[spectre] fwd ((i)) indy journalist murdered ... IN MEMORY ! IN ACTION !... updates

2006-11-01 Diskussionsfäden Podp Yvol


Below is a list of actions to honor the late Brad Will's journalistic
courage and help to de-escalate the violence in Mexico!


Just this morning DemocracyNow.org reports that the US State dept. will

NOT press Mexico for an investigation of the murder of a US journalist. I
mean we already know that the state dept. has been overstaffed with more
than a few spineless and self-interested fucks of late... But this is an

OUTRAGE that the journalist profession will not tolerate!

And meanwhile the situation in Oaxaca is bound to heat up as the EZLN has
made a call in solidarity for roadblocks Nov. 1st and a general strike
. i'd say the PRI govt. is in DEEP SHIT and will likely have to
come to the negotiating table sooner or later, which is what the thousands
of striking teachers had been attempting from the very beginning, until
the Oaxaca governor decided to respond with violence.

A small list of actions below could use your immediate participation
and creative amplification. And certainly there's many more ideas and
actions awaiting your own personalized and/or collective response:

1. Electronic Blockade of Mexican Embassy and Consulate Websites
just click it !: ... then proceed to more actions:

2. The NYC Indymedia collective has written a press release which
includes a demand for an investigation as well as an appeal for the
end of state violence against the people of Oaxaca...

spread the word and/or devise a similar call for justice among your

3. The corporate media's coverage of the oppression in Oaxaca ( and
indigenous people in total ) has been deplorable and spineless, and

their recent coverage now regarding the death of a journalist has been
at best a footnote.

Recently http://democracynow.orgdemocracynow.org reported that 2006 
was the deadliest year

for journalists, already marked by 75 casualties. This is a story that

needs to be covered in every media! Send your outrage to whatever
media you receive your news, that ignoring this story is unacceptable!
Write to some of those rare journalists who publish fairly conscious
human reports in mainstream outlets ... perhaps a journalist walkout

or day of media silence is an idea waiting to be organized.

4. Protests at a number of Mexican consulates around the world are
scheduled. ( check your local indymedia for news, in SF Bay Area see
www.indybay.org )

5. There's lots of arts and banners in memory of Brad Will and the Oaxaca
show your solidarity on your site: i.e.:
the banner on:

front page/left column
 Brad Will ((i)) 
and this one en espanol:
and/or please distribute the stencil posted at podp tribe site!

and/or create yur own !

6. The events happening in Oaxaca are urgently needing your attention
to de-escalate the violence. follow the breaking news here:


it's also an important lesson for active communities everywhere,

inform your friends and family. This brief excerpt from San Diego indy
email captures the wider relevance:

As you may have heard (no thanks to the mainstream media) one of the most
monumental grassroots movements is going on in the capital city of the

state of Oaxaca, led by striking teachers ( about 3000! schools were
closed ) and supported by broad sectors and a people's assembly... all
aimed at bringing down the repressive and corrupt regime of PRI governor

Ulisis Ortiz Ruiz.

7. spread this news to any net tribes/lists that are still
breathing... and of course beyond the virtual.

that's all i got time for now, soli !


arts and media organisms

SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
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Re: [spectre] fwd ((i)) indy journalist murdered ... IN MEMORY ! IN ACTION !... updates

2006-11-01 Diskussionsfäden jaromil
Hash: SHA1

On Wed, Nov 01, 2006 at 09:17:07AM +0100, Podp Yvol wrote:
 Below is a list of actions to honor the late Brad Will's journalistic
 courage and help to de-escalate the violence in Mexico!

be sure i've been sheding tears for brother Brad

but i hope i really hope is not about honour and courage of a hero what
we are celebrating. lets think (and excuse my bitterness)

what Brad would tell us if he'd be here?

approximately other 14 Mexican teachers died in Oaxaca during the past
few months.

all hard to notice, until someone nearby gets hit,
even in the multi-connected XXI century,
when we can protest clicking on webpages.

so, what makes heroes necessary?

and then, who is killing them?

wish you phun with your local mexican embassy

- -- 
 jaromil,  dyne.org rasta coder,  http://afrolinux.org

Version: GnuPG v1.4.1 (GNU/Linux)


SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
Info, archive and help:

[spectre] animatronica - microwave festival hongkong

2006-11-01 Diskussionsfäden Andreas Broeckmann

Microwave International New Media Arts Festival

4-15 Nov 2006


Animatronica showcases classical and cutting edge media-arts in the 
technical context of surveillance and real-time interaction. The 
exhibition is set out to explore the many dimensions of animated 
space: the public, the private, and the social. It is presented as a 
situation within which the audience's own imagination and willful 
exploration ignites the new dimension of seeing. The exhibition space 
becomes the matrix through which audiences discovers new ways of 
interacting with surveillance devices, and expand our repertoire of 
dynamic visceral experiences.

This year's Festival highlights the critical nature of animated 
images, both in the form of animation and by way of surveillance 
devices. Surveillance, usually perceived in a negative context, is 
being presented to the audience in a fun, enigmatic manner. The 
devices, mobilized by artists' creativity, allow viewers to witness 
extended dimensions of their physical existence: fantastic 
interactive elements emerge while they navigate through the 
exhibition space.

The exhibition venue is constructed as a technological laboratory 
where the public is invited to engage, participate and experiment: to 
explore the interactivity within an inviting social context and 
referential space. The show could not be defined without the active 
participation of audiences. The exhibition would not be complete 
without the interaction of the public.


Date: 5-15.11.2006
Time: 11:00am-8:00pm, Daily
Venue: Exhibition Hall, Low Block, Hong Kong City Hall (map)
Free Admission

Exhibition Opening

Date: 4.11.2006
Time: 5:30pm
Venue: Exhibition Hall, Low Block, Hong Kong City Hall (map)


Rafael Lozano-Hemmer - Canada
Camille Utterback - USA
Alvaro Cassinelli - Uruguay
Philip Worthington - U.K.
Max Kazemzadeh - USA
Daniel Shiffman - USA
Daniel Sauter - Germany
Jin-Yo Mok - South Korea
X-D Animation Award Winners - Hong Kong

Microwave X-D Animation Award 2006

Prize Presentation
Date: 5.11.2006
Time: 2:00pm
Venue: Exhibition Hall, Hong Kong Film Archive (map)

Microwave X-D Animation Award Show
Date: 5-15.11.2006
Time: 10:00am-8:00pm, Fri-Wed (Closed Thur)
Venue: Exhibition Hall, Hong Kong Film Archive (map)

Tribute to Nam June Paik: Special Lecture and Screening Program

Date: 11,13-15.11.2006
Venue: Exhibition Hall, Hong Kong Film Archive (map)


Electronic Mediated City-Wide Performance
Artist Talks
Animatronica Exhibition Tours

SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
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