[spectre] The Boredom Patrol at Artivistic 2007!

2007-10-19 Diskussionsfäden lotu5
Artivistic 2007 [http://artivistic.org] is taking place in Montreal,
from October 25-27th. Artivistic is an international transdisciplinary
three-day gathering on the interPlay between art, information and
activism. Artivistic emerges out of the proposition that not only
artists talk about art, academics about theory, and activists about
activism. Founded in 2004, the event aims to promote transdisciplinary
and intercultural dialogue on activist art beyond critique, to create
and facilitate a human network of diverse peoples, and to inspire,
proliferate, activate.

The Boredom Patrol of the Clandestine Insurgent Rebel Clown Army
[http://circasd.org] will be there, playing with all the other amazing
creative people who are coming. The Boredom Patrol is a gaggle of clowns
who utilize their bodies to create chaos and laughter in the borderlands
to combat the dreadful seriousness and straight lines of borders and
their enforcers. Then, they take their actions online to public culture
spaces like YouTube, engaging anti-immigrant vigilantes in an online
dialog about the politics of immigration, along with anyone else who
wants to join in the fun. What ensues is a networked performance
[http://transition.turbulence.org/blog/?s=rebel+clown+armyx=0y=0], an
empassioned, raucous dialog about contemporary politics of migration,
spurred on by the digitization of the bodies of the clowns, vulnerable
and silly, face to face with the anti-immigration activists. See their
videos and join in on the fun here: http://circasd.org/clown-media.html

Or even better, join them in Montreal at Artivistic for the premiere of
their video The Circus of (Im)Migration and a rebel clowning workshop!

More about Artivistic 2007:

For the third edition of Artivistic, the expression [ un.occupied spaces
] was chosen to stimulate new ideas in response to the hidden confusions
caused by the infinite networks of 21C globalization and neo-liberalism.
[ un.occupied spaces ] dares to link the charged issues of
environmentalism, indigenous and migrant struggles, and urban practices
together through the angle of occupation. In an interconnected world,
critical thought and action cannot but become flexible and
uncompromising at once. To think with occupation consequently becomes a
strategy for approaching these issues in a way that will reveal their
interdependence, and fuel creative and tactical collaborative actions
between “co-artists” (artists and non-artists). Built around three
interrelated questions, the event consists of roundtables, workshops,
interventions, exhibitions, performances, and screenings at our
temporary headquarters at 5455 av. de Gaspé, #701 and in different
venues and spaces of Montreal.


blog: http://bang.calit2.net/tts
gpg:  0x5B77079C // encrypted email preferred
gaim/skype: djlotu5 // off the record messaging preferred

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[spectre] Second Life Architecture Awards

2007-10-19 Diskussionsfäden ANAT Communications

Media Release

Second Life Architecture Awards

The constructed architectural spaces of Second Life share a commonality
with the exotic invisible cities of Italo Calvino. They are at once
familiar yet completely otherworldly: inverted, fantastical, corrupted,
baroque and barren, unexpected, startling and compellingly seductive.
They are both our present and our future.

In September this year Dr Melinda Rackham, ANAT's Director and 3D world
author and theorist, was invited to join a 6 member international Jury
assessing the Annual Second Life Architecture  Design Competition, a
first of its kind, held at the 2007 Ars Electronica Festival in

The jury deliberated over the 126 submissions before a live audience at
the Architekturforum Linz, while being simultaneously streamed into
Second Life. Four outstanding projects, that took advantage of both the
artistic and technical possibilities afforded by Second Life were
selected as finalists:

· Berliner Tanja Meyle's Living Cloud, is a semitransparent cloud
that travels with her and provides privacy and sanctuary, a consistent
need for an avatar in Second Life. The cloud surrounding her avatar
Creatina Ferraris is not only a transportable house; its variability
brings in an association with the idea that the house is just an
extension of the body of the person who inhabits it.

· From San Francisco, DC Spensley creates Full Immersion
Hyperformalism an usual and innovative user interface, constructed to
allow an avatar to view a fine art exhibition. This structure is
defined as less a building than a spatial interface containing
numerous abstracted and interactive possibilities.

· Adam Nash's 17 Unsung Songs allows avatars to be physically
immersed in interactive sound scapes, constructions that create a
tension within their Australian parkland environment. Here audiovisual
elements undergo spatial modification via avatar interaction giving
rise to a new aesthetic and sensory spatial construct.

· Conceptually and technically innovative is White Noise, a work from
Vienna based Max Moswitzer. This experiment in non-human architecture
utilises the detritus of Second Life, freebie objects such as teddy
bears and discarded skateboards, to construct a dazzling white
snow-palace. This mishmashed building enfolds on multiple levels of
detail and evokes the perfect domicile for the realm of Second Life.

The selected projects are presented online (www.sl-award.com) where the
public are invited to vote for their favourite project. The winner
receives a 1,000-euro grand prize, which will be awarded on 25 October
2007 at the prize ceremony, which includes discussions and a party at
Zollverein, Essen, the UNESCO World Cultural Heritage site.

Dr Melinda Rackham comments, ANAT is committed to enabling artists to
work critically with emerging forms of practice, and the virtual
terrains of Second Life are indicative of trends that will become
important in future virtual 3D platforms.

For more information visit www.anat.org.au.


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[spectre] Final call: netart wanted!

2007-10-19 Diskussionsfäden [netEX]
Call for proposals
deadline 31 October 2007

JavaMuseum- Forum for Internet Technology in Contemporary Art
is looking for Internet based art (netart) for a series of features
starting in November 2007 on occasion of NewMediaFest2007

In this framework, the first of these features will become the third exhibition 
besides the shows  -Seven Ways for Saying Internet with Net Art
curated by Elena Julia Rossi (Rome), who is, among others, also responsable for 
the netart shows at
MAXXI - National Museum of 21st Century Rome/Italy -
and  a+b=ba? art +blog=blogart? curated by Wilfried Agricola de Cologne.

JavaMuseum, founded in 2000 as a virtual museum,
is one of the relevant platforms for Internet based art on the net.
Under the direction of Wilfried Agricola de Cologne, JavaMuseum realised between
2001 and 2005 18 showcases and competitions of netart in a global context and 
is hosting
a comprehensive collection of netart from the years 2000-2004 including more 
than 350 artists.

In 2006 and 2007, JavaMuseum was undergoing a restructuration phase and launched
JIP - JavaMuseum Interview Project - http://jip.javamuseum.org, which will 
contain more than 100
interviews by professionals in the field of art and New Media. after its 
relaunch in November 2007.

JavaMuseum is looking for netart projects, which are completed after 1 January 
and not part of the JavaMuseum, yet, max. 5 project proposals can be submitted.

The entry form can be found on

JavaMuseum - Forum for Internet Technology in Contemporary Art
info (at) javamuseum.org

powered by
www.nmartproject.net -
the experimental platform for art and New Media
from Cologne/Germany.

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[spectre] Last Call Pr0n Competition @ CUM2CUT Festival

2007-10-19 Diskussionsfäden Tatiana Bazzichelli

CUM2CUT Indie-Porn-Short-Movies-Festival

Pr0n* Competition: technology becomes pornography|
*hack slang for porn

CUM2CUT Indie-Porn-Short-Movies-Festival comes again! It is an 
independent pornography competition, a four day marathon in which 
participants are invited to release a short film, which will be shown 
during the Porn Film Festival Berlin (http://www.pornfilmfestivalberlin.de).

This year CUM2CUT is raised to a double level, it is not only a Porn 
Competition (in Berlin  see http://www.cum2cut.net), but also a Pr0n 
one (on the net)! As usual all the short movies must be pornographic.

Aim of the pr0n competition is to create and share strategies, 
short-ways, tricks, pranks to 'dress-up' the techology into a porn tool. 
Technology is the protagonist of this competition! People have to deal 
with pornography using media or creating digital codes or any other 
video projects.

There is no limits to the possible uses/derivations of technology. The 
real limits to cross are only the sexual stereotypes.
By emulating the hacker way of combining and recombining hard- and 
software into a more critical and all-encompassing technology, you can 
subvert rigid sexual paradigms and create new porn InterZones for 
yourselve and your community.

Contrary to the Porn Competition, here people don't have to perform with 
real bodies, but have to deal with their technical skills. Therefore it 
is not necessary participants come in Berlin to shoot their movies, but 
they can upload them in remote on the CUM2CUT server.

As the Porn Competition, the Pr0n marathon is 4 days long. You can 
choose to participate from 20 September to 20 October, registering 
yourself on the Pr0n form. After your registration, the Pr0n marathon 
starts! There are just a few rules to follow when making the short 
movie. You will receive them with you registration.

A mail-reminder will inform you on your time left. Within 4 days of 
competition, you have to upload your video on our server.

All of the films will be shown at the end of the Berlin Porn Film 
Festival at Kant Kino on 26 October. The Award Ceremony will be on 28 
October at the same place (see Programme).

An expert jury formed by people involved in porn/queer/hacker subculture 
and experimental cinema will select two winners. The winners will 
receive a prize: not money, but something really special from the Cazzo 
Production Team and the Berlin porn scene!

At the conclusion of the Berlin Porn Film Festival and of the CUM2CUT 
Movies Competition there will be a great night-party at LUX club, on 27 
October 2007 from 23.00h (see Programme). You are welcome to come!

Register your team now! ;-)

Registration closes on 20 October 2007.
Competition closes on 24 October 2007.

Upload here your short movie! (not later than 24 October)

  8/|\   -
 /c_/   Tatiana Bazzichelli   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
//_/\__  web site: http://www.networkingart.eu
  /  \ http://www.ecn.org/aha
 /\  mailing-list: https://www.ecn.org/wws/arc/aha

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[spectre] CFP: Blick im 21. Jahrhundert - Wider de n „Analpha-BILD-ismus“

2007-10-19 Diskussionsfäden Image Science

Wider den „Analpha-BILD-ismus“

Zweite internationale bildwissenschaftliche Konferenz in Goettweig
24.-26. April 2008 

Wohl niemals zuvor hat sich die Welt der Bilder und die Methoden Bilder
zu erzeugen so nachhaltig verändert wie in unserer juengsten Gegenwart.
Waren Bilder frueher Ausnahmeerscheinungen sind wir heute von Bildern
gleichsam umsponnen. Bilder dringen in neue Bereiche vor: das Fernsehen
wandelte sich zum globalen Zappingfeld tausender Kanaele, Großbildwaende
halten in unsere Staedte Einzug und schaffen emotionale
Kollektiverlebnisse, Mobiltelefone versenden Micro-Movies in Echtzeit;
Wir erleben den Aufstieg des Bildes zum computergenerierten virtuellen
Raumbild, das eine zunehmend lebensechte Sphaere entfaltet.
Wissenschaft, Politik und Entertainment nutzen neue Dimensionen der
Bilderzeugung und Bildwirkung. Seit den 60er Jahren verbinden sich Kunst
und Wissenschaft in der Grundlagenforschung der Medienkunst und doch
ruhen diese auf partiell unbekannten Traditionslinien. 

Eine Vielzahl neuer Moeglichkeiten individuell Bildmaterial zu
produzieren, projizieren und zu versenden, fuehrt zu neuen Bildgenres.
Die bildgeschichtliche Spiralbewegung aus Innovation, Verstaendnis und
Bildverbot erreicht im 21. Jahrhundert neue globale Verflechtung. Diese
Veraenderungen treffen unsere Gesellschaften weitgehend unvorbereitet.
Brachte die Schriftkultur eine differenzierte und konzentrierte
Ausbildung hervor, stehen unsere Gesellschaften bei Bildern noch nahezu
im Stadium des Analphabetismus und zunehmend wird erkannt, dass wir ohne
weiteren Ausbau neuer Formen der Visualisierung  und „Ordnungen der
Sichtbarkeit“, ihrer Reflexion und Kritik, die Wissensexplosion unserer
Zeit nicht verarbeiten koennen.

Neben der Kenntnis neuer Bildverfahren liegt ein zentrales Problem
zeitgenoessischer Kulturpolitik in der Unkenntnis der Geschichte
audiovisueller Medien. Dies steht in krassem Gegensatz zu den stets
wiederkehrenden Rufen nach verstaerkter Medien- und Bildkompetenz. Die
Konferenz fragt daher nach dem Denk- und Utopieraum, wie er immer wieder
von Kuenstlern ausgegangen ist, und will auf dem erweiterten
bildwissenschaftlichen Terrain feststellen, welche Inspirationen neue
Bildwelten aus der Kunst erfahren? Welchen Einfluss hat das Medium auf
den ikonischen Charakter der Abbildung? Welche Chancen und
Herausforderungen ergeben sich für Bildvermittler und Museen durch die
„Liquiditaet“ des Bildes?

Die interdisziplinaere Konferenz möchte die Herausforderung annehmen und
versuchen, Bestandsaufnahme zu machen. Erklaertes Ziel ist es hierfür
verstaerkten Austausch zwischen Geisteswissenschaften UND
Naturwissenschaften zu fördern, um transdisziplinaeres Arbeiten zu

Proposals sind zu folgenden Themenfeldern erbeten:

NEUE BILDFORMEN UND -TECHNIKEN (neue Visualisierungsverfahren in Nano-,
Bio-, Neurowissenschaften, Informationsarchitektur, Fotografie, Digital
Collection Management u.a.)

Werbung, Diagramm/Modell, Comic, Visuelle Musik u.a)

Micromovies, Flickr, Second Life, You Tube, Google Earth etc.) 

DEADLINE proposals:  21. Oktober 2007
Konferenzsprachen: Deutsch/English.

Ein einseitiges Abstract oder abgeschlossenes Paper kann per mail
eingereicht werden. [EMAIL PROTECTED] Nach Zusage sind
die Paper bis 21. März 2008 als PDF erbeten. Panel-Vorschlaege sind
willkommen und sollten Namen der vorgesehenen Panel-TeilnehmerInnen

Donau-Universität Krems ist in der Kulturlandschaft Wachau
(UNESCO-Weltkulturerbe) im Stift Goettweig angesiedelt. Sitz ist eine
Burg aus dem 14. Jahrhundert, die, unter Denkmalschutz, kuerzlich
renoviert und mit neuester EDV  Konferenztechnik ausgestattet wurde.

BEIRATSMITGLIEDER des Departments fü* www.donau-uni.ac.at/dbw  * 
www.VirtualArt.at  *
www.MediaArtHistory.org  *

Carl, AIGNER (St. Pölten), Roy ASCOTT (Plymouth), Sean CUBITT
(Melbourne), Brigitte FELDERER (Wien), Felice FRANKEL (Boston), Beryl
GRAHAM (Newcastle), Erkki HUHTAMO (Los Angeles), Douglas KAHN
(Davis/California), Martin KEMP (Oxford), Harald KRÄMER (Bern), Machiko
KUSAHARA (Tokyo), Jorge LAFERLA (Buenos Aires), Timothy LENIOR (Duke),
Gunalan NADARAJAN (Penn State), Christiane PAUL (New York), Götz POCHAT
(Graz), Martin ROTH (Dresden), Wolf SINGER (Frankfurt), Christa SOMMERER
(Linz), Paul THOMAS (Western Australia), Wolfgang WELSCH (Jena), STEVE
WILSON (Berkeley)

*  *  *

Mag. Jeanna Nikolov-Ramirez Gaviria
Donau-Universitaet Krems
Department für Bildwissenschaften

Dr.-Karl-Dorrek-Strasse 30
A-3500  Krems

Tel: +43/2732/893-2570
Fax: +43/2732/893-4551
Web: www.donau-uni.ac.at/dbw 

[spectre] invitation: Performance Intermedia Festival 2007 in Gallery ZERO Berlin

2007-10-19 Diskussionsfäden Anna Krenz

Performance: Sunday 21. October 2007, 7pm

∏ Performance Intermedia Festival 2007

at Galerie ZERO, Berlin:

19.00 Uhr - ∏_five 1 (video art)
20.00 Uhr - ∏_show 4 (performance art):

Boris Nieslony, Barbara Sturm, TBL, Nezaket Ekici, Melati Suryodarmo

In cooperation with OFFicyna, Szczecin

∏ Performance Intermedia Festival 2007

PI Performance Intermedia Festival is an international festival of art 
events that happen in a definite place and time. It aims to create an 
experimental scene of modern art (performance art, multimedia, intermedia, 
actions in public space).
First edition entitled „Private Impact” accompanied the Baltic Biennale of 
Contemporary Art „Extra Strong Super Light” in 2003. Second edition, as Live 
Art Festival „PerForma”, took place in 2004 as an independent event. Third, 
extended edition of the project named Live Art Festival „∏ Private Impact” 
in 2005 included new elements (∏ guest, ∏ night, ∏ café, ∏ talk, ∏ young, ∏ 
workshop, ∏ five) and took place in Szczecin, Świnoujście and Berlin 
(AktionsBank). Fourth edition, already as “∏ Performance Intermedia 
Festival”, was presented in Szczecin (place of art OFFicyna, the National 
Museum in Szczecin), and Świnoujście (Centrala).
This year’s program of the ∏ Performance Intermedia Festival includes the 
following elements:
_presentations of known and approved artists from various countries of the 
_guest in every edition of the festival curators invite a prominent person 
giving a new input to contemporary art scene.
_night night presentation of performance art and multimedia in the array 
rooms of the National Museum in Szczecin – the most representative building 
down town.
_young an accompanying program of the festival where young artist invited 
by curators can present themselves before the professional artists. It gives 
them a chance to come into existence on the art scene and the audience gets 
a chance to experience another art actions.
_café during the festival in the place of art OFFicyna there is a café – a 
place of meetings and discussions, where man can rest and relax as well as 
exchange observations and ideas with artists and other participants of the 
_talk in the evenings after numerous artistic presentations there is a 
possibility to take part in the discussions and seminars with invited 
_workshop intermedia workshops lead by curators and artists. Young people 
that often participate for the first time in an event of contemporary art, 
during workshops open themselves for new experiences.
_five the project is a review of short productions from the field of video 
art. The videos come from the whole world and their duration is up to five 
The formula of the festival is an artistic-social formula that fits in the 
areas of interest of the OFFicyna Association.

In cooperation with OFFicyna, Szczecin, Poland (www.officyna.art.pl)

best wishes,
Anna Krenz 
Jacek Slaski

Galerie ZERO

Köpenicker Str.4
10997 Berlin

Tel.: 030 7407 3309
Fax.: 030 7407 3310
Mobil.: 0177 2966 833

Öffnungszeiten Mi-Sa 12-18 Uhr 

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[spectre] The last pallet @ PARIS

2007-10-19 Diskussionsfäden nobody

Come  take for free one of the 245 free books RESIDENCE
by Jean-Pierre Théolier saved by his little brother
from the rammer of Calmann-Levy.

The last pallet @ Galery MYCROFT
13, rue ternaux - 75011 PARIS

15 th october 2007

till tomorow the 20 th october 2007
3 h 00 PM7 h 00 PM


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[spectre] part-time PhD

2007-10-19 Diskussionsfäden robert van B
For those who are interested in doing a part-time phd, the University 
for Humanistics in Utrecht, Netherlands runs a programme that starts 
annually and is English based. It is a programme for people who are 
interested in the humanities and organisational issue. The background 
of people involved in the programme are aesthetics, health science, 
interaction design, cultural development, change agents etc.
The programme is meant for people who are grounding their research in 
some sort of practice and need a inspiring environment and feedback 
to develop their research into a PhD.

More can be found at www.dba-uvh.nl
The admission deadline is 1-12-2007

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