Re: [Spacewalk-list] Is it possible to use SSM in the XMLRPC API?

2019-09-20 Thread David Rock

> On Sep 20, 2019, at 16:41, Guy Matz  wrote:
> Hi!  I would like to update a number of systems via the XMLRPC API, and 
> thought that SSM would be the way to go, however I don't see a way to use the 
> SSM in the API . . .  any advice out there?

The SSM is really a tool to make working in the WebUI easier.  If you use the 
API, you don’t really need the SSM; you’d just feed the list directly.

David Rock

Spacewalk-list mailing list

Re: [Spacewalk-list] Need to know about spacewalk internal architecture and why spacewalk is taking time to deploy scheduled actions

2019-04-02 Thread David Rock

> On Apr 2, 2019, at 09:56, James Hibberd  wrote:
> For Question 3 – I think this might be what you are looking for
> On the client side you can change the check in times – Standard config is 240 
> minutes , so every 2 hours the client will check into the server.
> On the clients change the value inside
> /etc/syscon/rhn/rhnsd
> To something like 15 minutes, I have my clients checking in every 40 minutes 
> instead of the 240 minutes

It won’t do anything lower than 60 minutes, regardless what’s set.  I forget 
exactly where it’s documented, but it is documented.

The important thing to understand is that it’s based on the clients checking in 
at regular intervals (whatever you end up setting it to), so the lag can be up 
to the interval you set on the individual clients.  When you set an action to 
be run on the spacewalk end, it’s just setting a marker so that when the client 
checks in, it sees if there is something to do.  “forcing” it to run by using 
rhn_check is just manually making it check in before it’s scheduled time, which 
is why that appears to make it go faster.

David Rock

Spacewalk-list mailing list

Re: [Spacewalk-list] Spacewalk 2.8 | Offline Clients

2019-02-14 Thread David Rock
IIRC, the lowest you can set it for is 60 minutes.

David Rock

> On Feb 14, 2019, at 07:45, wrote:
> No problem Harald. If you want to continue using rhnsd you can still reduce 
> the check-in time in /etc/sysconfig/rhn/rhnsd if you want though (default is 
> 240 mins):
> # cat /etc/sysconfig/rhn/rhnsd
> #

Spacewalk-list mailing list

Re: [Spacewalk-list] server says client should be updated, but nothing happens

2018-08-13 Thread David Rock

> On Aug 13, 2018, at 16:09, Guy Matz  wrote:
> Hi!  In the Spacewalk UI I see:
> Software Updates AvailablePackages: 6
> rhnsd is running on the client but the client does not get updated.  Running 
> 'yum update' on the client would get it to update, but I think rhnsd is 
> supposed to take care of this for me . . .  

No. That’s not what rhnsd does.  That just checks into the environment and 
looks for tasks that have been assigned to the client; it doesn’t automatically 
apply anything.  You have to explicitly schedule tasks so when rhnsd connects, 
it runs the tasks that are waiting for it.

> what do I need to do to have the client automatically update?

Short of putting something in cron, not much.  You might be able to create a 
scheduled event, or use the API to set up a task that the client will pick up.

> One more question:  Is it possible to have a post-update script run?

You could set up a remote execution script as a wrapper that runs your yum 
update and then afterward have it run something else.  I have often used that 
and applied to a group of systems under SSM in satellite.

David Rock

Spacewalk-list mailing list

Re: [Spacewalk-list] activation keys

2018-03-21 Thread David Rock

> On Mar 21, 2018, at 14:02, Nicole Beck <> wrote:
> Hello,
> I’m looking for recommendations for setting up activation keys. Do you 
> normally have an activation key set for each OS version(centos6, centos7) , 
> and specify the appropriate base and child channels in each? I tested this, 
> and registering the client with “rhnreg_ks” and the appropriate key, and I my 
> client is subscribed to the expected channels. 
> I’m also testing the “Spacewalk Default” base channel and the “Universal 
> Default” key, and it’s not working as I expect it to.  Is there a way to 
> setup a “generic” spacewalk activation key so that client registering with it 
> is subscribed to the channels for the correct OS version?  I’m thinking of 
> something analogous to using “rhn_register” to register a RH server with the 
> old RHN, or an Oracle Enterprise Server with ULN, you type in your username 
> and password, and something behind the scenes figures out what OS version is 
> installed and subscribes you to the correct channels.  Is that what 
> “Spacewalk Default” and “Universal Default” do, or am I misunderstanding it.  
> I’ve created base and child channels for centos-6 and centos-7, but I don’t 
> have a channel named “Spacewalk Default”.

The main thing you have to be careful of is if you have config channel 
priorities in multiple keys.  The system has no logic to determine relative 
priority, so last key in wins, but the order they get applied is undetermined.

If you aren’t trying to manage complicated config channels, making one for the 
base OS, and one for “other stuff” will work ok.

We created a single key that has everything for each type to avoid any 
confusion (we were originally getting oracle-specific configs overwritten by 
the more generic configs, which caused issues when we tried to get too fancy 
with the keys).

The Spacewalk Default and Universal Defaults are not what you want.  The best 
way to get what you expect to get is create a key for each OS that contains the 
parent/child channels you want to apply and use that in the KS profile.  The 
basic workflow at build time is:

1. use the GA release from the kickstart tree in the KS profile to install the 
base os
2. apply the activation key with the related clone channels, etc
3. yum update to bring everything up to current that’s in your clone channel

David Rock

Spacewalk-list mailing list

Re: [Spacewalk-list] Remote firewall-cmd from Spacewalk

2018-02-27 Thread David Rock

> On Feb 27, 2018, at 16:38, Brian Long <> wrote:
> On Tue, Feb 27, 2018 at 5:23 PM, Dillon Mills <> wrote:
> I was recently trying to mass configure firewalld on a bunch of RHEL7 boxes 
> using Spacewalk, trying to ensure SNMP was enabled.
> So - mirroring what I would do from the shell - the script consisted of two 
> lines:
> firewall-cmd --add-service=snmp
> firewall-cmd --add-service=snmp -permanent
> It should be --permanent.  I'm not sure if your email client changed -- to - 
> or if the command you sent actually had a single dash.  :)

It would not surprise me if this is an “emdash issue” with Microsoft 
applications.  I very often see Outlook and Word convert a double-dash “--“ to 
an emdash “—“

David Rock

Spacewalk-list mailing list

Re: [Spacewalk-list] Encrypting admin username and password of spacewalk server

2017-09-08 Thread David Rock

> On Sep 8, 2017, at 08:25, Matt Moldvan <> wrote:
> One option is to keep the username and password in /etc/rhn/spacewalk.creds 
> or something, which only the user running your script has access to, and the 
> file has very restrictive permissions on.  In there, you can specify your 
> username and password and then source it from your script.

That’s how I do it.  All my API scripts are configured to take a -c 
 command line option that can be fed for automated scripts. 

As mentioned, storing an encrypted password isn’t any better than storing it 
plaintext; you can read the script code to decrypt the password.

David Rock

Spacewalk-list mailing list

Re: [Spacewalk-list] spacewalk configchannel

2017-04-07 Thread David Rock

> On Apr 7, 2017, at 09:15, Huber, Peter <> wrote:
> It is soo easy.. thank you...
>> -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
>> And you can use more than one activation key per system in your kickstart
>> profiles.

Be careful with this if you start doing config file management with activation 
keys. While you can define the priority of configs within an activation key, 
you can NOT define priority of activation keys.  As long as each activation key 
has unique items that it maintains, you will be fine.

An example of the issue:

Config channels:
core-files: files all servers get (eg, /etc/sysctl.conf)
oracles-files: new oracle-specific files, but also include files that 
should override core-files (eg, /etc/sysctl.conf with oracle-specific settings)

If you manage the config channels with keys like this:
Key 1 - Core files
Key 2 - Oracle files

You do not have control over whether the files in Key 1 or Key 2 get applied 
first.  If Key 1 files get applied first then Key 2, you will get the expected 
behavior (the oracle-specific /etc/sysctl.conf will be on the system), but if 
they are applied in the other order, your oracle server will have the 
“standard” /etc/sysctl,conf, not the one with the oracle-specific settings.

The only way to _guarantee_ the proper priority is to put both config channels 
under a single key and manage the priority directly.  There is no priority 
setting at a key level.

Again, as long as everything in each key is unique (nothing is overriding 
anything else), it will work as expected.

David Rock

Description: Message signed with OpenPGP using GPGMail
Spacewalk-list mailing list

Re: [Spacewalk-list] Fwd: Re: How to tell what Errata has been applied

2017-02-24 Thread David Rock

> On Feb 24, 2017, at 09:40, Daryl Rose <> wrote:
> David,
> This command works great, and I can accomplish what I need. Thank you.

Glad it helped :-)

David Rock

Description: Message signed with OpenPGP using GPGMail
Spacewalk-list mailing list

Re: [Spacewalk-list] Fwd: Re: How to tell what Errata has been applied

2017-02-23 Thread David Rock

> On Feb 23, 2017, at 12:14, Robert Paschedag <> wrote:
> But this does not show you the "errata" installed... Just the versions of the 
> packages.

what about

spacewalk-report system-history-errata

If you apply your errata via spacewalk directly (i.e., not by running yum 
update locally), this should give you a running list of info about applied 
errata.  It needs a little help because of using systemid, but might be what 
you need.

David Rock

Description: Message signed with OpenPGP using GPGMail
Spacewalk-list mailing list

Re: [Spacewalk-list] Debugging broken kickstart profile

2017-02-23 Thread David Rock

> On Feb 23, 2017, at 04:34, Ree, Jan-Albert van <> wrote:
> Thanks for the hint, it turned out to be something even more stupid...
> In one of the post scripts I install a load of RPM's in one go. After one of 
> the line breaks I had a space character which apparently messes things up.

Specifically what it messes up is the line ends early. The “\” that you 
typically see at the end of a line (for example)

yum install foo \
  bar \
  baz \

is escaping the newline character “\n”.  So the above is actually doing this:

yum install foo \\n
  bar \\n
  baz \\n

which results in:

yum install foo bar baz foobar

If you don’t put the \ right next to the \n, it isn’t escaping the \n anymore 
and the \n is read, ending the command prematurely:

yum install foo \\n
  bar \ \n   <— extra space
  baz \\n

which results in:

yum install foo bar
baz foobar

David Rock

Description: Message signed with OpenPGP using GPGMail
Spacewalk-list mailing list

Re: [Spacewalk-list] Which version of Spacewalk is the same as Redhat Satellite 6?

2017-01-27 Thread David Rock
No.  Satellite 6 is not related to spacewalk at all.  Satellite 6 combines 
several other products (katello, foreman, puppet, etc) to make a completely 
different product.  The relationship between spacewalk and satellite ended at 
satellite 5.7

David Rock

> On Jan 27, 2017, at 09:58, Gian Karlo <> wrote:
> so Spacewalk 2.7 is equivalent to Satellite 6?

Spacewalk-list mailing list

Re: [Spacewalk-list] Which version of Spacewalk is the same as Redhat Satellite 6?

2017-01-26 Thread David Rock
* Gian Karlo <> [2017-01-27 05:27]:
> Hi Doug,
> Thanks for providing this information. I am curious, if I install
> Spacewalk, could I get the functionality of Satellite 6? At least like
> provisioning and some basic features.

Absolutely, but how they are handled is completely different so what "basic 
features" you are looking for matters.

Provisioning: yes
Package management: yes
configuration management: yes (but what _kind_ of configuration management)?

David Rock

Spacewalk-list mailing list

Re: [Spacewalk-list] Why does one of my clients have a question mark next to it's name?

2015-01-29 Thread David Rock
* Brian Ross [2015-01-29 04:44]:
 That didn’t fix it so I deleted the system and registered it and that
 fixed it.  Thanks for your help.

Running rhn_check manually will also be a good tool for testing
connectivity in the future. 

If it's just working now after deleting and re-registering, it may
have been the wrong systemid.  The systemid is what actually ties the
client to the back-end.  If you see something like this again, make sure
the systemid in the system profile matches the systemid on the client in

David Rock

Spacewalk-list mailing list

Re: [Spacewalk-list] Can a cloned channel be renamed?

2014-08-27 Thread David Rock
* Mathew Snyder [2014-08-26 16:17]:
 Simple question. Nothing more needed at this point. Can a cloned channel be

Yes and no.  You can change the displayed name, but you can't change the

David Rock

Spacewalk-list mailing list

Re: [Spacewalk-list] how do I get a client to execute a scheduled task immediately in spacewalk?

2013-10-30 Thread David Rock
* papinder singh [2013-10-30 22:44]:
 I also have same issue... But rhn-action-control --enable-all didn't help
 me. When ever I schedule any task. It take approx 2 hr. I'd not know why...
 And  I am also looking for such a command who deliver task immediately...

There is no simple command from spacewalk to force something to run a
command immediately (there never was).  The closest thing is schedule
the task, then run rhn_check from the client as mentioned before.

What you _can_ do, however, is configure osad.  That will allow for near
real-time running of scheduled commands.  It requires it to be
configured at the spacewalk end and also at the client end.  It's a
jabber infrastructure that handles message queuing for scheduled

David Rock

Spacewalk-list mailing list

Re: [Spacewalk-list] Time Zone Change

2013-06-17 Thread David Rock
* Jeff Bjorklund [2013-06-17 15:57]:
 Is it possible for Spacewalk to automatically change the time zone on
 a server from say, Eastern to Central, without config management
 My Spacewalk server is in Central and a few of the clients it's
 patching are in Eastern.  I've noticed the time zone is now set to
 Central, through no intervention on my part. It originally was setup
 via a symlink to /etc/localtime. But that seems to have been removed.
 I understand that there may be numerous reasons for this changing, I'm
 just trying to rule out Spacewalk as one of them.

If you aren't using any config channel file management, then the answer
is probably no.  The only thing I can think of would be running a
scheduled action to fire off a remote command, but if you didn't do
that, the change probably didn't come from Satellite.

David Rock

Spacewalk-list mailing list

Re: [Spacewalk-list] Yum doesn't communicate with server

2012-02-28 Thread David Rock
* Nilton Moura [2012-02-28 12:12]:
 I have some Red Hat hosts freshly registered with Spacewalk, but one
 specific (5.4) won't communicate with the server on yum command.
 $ sudo yum search rhncfg
 Warning: No matches found for: rhncfg
 No Matches found
 I upgraded yum* packages manually, but the problem still. No traffic is
 generated to the server when I watch with tcpdump. yum clean all, etc..

What happens if you:
  yum repolist

That will tell you what repos you are actually using, which should give
you some idea about why rhncfg isn't available.  If no repos show up, or
if weird ones show up, that's a good reason not to find rhncfg.

David Rock

Description: PGP signature
Spacewalk-list mailing list

Re: [Spacewalk-list] oracle db-control commands

2010-10-22 Thread David Rock
* rob morrien [2010-10-22 21:42]:
 are the commands like db-control backup available in the spacewalk oracle

In the Satellite environment, they are.  I assume it's the same thing
with Spacewalk.  I just su - oracle and it's there.

David Rock

Spacewalk-list mailing list

Re: [Spacewalk-list] Kickstart w/o internet access

2010-10-01 Thread David Rock
* Sascha Bendix [2010-09-28 18:25]:
 in my current setup the clients doesn't have access to the internet. They are 
 supposed to get all the stuff they need from the spacewalk (version 1.1) 
 There is only one little problem with this: During the kickstart process the 
 update of package lists seems to be triggered by rhnreg_ks and rhn_check 
 during the first %post section which is titled cobbler snippet. At this 
 point they always wait for the timeout which takes 4 time longer than the 
 rest of the installation does.
 I couldn't find out where this cobbler snippet is located in the filesystem 
 (it's not in /var/lib/rhn/kickstarts/snippets). Can anybody give me some hint 
 I disable the repositories later in some other %post script. As an 
 alternative to change the snippet, is there a way to do the registration in 
 some later %post section?
 Or does anybody has another idea how to deal with this issue?

We are using satellite, but the concept is the same.  None of our
profiles are hitting the internet.  They get everything from the
satellite server.  Something is definitely missing.

What does your actual ks file look like?  If there are references to an
external IP rather than your spacewalk server, those are the pieces that
may need to be fixed.

One option would be to use raw kickstart profiles, instead of the wizard
style ones.  That would allow you to include only the parts you want,
and manually register in a %post script using rhnreg_ks. It would also
allow you to completely skip the whole cobbler snippet issue.  The one
you are looking for is probably in /var/lib/cobbler/snippets.

Another option might be to use Activation keys that are tied to a cloned
channel.  Maybe that would override whatever is going on.

David Rock

Spacewalk-list mailing list

Re: [Spacewalk-list] Kickstart Snippets in Post Scripts (solved)

2010-08-10 Thread David Rock
Well, a little addendum to my tirade about documentation:

I believe that templating of the entire ks file _is_ possible through
the Satellite Web GUI, it's just not obvious that you are using
templates.  Where it gets odd, is the majority of your profiles you
create are probably wizard profiles (mine are).  It appears that if
you use raw profiles, that essentially gives you an empty kickstart
template to work with (see section 5.6 of the deployment guide).  

I should probably point out that nowhere in that section does it use the
word template to describe the raw style kickstart profiles, even
though that is what you are actually using.

So, to be fair, you CAN template a complete kickstart with working
snippets and the like via the GUI (but you lose the benefits of the
wizard style kickstart).  Again, the documentation is a total fail in
making this obvious, but at least it's possible. :-(

David Rock

Spacewalk-list mailing list

Re: [Spacewalk-list] Kickstart Snippets in Post Scripts

2010-08-08 Thread David Rock
* Colin Coe [2010-08-09 11:30]:
 On Sun, Aug 8, 2010 at 12:26 AM, David Rock wrote:

big snip

  If I use cobbler profile getks, should I see the snippets, or should I
  see the expanded contents of the snippets?  If I should see the expanded
  code, what would cause me not to?
 Sorry, David, I've never used cobbler directly so I can't comment.

Not a problem.  I was only using it because it was referenced in the Red
Hat documentation as a way to troubleshoot.  Based on what I found over
the weekend, the answer is that running cobbler profile getks returns
the generated final result.  In my particular case, the original attempt
would show the $SNIPPET() lines in their unexpanded form because of the
implicit #raw/#end raw that is wrapped around the %post script.  To get
the kickstart with _expanded_ $SNIPPETS, you need to check the template
checkbox on the script's edit page so that the cheetah parser can see
the snippet code.

I have a bit of a tirade about the details in another post ;-)


David Rock

Spacewalk-list mailing list

Re: [Spacewalk-list] Kickstart Snippets in Post Scripts

2010-08-07 Thread David Rock
* Colin Coe [2010-08-07 13:18]:
 I maybe misunderstanding but in a kickstart the only place you can put
 scripts (and snippets are effectively just pieces of a script) is in
 either the pre or post sections.
 The syntax is $SNIPPET('snippet_name_here') and make sure that your
 snippet starts with '#raw' and ends with '#end raw'.
 A good information source is

Thanks.  I am currently running a couple more tests with #raw #end raw
in the snippets. I've been reading the KickstartTemplating page (and the
KickstartSnippets one) quite a bit.  That's mainly why I have the
confusion.  The implication is that snippets are for templates only.
Maybe I don't quite understand what a template really is.

I was looking to see what is actually getting generated, so I tried the
following to look at the profile:

cobbler profile getks --name=testprofile:1:CSC

and looking at the %post section I see:


groupadd -g 19300 www
useradd -u 30 -g 19300 -c web hosting -d /web/www www

mkdir /web/webstore
chmod 750 /web/webstore
chown www:www /web/webstore

)  /root/ks-post.log 21

If I use cobbler profile getks, should I see the snippets, or should I
see the expanded contents of the snippets?  If I should see the expanded
code, what would cause me not to?

David Rock

Spacewalk-list mailing list

Re: [Spacewalk-list] Kickstart Snippets in Post Scripts (solved)

2010-08-07 Thread David Rock
Ok,  I have managed to find the particular bit that fixes what I am
trying to do, so I thought it appropriate to share here.  I think it's
especially necessary to share because the current documentation is
woefully lacking in details about how snippets and templating work
within the confines of Satellite (and presumably spacewalk).

So, here is what I found:

Basically, what I was trying to do is use kickstart snippets in a %post
script, and was having issues because it wasn't working.  The short
answer is:  check the Template checkbox.  What that does is turns OFF
#raw/#end raw wrappers around the contents of the %post script contents.
By default, #raw/#end raw exists, and any $SNIPPET() calls that are made
in a %post script will not get parsed, and subsequently expanded, which
means the final kickstart file will not have the snippet contents.

Ok, so here's the real beef.  Finding this information is essentially
IMPOSSIBLE.  The template checkbox is not discussed at all in the Scripts
portion of the Satellite Reference Guide;  It IS mentioned
in the Deployment Guide under near the bottom, but only as a
note stated as:

   All %pre and %post scripts created using the wizard style kickstarts
   are wrapped with #raw...#endraw by default. This can be toggled using
   the Template checkbox available when editing a %post or %pre script.

The exact implications of this are unclear, at best, and I only really
found it (and understood what it was saying) AFTER I stumbled across the
solution and had a better idea what to search for.  One of the important
implications is that when you turn off #raw so that your $SNIPPET()
calls work, there is a very real chance that other items in your script
will now not work because they are not properly escaped anymore.

There is a Tip on the interface next to this checkbox that says:

   Enable this to enable templating on this script using cobbler

This is also not entirely clear without the proper context of knowing
what you are looking for.  At a minimum, the basic Reference Guide
should acknowledge the existence of the template checkbox, either in the
kickstart section, or the template section, or the snippets section.  A
simple this is what it is and what is does and why you care would
suffice (i.e, if you want to use snippets in your %pre/%post scripts,
check this box; a much more obvious Tip, IMHO).

Even WITH all the bits I was able to find, I was still essentially
guessing how to use all of this.  The entire templating section in the
Deployment guide is completely useless. It only states in generalities
that templating is possible (which is not actually true, within the
context of using Satellite).  True templating can only be managed from
cobbler.  There is NO interface to manage templates from Satellite.
Most of the templating section describes the fact that you can create a
snippet, but does not tell you AT ALL how to use them.  

The links to the Template and Snippet information in the Cobbler wiki,
while reasonably descriptive, only describe how to use templating within
Cobbler and don't help at all in understanding how to use it in
Satellite.  It also just reaffirmed that snippets work ONLY in
templates, which is not clear in ANY of the Satellite documentation.

Bottom line: Since you MUST put a snippet in a template, the only
template that can be managed from the Satellite GUI is only for the %pre
and %post scripts, and only if you check the template checkbox.  It is
limited functionality, but at least it's something.  Don't get me wrong;
the way this works IS sufficient for what I need, but it was a LOT more
effort to dig out how it works than it should have been.  Just two or
three sentences in the templating or snippets section saying to USE a
snippet, check this box and place the code here would have saved me a
LOT of grief.

David Rock

Spacewalk-list mailing list

[Spacewalk-list] Kickstart Snippets in Post Scripts

2010-08-06 Thread David Rock
I was looking at using some kickstart snippets to organize some of my
post scripting.  I made a few, and then referenced them in a post
script, but they appear to not have run.  The satellite documentation
says to use them in the kickstart profile, but I don't see anywhere
other than a pre or post sript that I _can_ use them.

Looking deeper into the cobbler documentation, the implication is that
snippets can be used only in kickstart templates, but I don't see
anywhere in the satellite interface to set up templates.

So, is there special syntax to use a snippet in a post script, or is it
not possible to use them that way?  If not, how/where DO you use them?


David Rock

Spacewalk-list mailing list

[Spacewalk-list] client pull of configuration channel file

2010-08-04 Thread David Rock
Is there a commandline tool to have a client request a file from a
configuration channel?  I know I can schedule a push from the server TO
a list of clients, but I would like to have the client system do it



Spacewalk-list mailing list

Re: [Spacewalk-list] client pull of configuration channel file

2010-08-04 Thread David Rock
* Colin Coe [2010-08-05 07:19]:
 Have a look at 'rhncfg-client'

That's perfect.


David Rock

Spacewalk-list mailing list

Re: [Spacewalk-list] client pull of configuration channel file

2010-08-04 Thread David Rock
* Colin Coe [2010-08-05 07:19]:
 Have a look at 'rhncfg-client'

Actually, that gets me about 99% there.  It solves a specific problem of
replacing a known file, but is there a way to request all the files from
a configuration channel (instead of scripting rhncfg-client list and
rhncfg-client get)?

I'm not adverse to scripting, but there has to be a way to request the
whole channel.


David Rock

Spacewalk-list mailing list

Re: [Spacewalk-list] client pull of configuration channel file

2010-08-04 Thread David Rock
* Colin Coe [2010-08-05 10:01]:
 On Thu, Aug 5, 2010 at 8:24 AM, David Rock wrote:
  * Colin Coe [2010-08-05 07:19]:
  Have a look at 'rhncfg-client'
  Actually, that gets me about 99% there.  It solves a specific problem of
  replacing a known file, but is there a way to request all the files from
  a configuration channel (instead of scripting rhncfg-client list and
  rhncfg-client get)?
 Hi David
 'rhncfg-client get'  should get all the files in all channels that the
 node is subscribed to, with the obvious exception of files that exist
 in multiple channels that are being overridden.
 My current clients use Satellite and Spacewalk but not config channels
 so I'm a bit rusty on this these days.

That appears to do it.  The docs, man pages, and everything else I was
reading implied that a filename was not an optional argument to
rhncfg-client get.  


David Rock

Spacewalk-list mailing list

[Spacewalk-list] Kickstart snippets questions

2010-07-21 Thread David Rock

I'm trying to understand how the kickstart snippets are actually used
and have come across a few questions:

1. Where are snippets able to be used? It looks like only pre and post
scripts to me.

2. Related to #1: What determines where a snippet is ultimately placed
in the kickstart file?

3. Where are the built-in snippet variables defined, and what are they?

4. Is there a kickstart template file that gets used by
satellite/spacewalk when generating the kickstart file?  If yes, is that

5. From the KickstartSnippets page on the cobbler wiki, it looks like
there are a number of things that can managed within cobbler (e.g.,
advanced path-based snippets).  I am assuming the snippet management
from within the spacewalk web UI does not allow for management at this

I've been digging around quite a bit on the cobbler website, the cheetah
website, and googling for related spacewalk/satellite information, but
have had a very hard time finding any useful examples of how snippets
are used and what their relationships are to the final kickstart file.
Ultimately, I want to have better control over what happens at what
point during the kickstart, which means I need better control over how
the file is created in the first place.

Any information is appreciated. :-)


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