On Fri, Dec 9, 2011 at 10:59 AM, David Greco
<david_gr...@harte-hanks.com> wrote:
> I have 5 RH 5 servers at the moment that need to be configured similiarly. I 
> have setup one of these exactly the way I like, and would like the 4 others 
> to be setup similiarly. Same packages installed, same configuration, etc. Is 
> this something satellite is good for? I browsed the documentation but so no 
> mention of how to take an existing system, all its configs and packages, and 
> create a channel that other systems can update from.

Regarding the packages, you could do it with a channel or a package
profile.  I'd recommend the latter.  Once the first system that you
want done is built (which you say you've completed), ensure that it's
registered to Spacewalk.  Then you can build the other 4 systems, and
have them sync package profiles to that of the first system.  It's one
of the advanced options in Kickstart.  I'd tell you exactly where, but
my Spacewalk server is currently down in anticipation of the CentOS
6.1 upgrade that I'll be doing tonight. ;)


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