[Spacewalk-devel] [PATCH] Speedup Taskomatic cleanup-query X-fold!?!

2011-08-19 Thread Jonathan Hoser

Hi all,
here's a small proposal from my end:
Changing the Taskomatic cleanup-query's subselect to something that
makes it sane and speedy;

I noticed this query being stuck on my Spacewalk 1.4 Servers Postgresql
backend for more than 2800 CPU minutes,
when wanting to upgrade to 1.5.

Anyhow, some stats:
The two tables in question on my current installation:
rhnPackageChangeLogData301'103 rows
rhnPackageChangeLogRec4'385'607 rows

DISTINCTING and ORDERing the subquery (see patch) on
'rhnPackageChangeLogRec' brings the relevant row count down to 301'103;

Testdriving the two queries got me the following:
Original:still running since 30minutes now (top-CPU time)
modified:  3184ms

I'm not sure if the DISTINCT and ORDER stuff is syntactically correct
for Oracle, or if the issue has shown up anywhere else;
So if someone could please test it on an Oracle installation?
In the worst case, (if I'm really the only one with the issue) it
shouldn't slow down stuff too much - and in the best case accelerate the
query quite a bit.

Questions, comments?

Jonathan Hoser, M.Sc.
Institute of Bioinformatics and System Biology

WWW: http://mips.helmholtz-muenchen.de

Helmholtz Zentrum München
Deutsches Forschungszentrum für Gesundheit und Umwelt (GmbH)
Ingolstädter Landstr. 1
85764 Neuherberg
Aufsichtsratsvorsitzende: MinDir´in Bärbel Brumme-Bothe
Geschäftsführer: Prof. Dr. Günther Wess und Dr. Nikolaus Blum
Registergericht: Amtsgericht München HRB 6466
USt-IdNr: DE 129521671
diff --git a/java/code/src/com/redhat/rhn/common/db/datasource/xml/Task_queries.xml b/java/code/src/com/redhat/rhn/common/db/datasource/xml/Task_queries.xml
index 051e597..e352bbe 100644
--- a/java/code/src/com/redhat/rhn/common/db/datasource/xml/Task_queries.xml
+++ b/java/code/src/com/redhat/rhn/common/db/datasource/xml/Task_queries.xml
@@ -295,7 +295,7 @@ SELECT id, channel_label, client, reason, force, bypass_filters, next_action

 DELETE FROM rhnPackageChangeLogData
-WHERE id NOT IN ( SELECT changelog_data_id FROM rhnPackageChangeLogRec )
+WHERE id NOT IN ( SELECT DISTINCT changelog_data_id FROM rhnPackageChangeLogRec ORDER BY changelog_data_id ASC )

Spacewalk-devel mailing list

Re: [Spacewalk-devel] [PATCH] Speedup Taskomatic cleanup-query X-fold!?!

2011-08-19 Thread Tomas Lestach
Hello Jonathan,

> Testdriving the two queries got me the following:
> Original:still running since 30minutes now (top-CPU time)
> modified:  3184ms

The speed improvement is very nice. However here're my comments:
 - both DISTINCT and ORDER are syntactically correct for Oracle
 - ORDER BY cannot make any speed improvements, in opposite, it take some time 
to sort the query
 - regarding DISTINCT, I'm not sure, if it can have such a great impact on 
performance in this concrete case
   Could you, please, send explain plans for the original and the 'DISTINCT 

Tomas Lestach
RHN Satellite Engineering, Red Hat

Spacewalk-devel mailing list

Re: [Spacewalk-devel] [PATCH] Speedup Taskomatic cleanup-query X-fold!?!

2011-08-22 Thread Jonathan Hoser

Hello Tomas,

yes, of course I know that an 'ORDER BY' will actually increase the CPU
effort for the query.
However, my consideration was: Why is the original query running eternally?
My thoughts were: The IDs to be filtered against in the DELETE [...]
WHERE id NOT IN ([subselect]) were randomly ordered;
I know that working on a non-sorted data input is requiring much more
effort than just going for a quick sort and working on the product.
So there's the reason for that.

But let me get these 'explain's for you:
spacewalk_1_5=# explain Delete from rhnPackageChangeLogData WHERE id NOT
IN ( SELECT changelog_data_id FROM rhnPackageChangeLogRec);
 Seq Scan on rhnpackagechangelogdata  (cost=108146.08..11134104860.94
rows=151984 width=6)
   Filter: (NOT (SubPlan 1))
   SubPlan 1
 ->  Materialize  (cost=108146.08..170240.97 rows=4465189 width=8)
   ->  Seq Scan on rhnpackagechangelogrec  (cost=0.00..86237.89
rows=4465189 width=8)
(5 rows)


spacewalk_1_5=# explain Delete from rhnPackageChangeLogData WHERE id NOT
IN ( SELECT DISTINCT changelog_data_id FROM rhnPackageChangeLogRec ORDER
BY changelog_data_id ASC);

 Seq Scan on rhnpackagechangelogdata  (cost=104819.05..115188.64
rows=151984 width=6)
   Filter: (NOT (hashed SubPlan 1))
   SubPlan 1
 ->  Sort  (cost=104433.39..104626.22 rows=77132 width=8)
   Sort Key: rhnpackagechangelogrec.changelog_data_id
   ->  HashAggregate  (cost=97400.86..98172.18 rows=77132 width=8)
 ->  Seq Scan on rhnpackagechangelogrec
(cost=0.00..86237.89 rows=4465189 width=
(7 rows)

Ok, so I went for an 'EXPLAIN ANALYZE', on three queries:
The Original, my 'original' modification and modification without the
Turns out, without the ORDER BY, the query is another 600msec faster,
while the 'Explain Analyze' of the original is again *still* executing
(since 5++ Minutes).
So my bad for not testing without the ORDER BY - a hunch of mine in the
wrong direction.

Anyhow: Here are the 'EXPLAIN ANALYSE' of Mod, and Mod-without-ORDER-BY:

spacewalk_1_5=# explain analyze Delete from rhnPackageChangeLogData
WHERE id NOT IN ( SELECT DISTINCT changelog_data_id FROM
rhnPackageChangeLogRec ORDER BY changelog_data_id ASC);


 Seq Scan on rhnpackagechangelogdata  (cost=104819.05..115188.64
rows=151984 width=6) (actual tim
e=3476.682..3476.682 rows=0 loops=1)
   Filter: (NOT (hashed SubPlan 1))
   SubPlan 1
 ->  Sort  (cost=104433.39..104626.22 rows=77132 width=8) (actual
time=3149.620..3192.113 row
s=301937 loops=1)
   Sort Key: rhnpackagechangelogrec.changelog_data_id
   Sort Method:  quicksort  Memory: 26442kB
   ->  HashAggregate  (cost=97400.86..98172.18 rows=77132
width=8) (actual time=2473.983.
.2553.576 rows=301937 loops=1)
 ->  Seq Scan on rhnpackagechangelogrec
(cost=0.00..86237.89 rows=4465189 width=
8) (actual time=0.008..730.139 rows=4466337 loops=1)
 Total runtime: 3483.172 ms
(9 rows)

Modified without ORDER-BY

spacewalk_1_5=# explain analyze Delete from rhnPackageChangeLogData
WHERE id NOT IN ( SELECT DISTINCT changelog_data_id FROM


 Seq Scan on rhnpackagechangelogdata  (cost=98365.01..108734.60
rows=151984 width=6) (actual time
=2869.294..2869.294 rows=0 loops=1)
   Filter: (NOT (hashed SubPlan 1))
   SubPlan 1
 ->  HashAggregate  (cost=97400.86..98172.18 rows=77132 width=8)
(actual time=2494.079..2577.
750 rows=301937 loops=1)
   ->  Seq Scan on rhnpackagechangelogrec  (cost=0.00..86237.89
rows=4465189 width=8) (ac
tual time=0.011..741.078 rows=4466337 loops=1)
 Total runtime: 2873.545 ms
(6 rows)

[no output yet, if it completes before my remote ssh is cut, I'll report


On 08/19/2011 02:54 PM, Tomas Lestach wrote:

Hello Jonathan,

Testdriving the two queries got me the following:
Original:still running since 30minutes now (top-CPU time)
modified:  3184ms

The speed improvement is very nice. However here're my comments:
  - both DISTINCT and ORDER are syntactically correct for Oracle
  - ORDER BY cannot make any speed improvements, in opposite, it take some time 
to sort the query
  - regarding DI

Re: [Spacewalk-devel] [PATCH] Speedup Taskomatic cleanup-query X-fold!?!

2011-08-23 Thread Tomas Lestach
On Mon, Aug 22, 2011 at 01:45:11PM +0200, Jonathan Hoser wrote:
> Hello Tomas,
> yes, of course I know that an 'ORDER BY' will actually increase the CPU
> effort for the query.
> However, my consideration was: Why is the original query running eternally?
> My thoughts were: The IDs to be filtered against in the DELETE [...]
> WHERE id NOT IN ([subselect]) were randomly ordered;
> I know that working on a non-sorted data input is requiring much more
> effort than just going for a quick sort and working on the product.
> So there's the reason for that.
> But let me get these 'explain's for you:
> ###
> ###
> spacewalk_1_5=# explain Delete from rhnPackageChangeLogData WHERE id NOT
> IN ( SELECT changelog_data_id FROM rhnPackageChangeLogRec);
> --
>  Seq Scan on rhnpackagechangelogdata  (cost=108146.08..11134104860.94
> rows=151984 width=6)
>Filter: (NOT (SubPlan 1))
>SubPlan 1
>  ->  Materialize  (cost=108146.08..170240.97 rows=4465189 width=8)
>->  Seq Scan on rhnpackagechangelogrec  (cost=0.00..86237.89
> rows=4465189 width=8)
> (5 rows)
> spacewalk_1_5=# explain Delete from rhnPackageChangeLogData WHERE id NOT
> IN ( SELECT DISTINCT changelog_data_id FROM rhnPackageChangeLogRec ORDER
> BY changelog_data_id ASC);
> -
> ---
>  Seq Scan on rhnpackagechangelogdata  (cost=104819.05..115188.64
> rows=151984 width=6)
>Filter: (NOT (hashed SubPlan 1))
>SubPlan 1
>  ->  Sort  (cost=104433.39..104626.22 rows=77132 width=8)
>Sort Key: rhnpackagechangelogrec.changelog_data_id
>->  HashAggregate  (cost=97400.86..98172.18 rows=77132 width=8)
>  ->  Seq Scan on rhnpackagechangelogrec
> (cost=0.00..86237.89 rows=4465189 width=
> 8)
> (7 rows)

All right.
I see there is some speed improvement in the DISTINCT variant for Postgresql.
We've tried to check explain plans for Oracle and there was no difference.
Committing as:

The fix will be available in nightly repo in spacewalk-java-1.6.28-1.

Tomas Lestach
RHN Satellite Engineering, Red Hat

> Ok, so I went for an 'EXPLAIN ANALYZE', on three queries:
> The Original, my 'original' modification and modification without the
> Turns out, without the ORDER BY, the query is another 600msec faster,
> while the 'Explain Analyze' of the original is again *still* executing
> (since 5++ Minutes).
> So my bad for not testing without the ORDER BY - a hunch of mine in the
> wrong direction.
> Anyhow: Here are the 'EXPLAIN ANALYSE' of Mod, and Mod-without-ORDER-BY:
> #
> Modified:
> #
> spacewalk_1_5=# explain analyze Delete from rhnPackageChangeLogData
> WHERE id NOT IN ( SELECT DISTINCT changelog_data_id FROM
> rhnPackageChangeLogRec ORDER BY changelog_data_id ASC);
> -
> -
>  Seq Scan on rhnpackagechangelogdata  (cost=104819.05..115188.64
> rows=151984 width=6) (actual tim
> e=3476.682..3476.682 rows=0 loops=1)
>Filter: (NOT (hashed SubPlan 1))
>SubPlan 1
>  ->  Sort  (cost=104433.39..104626.22 rows=77132 width=8) (actual
> time=3149.620..3192.113 row
> s=301937 loops=1)
>Sort Key: rhnpackagechangelogrec.changelog_data_id
>Sort Method:  quicksort  Memory: 26442kB
>->  HashAggregate  (cost=97400.86..98172.18 rows=77132
> width=8) (actual time=2473.983.
> .2553.576 rows=301937 loops=1)
>  ->  Seq Scan on rhnpackagechangelogrec
> (cost=0.00..86237.89 rows=4465189 width=
> 8) (actual time=0.008..730.139 rows=4466337 loops=1)
>  Total runtime: 3483.172 ms
> (9 rows)
> Modified without ORDER-BY
> spacewalk_1_5=# explain analyze Delete from rhnPackageChangeLogData
> WHERE id NOT IN ( SELECT DISTINCT changelog_data_id FROM
> rhnPackageChangeLogRec);
> -
> ---
>  Seq Scan on rhnpackagechangelogdata  (cost=98365.01..108734.60
> rows=151984 width=6) (actual time
> =2869.294..2869.294 rows=0 loops=1)
>Filter: (NOT (hashed SubPlan 1))
>SubPlan 1
>  ->  HashAggregate  (cost=97400.86..98172.18 rows=77132 width=8)
> (actual time=2494.079..2577.
> 750 rows=301937 loops=1)
>->  Seq Scan on rhnpackagechangelogrec  (cost=0.00..86237.89
> rows=4465189 width=8) (ac
> tual time