Re: [spamdyke-users] Skip graylisting for specific domains don't work

2007-12-07 Thread Ton van Rosmalen

Hi Marc,

As I understand it it works like this:
Mailserver with ip x.x.x.x wants to send mail to domain on
your server. Spamdyke accepts the incoming connectiong and looks up a
bunch of stuff among which the rdns-name is determined for x.x.x.x.
Let's say this resolves to To stop spamdyke from
graylisting this specific server you would enter
in the never-graylist-rdns-file.

Have you created the domain-folders under your graylist-dir? Or better
how is your base set-up for graylisting. Are you using graylist-dir? If
so, you could just delete the domain in question to stop spamdyke from


Marc Stiebich schreef:

Hi Ton,
"Using this option the rdns-entry for the sending mailserver is
checked..." - thats what i want.
All incoming Mail should be graylisted first, expect a few Domains
should not
graylisted and forwarded direct to the receiving Domain without
graylisting .
This doesn't work for me. 

Ton van Rosmalen wrote:
Hi Marc,

Using this option the rdns-entry for the sending mailserver is checked
not the receiving domain.

I myself use 'graylist-dir' which contains folders for each domain that
I want graylisted.


Marc Stiebich schreef:

  Hi all,

i wan't to skip  graylisting for specific domains but making several 
tests it did not work for me.
In the spamdyke.conf i have the entry 
and in the never-graylist-rdns file i have the entry for the specific 
But Mails from this Domain are graylisted anyway.
What's wrong?
Thanks for the help.

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Re: [spamdyke-users] Skip graylisting for specific domains don't work

2007-12-07 Thread Ton van Rosmalen
Hi Marc,

Using this option the rdns-entry for the sending mailserver is checked
not the receiving domain.

I myself use 'graylist-dir' which contains folders for each domain that
I want graylisted.


Marc Stiebich schreef:
 Hi all,

 i wan't to skip  graylisting for specific domains but making several 
 tests it did not work for me.
 In the spamdyke.conf i have the entry 
 and in the never-graylist-rdns file i have the entry for the specific 
 But Mails from this Domain are graylisted anyway.
 What's wrong?
 Thanks for the help.

 spamdyke-users mailing list
spamdyke-users mailing list

Re: [spamdyke-users] spamdyke hangs at restart

2007-11-27 Thread Ton van Rosmalen

I'm with Sam on this one and also confused. 

I don't know how busy your server is but could ou post the results for
the following commands:
ps ax | grep spamdyke
ps ax | grep qmail

Try telnetting from another terminal/machine to smtp if there is no
mail-activity. Please post the output of the above command.

Also check the if qmail is running or restart it: service qmail restart
Flushing/processing the queue has nothing to do with spamdyke.

Check /var/log/messages for information


night duke schreef:

  at the lost dosen't appears, i have log level 4
  Sam Clippinger [EMAIL PROTECTED] escribió:
confused. If mail is being delivered and the spamdyke binary is in 
use, why do you think it isn't running? You should be able to see it in

a process list.

Is your log-level set to at least 2? Is your log-target set to 1?

-- Sam Clippinger

night duke wrote:
 Yes i'm looking at
 /usr/local/psa/var/log# ls -lah
 total 22M
 drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4,0K 2007-11-26 06:26 .
 drwxr-xr-x 9 psaadm psaadm 4,0K 2007-08-07 16:25 ..
 drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4,0K 2007-11-22 16:49 3
 -rw-r- 1 root adm 18M 2007-11-26 16:57 maillog
 I dosen't see spamdyke running at maillog, i can connect to smtp
 sucessfully and answer correctly.
 I have tried to restart /etc/init.d/xinetd restart and
 restart but spamdyke dosen't start.Also i have mail waiting at my
 messages in queue: 244
 messages in queue but not yet preprocessed: 219
 I have tried to copy form my compiled source of spamdyke to 
 /usr/loca/bin and told me it's been used...
 */Sam Clippinger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>/* escribió:
 Are you looking in the correct file? Plesk moves the maillog
 to /usr/local/psa/var/log/maillog.
 If that doesn't help, are you seeing any errors logged anywhere?
 do you see if you telnet to your server's SMTP port? Is any mail
 delivered at all?
 -- Sam Clippinger
 night duke wrote:
  Hi i have a problem when i do a restart of xinetd and qmail
for a
  strange reason spamdyke dosen't start again.I have added a
new ip
 at my
  whilelist ip file then i do a restart of qmail and xinetd...
  /etc/init.d/xinetd restart
  Stopping internet superserver: xinetd.
  Starting internet superserver: xinetd.
  cat smtp_psa
  service smtp
  socket_type = stream
  protocol = tcp
  wait = no
  disable = no
  user = root
  instances = UNLIMITED
  server = /var/qmail/bin/tcp-env
  server_args = -Rt0 /usr/local/bin/spamdyke -f
  /var/qmail/spamdyke/spamdyke.conf /var/qmail/bin/relaylock
  /var/qmail/bin/qmail-smtpd /var/qmail/bin/smtp_auth
  /var/qmail/bin/cmd5checkpw /var/qmail/bin/true
  Doe anyone how can i fix this problem? Spamdyke dosen't
 again at

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Re: [spamdyke-users] spamdyke hangs at restart

2007-11-26 Thread Ton van Rosmalen


I can't think of a reason why it wouldn't use spamdyke again.

But adding an IP to the whitelist file doesn't require a restart.
Spamdyke reads the (changed) config when started through xinetd.
If you want ot refresh xinetd as well, you might be able to use:
/etc/init.d/xinetd reload 
service xinetd reload

Depending on you Linux distro.



night duke schreef:

  Hi i have a problem when i do a restart of xinetd and qmail for
a strange reason spamdyke dosen't start again.I have added a new ip at
my whilelist ip file then i do a restart of qmail and xinetd... but...
  /etc/init.d/xinetd restart
  Stopping internet superserver: xinetd.
Starting internet superserver: xinetd.
  cat smtp_psa
  service smtp
 socket_type = stream
 protocol = tcp
 wait = no
 disable = no
 user = root
 instances = UNLIMITED
 server = /var/qmail/bin/tcp-env
 server_args = -Rt0 /usr/local/bin/spamdyke -f
/var/qmail/spamdyke/spamdyke.conf /var/qmail/bin/relaylock
/var/qmail/bin/qmail-smtpd /var/qmail/bin/smtp_auth /var/qmail/bin/true
/var/qmail/bin/cmd5checkpw /var/qmail/bin/true
  Doe anyone how can i fix this problem? Spamdyke dosen't appears
again at maillog...
  Chef por primera vez? - S un mejor
en Yahoo! Respuestas.

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Re: [spamdyke-users] Whitelist and gray/greylisting

2007-11-22 Thread Ton van Rosmalen

Hi Sam,

I didn't mean a separate whitelist for each filter.

As it is now some connections are terminated with DENIED_RDNS_MISSING
or DENIED_RDNS_RESOLVE from "valid" but
misconfigured mailservers.
I'd like to allow these connections but AFAIK the only option available
is whitelisting them apart from disabling the general rdns checks.
The same would happen when whitelisting the recipient address.

What I suggested is an option to use graylisting even when a
whitelist-test succeeded.
E.g. an option: graylist-when-whitelisted

That way at least some level of protection is available in case of
abuse of a whitelisted address.

Or perhaps I could achieve the same result using:
But again, what I read with whitelisting (as it should) in the docs is
"and skip all filters if it is found". Skipping all filters I interpret
as also skipping graylisting.
If I'm wrong please correct me.

When I look at your description of the upcoming addition I could create
the set-up I would like, so we'll leave this as it is.

Should you require some help (testing and/or development) of a
(pre-)release do not hesitate to contact me.


Sam Clippinger schreef:

  If I understand you correctly, you want a separate whitelist file for 
each filter?  That sounds similar to the "never-graylist-*" and 
"always-graylist-*" options -- whitelists and blacklists that only 
affect the graylist feature.

Keep in mind, adding white/blacklists for just the graylist feature 
created 7 new options.  I'm a little hesitant to repeat that effort for 
every filter; spamdyke would gain hundreds of options!  Configuring 
spamdyke would become nearly impossible.

I'm currently working on adding a system to allow spamdyke to be 
reconfigured per IP, rDNS, sender and/or recipient.  When it's ready, 
you should be able to accomplish what you're trying to do by creating 
new configuration files with specific names.  For example, you would be 
able to have a global configuration file that activates all the filters, 
then create some "local" configuration files that deactivate some of the 
filters for specific IP addresses or rDNS names or whatever.

Potentially, you (or someone) could then create a control panel to allow 
users to edit the filters affecting just their mail (or perhaps all mail 
for their domain).  Every user could (potentially) have their own 
whitelists, DNS RBLs, etc that are only used when mail is delivered to them.

That system should be ready soon, hopefully in the next version.

-- Sam Clippinger

Ton van Rosmalen wrote:
Hi all,

I've been using spamdyke for a couple of weeks now and I'm very happy
with it.

As always customers start questioning us about not receiving e-mails
from certain senders. After checking the logs the conclusion is always
that no rdns is found or that the found name doesn't resolve.

The problem that arises is that our customer start complaining about
this because "they can't receive orders" etc. For now I've put a couple
of the senders ip-addresses on a whitelist to prevent the denial because
of their misconfiguration. I've also tried to add greylisting for the
domain to provide some degree of anti-spam control.

What I (think I) observe is that because of the whitelisting all checks,
including greylisting, are skipped.

Would it be possible or is it possible to enable a whitelist (ip or
senderbased) and still get greylisting? I would think adding this option
shouldn't be to hard and am willing to investigate it myself and develop
the code for it. Without the option specified everything would remain
working as it is of course.

Dumb idea? Nice feature? Let me know what you think.




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[spamdyke-users] Whitelist and gray/greylisting

2007-11-21 Thread Ton van Rosmalen
Hi all,

I've been using spamdyke for a couple of weeks now and I'm very happy
with it.

As always customers start questioning us about not receiving e-mails
from certain senders. After checking the logs the conclusion is always
that no rdns is found or that the found name doesn't resolve.

The problem that arises is that our customer start complaining about
this because they can't receive orders etc. For now I've put a couple
of the senders ip-addresses on a whitelist to prevent the denial because
of their misconfiguration. I've also tried to add greylisting for the
domain to provide some degree of anti-spam control.

What I (think I) observe is that because of the whitelisting all checks,
including greylisting, are skipped.

Would it be possible or is it possible to enable a whitelist (ip or
senderbased) and still get greylisting? I would think adding this option
shouldn't be to hard and am willing to investigate it myself and develop
the code for it. Without the option specified everything would remain
working as it is of course.

Dumb idea? Nice feature? Let me know what you think.




spamdyke-users mailing list

Re: [spamdyke-users] Problem in v3.1.1 make it un-usable.

2007-11-15 Thread Ton van Rosmalen

Hi David,

Just a quick note from a fellow Plesk-user.

I'm using spamdyke as well on several Plesk (Linux) versions and no
complaints and no problems using webmail.

I'm just wondering whether you've got localhost ( on your
whitelist inside Plesk?
Settings can be found by logging in with admin credentials via: Server
- Mail - tab White List


david boh schreef:

Test Step: 
1. Re-install spamdyke 3.1.1 in both server
2. Place the spamdyke before relaylock pipe in xinetd.d
3. Restart xinetd
4. Repeat 2 and 3 of the other server.
5. Did the test, using webmail and send from server A to server B. Did
the same on the other end.
Both email did not leave the server just hang in qmail queue.
So I revert both spamdyke to 3.0.1. (position of spamdyke still before
Force qmail to send qmail queue. All email goes without any problem.
So pipe spamdyke before relaylock works. But spamdyke 3.1.1 still have
problem with mail send via webmail.
Through-out this test no configuration change for spamdyke.conf,
whitelist, blacklist all configure file is the same.
Original Message 
From: Sam Clippinger [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: spamdyke users
Sent: Thursday, November 15, 2007 2:09:29 AM
Subject: Re: [spamdyke-users] Problem in v3.1.1 make it un-usable.
I got a tip a while back from another Plesk user that you have to run 
spamdyke before relaylock to avoid these errors.  So in your 
/etc/xinetd.d/smtp_psa file, try changing the "server_args" line to:
        server_args    = -Rt0 /usr/local/bin/spamdyke --config-file 
/var/qmail/spamdyke/spamdyke.conf /var/qmail/bin/relaylock 
/var/qmail/bin/qmail-smtpd /var/qmail/bin/smtp_auth /var/qmail/bin/true
/var/qmail/bin/cmd5checkpw /var/qmail/bin/true
I need to update the documentation to include this.
-- Sam Clippinger
david boh wrote:
 Sure my friend.
 Both server has the same smtp_psa and configure ( both server have
 and duplicate/mirror setting)
        socket_type    = stream
        protocol        = tcp
        wait            = no
        disable        = no
        user            = root
        instances      = UNLIMITED
        server          = /var/qmail/bin/tcp-env
        server_args    = -Rt0 /var/qmail/bin/relaylock 
 /usr/local/bin/spamdyke --config-file
 /var/qmail/bin/qmail-smtpd /var/qmail/bin/smtp_auth
 /var/qmail/bin/cmd5checkpw /var/qmail/bin/true
 #greeting-delay-secs = 1
 # ip-in-rdns-keyword-file=/var/qmail/spamdyke/blacklist_keywords
 # rdns-blacklist-dir=/var/qmail/spamdyke/blacklist_rdns.d
 # reject-empty-rdns
 # reject-unresolvable-rdns
 # reject-ip-in-cc-rdns
 # rdns-whitelist-file=/var/qmail/spamdyke/whitelist_rdns
 - Original Message 
 From: Sam Clippinger [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: spamdyke users
 Sent: Wednesday, November 14, 2007 12:13:44 AM
 Subject: Re: [spamdyke-users] Problem in v3.1.1 make it un-usable.
 Can you send more information about your setup?  Could you send the
 contents of your /etc/xinetd.d/smtp_psa file and your spamdyke
 configuration file (if you have one)?
 -- Sam Clippinger
 david boh wrote:
   I would like to report that v3.1.0 also suffer from the same
issue as
   described below.
   So now I am back to v3.0.1, I think many mail will be
missing if I
   continue to test.
   I believei it should be able to resolve quickly.
   - Original Message 
   From: david boh [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Sent: Tuesday, November 13, 2007 11:22:01 PM
   Subject: [spamdyke-users] Problem in v3.1.1 make it
   I have two server. One I install the latest spamdyke v3.1.1,
let's call
   this server A and the other server B.
   Both have spamdyke v3.1.1, using plesk. But when I send
email via
   webmail from server A to the server B email, some how the
email cannot
   be delivered.
   When I check server B the log shows a lot of Broken pipe.
How I know as
   all the email was trap in server A queue, so I force qmail
to send and
   immediately check the server log in server B.
   Nov 13 22:19:52 manna spamdyke[19583]: ERROR: unable to
write 36 bytes
   to file descriptor 1: Broken pipe
   Nov 13 

Re: [spamdyke-users] Follow-up: Resolving rDNS with CNAME

2007-11-05 Thread Ton van Rosmalen

I've been doing some testing using the util 'dnsptr'. This sample
returns, in its original form, the correct answer for the following ip:   (

I've copied the following lines (280 - 290) from spamdyke/dns.c into
dnsptr.c and modified the usage of structures to single variables:

 dns.c -
tmp_ptr = answer_ptr;
while (((tmp_ptr - answer_ptr)  size) 
   ((txt_length = tmp_ptr[0])  0))
  tmp_ptr[0] = '.';
  tmp_ptr += txt_length + 1;

current_settings-strlen_server_name = MINVAL(MAX_BUF,
size - 2);
for (i = 0; i  current_settings-strlen_server_name; i++)
  current_settings-server_name[i] =
tolower((int)(answer_ptr + 1)[i]);

Now the dnsptr program issues a servername of 'profi-1.wetteronline.'.

The difference seems to be in the usage of the dn_expand function in the
original whereby the correct domainname is determined.
I've been reading up on domain name compression and as far as I can
see the above code doesn't take these 'backreferences' into account.

Hope this helps in creating a solution.

Kind regards,


Ton van Rosmalen schreef:
 Hi all,

 I've started using spamdyke recently and ran into the same problem
 described in the thread from Oct. 23rd with the same subject.

 AFAI can see the rejection is based on the rDNS being determined as
 hostname. without the domain part.
 This hostname. itself does not resolve to an ip-address hence the

 The thread ends with a private message request with additional (real)

 Has this led to a resolution for the problem?


 Kind regards,

 spamdyke-users mailing list
spamdyke-users mailing list

[spamdyke-users] Follow-up: Resolving rDNS with CNAME

2007-11-04 Thread Ton van Rosmalen
Hi all,

I've started using spamdyke recently and ran into the same problem
described in the thread from Oct. 23rd with the same subject.

AFAI can see the rejection is based on the rDNS being determined as
hostname. without the domain part.
This hostname. itself does not resolve to an ip-address hence the

The thread ends with a private message request with additional (real)

Has this led to a resolution for the problem?


Kind regards,

spamdyke-users mailing list