[spectre] tactical media seminar in vilnius

2007-03-19 Thread Geert Lovink


The second session of VMS (Vilnius Media Seminar) has taken place in 
Vilnius Art Academy on 19th of February (2007). The topic this time was 
"Strategies of tactical media: noise makes sense".  At first during the 
seminar the tactical media as a concept was presented and then the 
significance of tactical media in Eastern Europe was discussed. The key 
speakers were Alexei Krivolap [BY] and Benjamin Cope [UK, PL]. The 
moderation was held by Vytautas Michelkevicius. At the moment we are 
publishing audio files and pictures from the seminar and in a meanwhile 
we are going to publish the presentations as a working papers here as 

There were around 30 participants in this seminar. Alexei Krivolap 
presented the situation of tactical media in Ukraine and Belarus. He 
screened two tactical media pieces: the serial from Belarus "Web-master 
& Margarita" which is a remake of very popular russian soap opera 
"Master & Margarita" and tactical media pieces from Ukraine - "Funny 
Benjamin Cope has presented his experience in making radio shows to 
Polish radio stations. His experiences in travelling all around the 
country and interviewing local people without having good polish skills 
was very much of the tactical nature. You can listen to these 
presentations and discussion here.

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Re: [spectre] tactical media seminar in vilnius

2007-03-19 Thread Inke Arns


The second session of VMS (Vilnius Media 
Seminar) has taken place in Vilnius Art Academy 
on 19th of February (2007). The topic this time 
was "Strategies of tactical media: noise makes 
sense".  At first during the seminar the 
tactical media as a concept was presented and 
then the significance of tactical media in 
Eastern Europe was discussed. The key speakers 
were Alexei Krivolap [BY] and Benjamin Cope [UK, 
PL]. The moderation was held by Vytautas 
Michelkevicius. At the moment we are publishing 
audio files and pictures from the seminar and in 
a meanwhile we are going to publish the 
presentations as a working papers here as well.

One remark/footnote: Oleg Kireev has just 
published a great book in Russian about Tactical 
Media ("Povarennaya kniga media-aktivista" - "The 
cookbook of the media activist", Ultra Kultura, 
Ekatarinburg 2006).

There were around 30 participants in this 
seminar. Alexei Krivolap presented the situation 
of tactical media in Ukraine and Belarus. He 
screened two tactical media pieces: the serial 
from Belarus "Web-master & Margarita" which is a 
remake of very popular russian soap opera 
"Master & Margarita" and tactical media pieces 
from Ukraine - "Funny Egs".

"Master i Margerita" is also the title of a great 
novel by Mikhail Bulgakov - it belongs to the 
best pieces of writing about Stalinism I know ;-) 
Bulgakov completed it in the 1930s, but it was 
only published in the Soviet Union in 1966 (well, 
a censored version)

Many greetings,


Dr. Inke Arns
Künstlerische Leiterin / Artistic Director
Hartware MedienKunstVerein
Güntherstrasse 65 * D-44143 Dortmund
T ++49 (0) 231 - 823 106
F ++49 (0) 231 - 882 02 40

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