[spamdyke-users] Vesrion 5.0.0 reject-sender=no-mx overriding based on source IP address

2015-04-05 Thread Konstantin via spamdyke-users

Hi Sam,

Thank you very much for what you are doing. I'm testing spamdyke 5.0.0 
now and I found spamdyke-qrv feature very useful. Sometimes it crashes, 
but still usable. :)

I'm trying to make some exceptions for emails that comes from a certain 
IP subnets using


mail spamdyke # cat /etc/spamdyke/config.d/_ip_/10/1

And it doesn't seem working for me. Did I missed something?

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Re: [spamdyke-users] spamdyke-qrv :command exited abnormally

2015-04-05 Thread Donny D. via spamdyke-users

ah so..
well.. can not say anything else but deeply appreciate what you're 

spamdyke is an administrator's dream come true from my point of view :D

On 2015-04-05 02:41, Sam Clippinger via spamdyke-users wrote:

Funny you should send this right now -- I'm actually working on
spamdyke-qrv at this very moment.  I strongly recommend you don't use
spamdyke-qrv from spamdyke 5.0.0 -- it doesn't handle forward
addresses correctly and its understanding of vpopmail has a lot of
bugs.   I've been putting in a lot of time on spamdyke lately trying
to get the recipient validation correct and I think I'm very nearly
there.  I've expanded my understanding of both qmail's and vpopmail's
behavior by quite a bit and I'm pretty sure I've identified almost all
of the corner cases.  Having free time again has been wonderful!

Unfortunately, I've been spending a lot of my time running test
scripts.  At the moment, the total number of tests is hovering just
above 2 million, though that number inches up and down as I learn new
things and make corresponding changes to my script generator program.
Fortunately, Amazon EC2 makes it very easy to spin up 30 servers for a
few hours to run tests, then delete them all when they're done. :)

Anyway, my best advice is to wait until I can get vpopmail's logic
nailed down and release a new version.  My goal is to make spamdyke
replace chkuser, I just need to be sure everything is correct (this

-- Sam Clippinger

On Apr 4, 2015, at 7:20 AM, Donny D. via spamdyke-users

i've been trying to use spamdyke-qrv to replace chkuser patch in 

./configure --with-vpopmail-support 
VUSERINFO_PATH=/home/vpopmail/bin/vuserinfo --with-excessive-output

cp spamdyke-qrv /var/qmail/bin/
chown 0:0 /var/qmail/bin/spamdyke-qrv
chmod u+s /var/qmail/bin/spamdyke-qrv

added last 2 lines in spamdyke.conf :
recipient-validation-command=/var/qmail/bin/spamdyke-qrv -v -v

Tried sending to random address, but they all got accepted
( which then being bounced by original .qmail-default ).

I noticed "no such user" between errors, but then the final result is 

Can you help ?

debug log :

QRV-EXCESSIVE(check_path_perms()@fs-qrv.c:574): found file with mode 
100711 (want 10), uid 64020, gid 64020: 
QRV-EXCESSIVE(validate()@validate-qrv.c:1060): found vpopmail command 
on line 0
QRV-EXCESSIVE(exec_command_argv()@exec-qrv.c:93): executing command as 
UID 64020, GID 64020: /home/vpopmail/bin/valias
QRV-ERROR(exec_command_argv()@exec-qrv.c:199): command exited 
abnormally: /home/vpopmail/bin/valias
QRV-EXCESSIVE(exec_command_argv()@exec-qrv.c:93): executing command as 
UID 64020, GID 64020: /home/vpopmail/bin/vuserinfo
QRV-EXCESSIVE(exec_command_argv()@exec-qrv.c:134): child process 
output 36 bytes: no such user s...@vpopmail.g8it.net

QRV-ERROR(exec_command_argv()@exec-qrv.c:199): command exited 
abnormally: /home/vpopmail/bin/vuserinfo

QRV-ALLOWED(main@spamdyke-qrv.c:59): VALID ADDRESS


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