PostgreSQL schema update needed

2010-09-30 Thread Jan Pazdziora


when you do

git grep '^-- -- oracle equivalent source'

you will find seven PostgreSQL schema source files where the Oracle
sources have changed since their PostgreSQL equivalent was committed
to our git repo.

The quest for brave SQL hackers is to find what changes happened
to the Oracle sources since the PostgreSQL ones were committed, and
apply the same (semantically equivalent) changes to the PostgreSQL

Then change the double comment (-- --) to a single comment (--),
put in correct SHA1 of the Oracle source, and remove the second
line line from the file.

You can run

cd schema/spacewalk  perl schema-source-sanity-check.pl

to check that you did not break anything.

Thank you ... and go start coding. ;-)

Jan Pazdziora
Principal Software Engineer, Satellite Engineering, Red Hat

Spacewalk-devel mailing list