[spectre] (fwd) East Art Map: Contemporary Art and Eastern Europe

2006-10-09 Diskussionsfäden Andreas Broeckmann

East Art Map: Contemporary Art and Eastern Europe
IRWIN (eds.)

ISBN 1-846380-22-7 (cloth)
ISBN 1-846380-05-7 (paper)
7.9 x 9.75,
500 pp., 192 colour illus.

East Art Map: Contemporary Art and Eastern Europe surveys the
extraordinary artistic landscape of the eastern half of the European
continent. It is an ambitious attempt to reconstruct some of the
hidden histories of contemporary art and offers compelling
discoveries for readers based both outside and within these
geographic limits. The Slovenian artists’ group IRWIN, who initiated
the concept of East Art Map, has invited artists, curators, theorists
and critics to record a wide range of innovations and radical actions
that have taken place in the region since 1945. Despite its
substantial contribution to a new art history, this book also remains
an artists’ project, with a subjective and quixotic appeal in
addition to its informative contents.

In recent decades, Eastern Europe has undergone rapid changes in its
political and economic dogmas and it is now among the most
significant areas for the production of contemporary culture. East
Art Map tells the region’s compelling histories in different ways,
based on a selection of key artworks and artists. For the first time
over such a broad terrain, the less celebrated sector of Europe talks
to us on its own terms about its past and its future.

Not only does East Art Map serve as a guidebook through the visual
culture of totalitarian and post-totalitarian societies, it is the
largest contemporary art documentation project ever undertaken by the
East on the East. ‘Where history is not given,’ the editors write,
‘it has to be constructed.’ This book is that construction.

The IRWIN group consists of five artists: Dusan Mandic, Miran Mohar,
Andrej Savski, Roman Uranjek and Borut Vogelnik. The group was
founded in 1983 in Ljubljana and was also co-founder of Neue
Slowenische Kunst (NSK). Alongside other activities, IRWIN have been
engaged in a series of projects which have actively and concretely
intervened in social and historical contexts in the decade that
redefined the status of art in Eastern Europe (Kapital, NSK Embassy
Moscow, Transnacionala, East Art Map). The first three of these
projects resulted in books edited by Eda Cufer, who started to
collaborate with IRWIN at the beginning of the 1990s. IRWIN is also
involved in the creation of three art collections in Eastern Europe.

Afterall Books are distributed by The MIT Press, and can be ordered
via the website:

For further information on Afterall please see:

For further information on East Art Map please see:


SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
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2006-10-09 Diskussionsfäden Jose-Carlos Mariategui
--- English (Spanish version follows)

* ³Resistencias² rescues and highlights the works from a generation of
internationally-renowned Peruvian avant-garde musicians.
* Science, art and new technologies ­all considered from a historical
perspective­ will come together in this, the second exhibition organized by
sound art festival VIBRA: Audio Lima Experimental.

* The exhibition will be complemented by a series of activities in which two
generations of musicians, each one from a different avant-garde, will join
together in concerts and seminars.
During the sixties, music experienced an age of splendor all
over the world, due to the emergence of great geniuses who have become a
part of the cultural heritage in the West and part of the East. People from
almost every corner of the world were singing to, dancing to and thinking to
the rhythm of the big names in music.

Thanks to the emergence of new concepts and new technologies, those years
were a time for research and experimentation. And Lima¹s musical scene was
not the exception. The sixties saw the birth of a gifted generation of
Peruvian musicians, who experimented with the new languages developed after
the end of the Second World War. Serialism, aleatory techniques, electronic
devices, electro acoustic music and an interdisciplinary approach were key
to the works of this Peruvian avant-garde.

César Bolaños, Édgar Valcárcel, Olga Pozzi-Escot, Leopoldo La Rosa, Enrique
Pinilla, Celso Garrido-Lecca, Alejandro Núñez Allauca, Walter Casas, among
others, revolutionized Peruvian experimental music history, and left a mark
that spread beyond the boundaries of their country.
Centro Fundación Telefónica and Alta Tecnología Andina association present
Resistencias: primeras vanguardias musicales en el Perú (Resistances: the
first musical avant-gardes in Peru), the second exhibition organized by
sound art festival VIBRA: Audio Lima Experimental. Resistencias intends to
uncover and re-discover the significance of this generation of Peruvian
experimental scholarly composers, whose works had a national and
international impact, and who had an intensely active career during the
sixties, yet today are unknown to the general public.
Public assisting to Sala Paréntesis of Centro Fundación Telefónica will be
part of an experience in which they will be able to see, listen and come
closer to these musicians¹ worlds through sound documents, such as
recordings from reel-to-reel tapes that have been digitalized for the first
time; and documents, such as photographs, show programs, press clippings,
and scores. Furthermore, there is a video recording of interviews made to
the composers, which will allow the public to be acquainted with the context
in which this generation developed, a context marked by a complete
reinvention of scholar music in Latin America.

Complementary activities
As a complement to Resistencias, Centro Fundación Telefónica presents a
seminar about musical avant-gardes in Latin America, and a concert of
Peruvian compositions and performances.
Seminar: ³Latinoamérica y la vanguardia musical² (Latin America and the
musical avant-garde)
Presented by Centro Fundación Telefónica, this seminar will be held on
October 12th, 17th, 18th, 24th, 26th and 31st. It will allow the public to
be acquainted with how Latin America experienced the first samples of
electronic music and the avant-garde, starting from the fifties.
The research done by Luis Alvarado ­about musical avant-gardes in Peru and
Latin America­ is the starting point for this seminar in which will take
part some renowned composers and theorists from Argentina, Chile, Ecuador
and Peru, such as: Édgar Valcárcel (Peru), Leopoldo La Rosa (Peru), José
Javier Castro (Peru), Luis Alvarado (Peru), Daniel Varela (Argentina),
Francisco Kröpfl (Argentina), Federico Schumacher (Chile), and Mesías
Maiguashca (Ecuador).
Place: Centro Fundación Telefónica
Address: 1155 Arequipa Ave., Lima
Entrance: free of charge (limited seating capacity), after registration at
Tributo (Homage)
Adaptation of Intihuatana for string quartet (1967), composed by Celso
Garrido-Lecca, performed by electric guitar players Valentín Yoshimoto, Tete
Leguía, Paulo Novoa and Renzo Gianella, and conducted by young musician Juan
Carlos Rivera. Also, José Javier Castro will perform an adaptation of
Interpolaciones (Interpolations) for electric guitar and sound recording
tape (1966), composed by César Bolaños.
Place: Centro Fundación Telefónica
Date: Friday, October 27th
Time: 19.00
Entrance: free of charge (limited seating capacity)
The festival takes place at Centro Fundación Telefónica, open Monday to
Saturday from 12.00 to 21.00 (Wednesdays closed), and Sundays from 12.00 to
19.00. Access to all activities 


2006-10-09 Diskussionsfäden [artACTIVE]

will take place on

20  - 22 October 2006 in SZCZECIN-SWINOUJSCIE / POLAND
MEDIA ART EXHIBITION selfportrait - a show for Bethlehem  - how for Peace
ORGANIZER : place of art OFFICYNA Szczcecin
National Museum in Szczecin
Agricola de Cologne, independent curator and director of Media/Art/Cologne and 
CologneOFF- Cologne /D.
City Swinoujscie
Agricola de Cologne (D)
Antoni Karwowski (PL)
Andrzej Pawelczyk (PL)

more details and listed participants on

SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
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[spectre] In response to the call : boycotts Emergences festival

2006-10-09 Diskussionsfäden Laureen Lagarde
In response to the call for boycott brought against the fourth edition
of the Emergences festival.

Emergences’ last edition has ended up on Sunday evening with a very
positive assessment, especially the audience increased once again this
year. Our last weeks’ timetable did not enabled us to answer earlier to
the call for boycott to the festival which was launched by some people
who judged our program being male chauvinist ; this is only lately that
we got informed of this and only via undirect means. Just like the
persons who launched the debate on the mailing list of art sensitif ///
www.artsens.org //, we think that this is important to discuss about the
place of women in contemporary art, and we are really open and motivated
for any talk about it, but we also refuse any extreme point of view
which would like that one set up a program according to the sex or the
origin of the artits. We choose to show up projects instead of artists
and we choose these projects because we like them, because they fit in a
set of themes, because we believe that they are interesting… and
definitly not because its creator is a man or a woman… Lastly, we
strongly reject the method which has been used because it looks only
like a final sentence whitout appeal nor opportunity to talk and debats.

The team of the Emergences festival www.festival-emergences.info 

En réponse à l’appel au boycott de la quatrième édition du festival

La dernière édition d’Emergences s’est achevée dimanche soir sur un
bilan très positif, notamment au niveau de la fréquentation qui a été
très importante cette année encore. 
L’emploi du temps de nos dernières semaines ne nous ont pas permis de
répondre plus tôt à l’appel au boycott du festival lancé par quelques
personnes qui jugeaient notre programmation machiste, appel dont nous
avons été informés tardivement et par des voies indirectes. Tout comme
les personnes qui ont lancé la discussion sur la liste art sensitif  ///
www.artsens.org //, nous pensons qu’il est important de débattre de la
place des femmes dans l’art contemporain, et nous sommes tout à fait
ouverts et motivés pour en parler, mais nous refusons pour autant les
positions extrêmes qui voudraient que l’on monte une programmation en
fonction du sexe  ou de l'origine des artistes. Nous choisissons de
programmer des projets, non des artistes et nous choisissons ces projets
parce qu’ils nous plaisent, parce qu’ils rentrent dans une thématique,
parce qu’ils nous semblent intéressants… pas parce que son concepteur
est un homme ou une femme… Enfin, nous réprouvons particulièrement la
méthode qui a été utilisée qui correspond à une véritable condamnation
sans appel qui n’offre aucune place au dialogue et au débat.

L'équipe du festival Emergences

SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
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2006-10-09 Diskussionsfäden Trebor Scholz
The Center for Virtual Architecture at the University at Buffalo, the
Institute for Distributed Creativity, and The Architectural League of  
New York present:

October 19-21, 2006
@ The Urban Center  Eyebeam
New York City


A 3-day symposium bringing together researchers and practitioners  
from art, architecture, technology and sociology to explore new sites  
of practice, research vectors, and working methods for the confluence  
of Architecture and Situated Technologies.

Organized by Omar Khan, Trebor Scholz, and Mark Shepard

Participants: Jonah Brucker-Cohen, Richard Coyne, Michael Fox, Anne  
Galloway, Charlie Gere, Usman Haque, Natalie  Jeremijenko, Sheila  
Kennedy, Eric Paulos, Karmen Franinovic, Mette Ramsgard Thomsen,  
Kazys Varnelis

NOTE: Space is limited. Reservations/advance ticket purchase required.
Contact: Jessica Blaustein - [EMAIL PROTECTED] or call  

SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
Info, archive and help: