[spectre] RAMI. October 4 -15, 2007 in Beirut

2007-09-29 Diskussionsfäden Andreas Broeckmann

Art and New Media seminar at R A M I - 
International Encounters on Arts and Multimedia

With this seminar given by Ricardo Mbarkho at 
RAMI, participants will widen their knowledge, 
experiments and research in art using new media. 
They will study and think the New Technologies of 
Information and Communication 
(Internet/Cyberspace, mobiles, satellites, 
digital networks, interactive games, etc.) with 
their impact on the artistís social and political 
environment, and how this impact is or could be 
shaped in their projects. So what are the new 
possibilities to experiment with? How to 
collaborate with electronic engineers and 
scientists for this purpose? What are the new 
esthetics that were never possible before the 
invention of the virtual/cyberspace, of the 
interactivity, and of the digital network with 
the Internet?

This seminar is theory and aesthetic oriented; a 
research laboratory in new media art is thus 
implemented in class. The aim is to cover a quick 
overview on the history of new media art in order 
to analyze art works and understand the judgment 
criterion for this new esthetic. The participants 
will be constantly oriented to define and locate 
their positioning as artists operating in the new 
media field, within the global todayís art 


The RAMI project is an international platform for 
experimentation, exchange and circulation 
dedicated to contemporary creation, digital tools 
and multimedia in the Mediterranean. (Lebanon, 
Egypt, France - 2006/2007)

October 4 -15, 2007 in Beirut / Step 5

Developed by SHAMS-Beirut, ZINC/ECM-Marseilles, 
l'ATELIER of Alexandria and ASTAR-Milan between 
September 2006 and December 2007, the RAMI 
project is hold in 7 steps in Marseille, Aix, 
Beirut and Alexandria.
In this step, three workshops, two research 
seminars, one technical unit and several cartes 
blanches will be animated by French, Italian, 
Lebanese and Egyptian artists.

Site: http://rami.lafriche.org

Rami is financed by Anna Lindh Foundation, Al 
Mawred Al Sakafi Al Arabi, Dramastica Institute, 
Open Society Institute, Ford Foundation, French 
Cultural Centre in Beirut, Region 
Provence-Alpes-CÙte d'Azur, MinistËre des 
affaires ÈtrangËres franÁais. Rami is endorsed by 
the Goethe Institut, la BibliothÈca Alexandrina, 
the Yasmin network, and the CCF díAlexandrie...


SÈminaire Art et nouveaux mÈdias ý RAMI 
Rencontres Arts et MultimÈdia Internationales

Avec ce sÈminaire de Ricardo Mbarkho ý RAMI, les 
participants Èlargiront leur connaissance, 
expÈriences et recherche dans líart utilisant les 
nouveaux mÈdias. Ils Ètudieront et penseront le 
les Nouvelles Technologies d'Information et de la 
Communication (Internet/Cyberespace, mobile, 
satellites, rÈseaux numÈriques, jeux interactifs, 
etc.) avec leur impact sur l'environnement social 
et politique de l'artiste, et comment cet impact 
est ou pourrait Ítre faÁonnÈ dans leurs projets. 
Donc quelles sont les nouvelles possibilitÈs pour 
expÈrimenter avec? Comment collaborer avec les 
ingÈnieurs Èlectroniques et les scientifiques 
pour ce but? Quelles sont les nouvelles 
esthÈtiques qui n'Ètaient jamais possibles avant 
l'invention du virtuel/cyberespace, de 
líinteractivitÈ, et du rÈseau numÈrique avec 
l'Internet ?

Ce sÈminaire est orientÈ vers la thÈorie et 
líesthÈtique; un laboratoire de recherche dans 
les nouveaux mÈdias est donc installÈ en classe. 
Le but est díavoir un aperÁu sur l'histoire des 
nouveaux mÈdias et líart, pour analyser des 
travaux artistiques et comprendre les critËres du 
jugement pour ce nouvel esthÈtique. Les 
participants seront orientÈs constamment pour 
dÈfinir et trouver leur positionnement en tant 
quíartistes qui opËrent dans le champ des 
nouveaux mÈdias, dans la sphËre de l'art 


Plate forme de Rencontres Arts et MultimÈdia en MÈditerranÈe.
Liban, Egypte, France ñ 2006/2007
RAMI Beyrouth du 4 au 15 octobre 2007, au Tournesol ñ Beyrouth / Etape 5

Le projet RAMI est une plate-forme 
díexpÈrimentation et de diffusion qui, entre 
septembre 2006 et dÈcembre  2007, propose des 
Èchanges internationaux autour de la crÈation 
contemporaine et des outils numÈriques et 
Štat des lieux dynamique, ce projet propose aux 
artistes, au public et aux professionnels un 
espace díÈchange et de rÈflexion.
Le projet RAMI se tient en 7 Ètapes entre 
Marseille, Aix, Beyrouth et Alexandrie. AprËs une 
Ètape en septembre ý Marseille, la 5e Ètape aura 
lieu ý Beyrouth du 4 au 15 octobre 2007

Site : http://rami.lafriche.org

RAMI  est un projet conÁu et propose par: SHAMS ñ 
Beirut, ZINC/ECM ñ Marseille, avec líATELIER of 
Alexandria et le studio Azzuro/ASTAR ñ Milan, en 
association avec le RÈseau arts-sciences  en 
MÈditerranÈe Yasmin.

Rami est financÈ par : Anna Lindh Foundation, Al 
Mawred Al Sakafi Al Arabi, Dramastica 

[spectre] Fwd: NEWSgrist: Burma Updates

2007-09-29 Diskussionsfäden Oliver Grau
Those of us who had once a chance to talk to nobel price winner Aung San
Suu Kyi,
might have thought for ways to support the democratic movement to free
from its cynical regime...

 NEWSgrist - where spin is art [EMAIL PROTECTED] 29.09.2007
NEWSgristlogo http://newsgrist.typepad.com/

NEWSgrist - where spin is art
covering the arts since 2000

Vol.8, no.26

read it on the blog:
http://newsgrist.typepad.com http://newsgrist.typepad.com
http://newsgrist.net http://newsgrist.net

September 28, 2007

  Burmese Updates: Monks, Civilians Killed; Japanese Journalist
  Gunned Down; Government Clamps Down on Internet...

[Image Source http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/in_pictures/7015799.stm]

see also:


Burmese blogs:


More news via  NYTimes:
More Deaths in Myanmar, and Defiance 
Myanmar Raids Monasteries Before Dawn 

current news via Wikipedia:


* In pictures: Burma protests
  http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/in_pictures/7015799.stm (BBC
* Burma-Myanmar Genocide
  http://picasaweb.google.com/burmamyanmargenocide (Picasa
  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Picasa Web Album)


* Demonstration (video)
  Mizzima News
* Protests, September 26 (video)
  Mizzima News
* Monks demonstrating on September 24 (video)
  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ceemxl-LFAk at YouTube
* Monks leading a demonstaration of 100,000 on September 24
  (video) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f3EarhS5ysA at
  YouTube http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/YouTube
* Monks defy warnings to protest on September 25 (video)
  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z0GTF44phZE at YouTube
* Police Clash with Protesters on September 26 (video)
  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZRmOibAEDGQ at YouTube
* Shots fired as protests continue on September 27 (video)
  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sppRRqYWBP4 at YouTube
* Soldiers shoot into crowds on September 27 (video)
  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CU6myf-lJ6k at YouTube
* Protesters clash with Troops on September 28 (video)
  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OU6HRIH56dA at YouTube
* Video shows Japanese journalist 'being shot deliberately'
  September 27 (video)
  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BUUQi1ooEAs at YouTube


Protests today in Yangon, Myanmar. (Photo: Reuters)

via NYTimes, The Lede:

Burmese Government Clamps Down on Internet
September 28, 2007,  9:19 am

By Mike Nizza http://thelede.blogs.nytimes.com/author/mnizza/
Tags: burma http://thelede.blogs.nytimes.com/tag/burma, internet
http://thelede.blogs.nytimes.com/tag/internet, media
http://thelede.blogs.nytimes.com/tag/media, protests
http://thelede.blogs.nytimes.com/tag/protests, violence

Update Appended

Burmese bloggers are now reporting that they are running into
significant hurdles to getting the word out
on the government's 

[spectre] The Gate

2007-09-29 Diskussionsfäden Domenico Quaranta



THE GATE (or Hole in Space, Reloaded)
Yannick Antoine, Yves Bernard (BE)
With the collaboration of: Domenico Quaranta (IT), Sugar Seville (SL)
Opening Performance: Second Front

iMAL Center for Digital Cultures and Technology, Brussels; Odyssey
Contemporary Art and Performance, Second Life (Odyssey 122/45/25)

04/10/07 - 07/10/07

The Gate is an installation connecting real life and Second Life, a
junction point, a door between two worlds and two representation spaces.
Basically, it is a simple window between both worlds where real users
and SL users see each other and can meet. A view of the SL Gate is
permanently projected in the real life venue; when an avatar comes in
front of The Gate, it is visible in the public space; when one arrives
physically in front of the door in the public space, he/she can interact
with the SL user currently in front.

The result will be a kind of happening where the virtuality of SL is
transferred in the physicality of our public space and vice-versa; a
stage for performance and interaction, something between a breakdance
platform, an inter-dimensional portal and a peep show through parallel

The Gate has been designed for the opening show of iMAL new space in
Brussels. The show explores the fusion between the physical world and
the net through networked sculptures and installations which question
the physical space as well as the digital world. Featured artists:
Yannick Antoine (BE), Pascal Baltazar (FR), Justin Benett (UK), Yves
Bernard (BE), Jonah Brucker-Cohen (USA), Mathieu Chamagne (FR), HC Gilje
(NO), Linda Hifling (DK), Thomas Israël (BE), Sven König (DE), Walter
Langelaar (NL), Sascha Pohflepp (DE), Antoine Schmitt (FR), SecondFront
(Second Life), Walter Verdin (BE), Visual Kitchen  Eavesdropper (BE).

Perform from iMAL with people on Second Life

The Gate is installed on Odyssey, an island in Second Life dedicated to
art and performance.
In the opening hours of iMAL (October 5 - 6, 11 AM - 7PM [2AM - 10AM
SLT]; October 7, 10AM - 8PM [1AM - 11 PM SLT]), people, avatars and
performance artists are kindly invited to come, perform and interact at
The Gate, both in real life and in Second Life.
During the vernissage on October 4 (8:30 - 12 PM [11:30AM - 3PM SLT])
Second Front, the first performance art group in Second Life, will use
The Gate as a in-between stage in front of iMAL visitors and SL passer-by.

Perform from The Gate in Second Life with visitors at iMAL

First create a free account in Second Life (http://secondlife.com/join)
and run the software (http://secondlife.com/download)
Once you have this properly installed use this SLurl to teleport to Odyssey:
The Gate is installed on the beach of next to the teleport hub.


iMAL, Center for Digital Cultures and Technology
30 Quai des Charbonnages/Koolmijnenkaai
1080 Bruxelles/Brussel

Odyssey Contemporary Art and Performance

More informations:


Press Images:


Domenico Quaranta

mob. +39 340 2392478
home. vicolo San Giorgio 18 - 25122 brescia (BS)
web. http://www.domenicoquaranta.net/

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