[spectre] April issue of Furthernoise.

2011-04-07 Diskussionsfäden marc garrett

Sorry for any cross posting...

Welcome to the April issue of Furthernoise, where as always we have a 
host of new reviews and sounds for your reading and listening pleasure. 
Our latest net release, Explorations in Sound, Vol. 4 is still getting 
lots of attention and is available to download from the net label page 
of the site.

So sit back, turn the volume up and enjoy !

Furthernoise issue April 2011

Unfathomless (U01) ~Tsukubai~ (feature)
Parallel to the ongoing Mystery Sea series, with its ‘night ocean 
drones’ and related metaphorical psycho-activity, Daniel Crokaert has 
inaugurated a sister label. Unfathomless seeks to mine potentially wider 
and deeper audio-documentary veins - natural, man-made, fictive, as well 
as other related environmental experiences implicating memory and senses.

feature by Alan Lockett

rivages sur l'antipode - d'incise (review)
Releasing yet another fine objet d'art of metaphorical antipodesian 
soundscapes, the ini.itu imprint have once again reinforced their unique 
take on experimental global sound. “Ravages sur l’antipode” by d’incise, 
aka Laurent Peter is something akin to a palmiset of southern sound,

review by Roger Mills

Arctic Summits - Netherworld (review)
Netherworld's stated working method is to start from tiny fragments of 
classical music and various other kinds of field recordings and found 
sounds, manipulated and processed to evoke polar silences. The results 
often include lush harmonies, whose surface calm contains touches of 
grit that provide a surreal undercurrent in his ever-shifting arctic 

review by Caleb Deupree

Crossing Of Shadows (review)
Previously orchestramaxfieldparrish has navigated interstices between 
ambient, drone and neo-classical, dealing in a blend of ritual, drone 
and post-Gothic colourings and wispy atmospherics. A questing 
sensibility issues here in a turning away from repetition of gestures. 
What once was was restless with experiment, now seems more restrained.

review by Alan Lockett

Unfathomless (U02) ~Tactile.Surface~ (review)
Unfathomless (U02): A choreography of the chthonic constitutes much of 
this engaging excursion. Sources for Tactile.Surface were recorded in 
diverse settings: Turra’s room in Schio, Italy, and one of McFall’s 
trips from Kansas to Colorado. Their combined aesthetic is one of stark 
isolationism, with a mix of familiar components bringing new timbral 
skin to the old ceremony.

review by Alan Lockett

Unfathomless (U03) ~Lack Affix~ (review)
Unfathomless (U03): Built upon the grouping of field recordings from 
Maryland, Washington D.C. and Argentina. Nicholas Szczepanik  Juan José 
Calarco traded field recordings in constructing this glowering but not 
inhospitable collage, processing and mixing audio spoils from their 
respective areas jointly into a work of substantial clarity and 
particulate involvement.

review by Alan Lockett

Unfathomless (U04) ~Lignes d’erre  Randons~ (review)
Unfathomless (U04): continuing the pursual of grimly fluid, 
introspective, subterranean drone, a style that's become increasingly 
widespread as others follow where Daniel Crokaert et al. lead. There are 
few, though, as proficient as Kassel Jaeger, who augments the house 
style, widening the palette through inclusion of electronics, and 
deepening interaction with source material.

review by Alan Lockett

Unfathomless (U05) ~Zeltini~ (review)
Unfathomless (U05): Revenant is an open-membership project involving a 
number of specialists of location recording. Zeltini's eponymous 
environment is an abandoned Soviet army base in a Latvian forest - large 
horizontal bunkers where missiles were stored, one of which was used in 
a semi-transcendental experience in which the participants dispersed in 
almost total darkness.

review by Alan Lockett

Roger Mills
Editor, Furthernoise

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[spectre] help with a research project

2011-04-07 Diskussionsfäden J Rabie


I am currently working on research about place: what makes place - the 
sense of place - place and well-being.

I have a few questions which perhaps you might answer:

1) Which is the most romantic place that you know? (or places, if there 
are several).

2) (Optionally) - could you say why?

3) (Optionally) - where do you live?

Please note that your answers will be accounted for anonymously. If you 
agree, would you forward this short questionnaire to people in your 
circle who may be interested in answering? Ask them to reply directly 
to j...@joetopia.org.

Thanking you  best wishes -

Joe / Joseph Rabie
SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
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[spectre] Podcast: Interview with Michael Baldwin and Mel Ramsden about Art Language, a publication that reflected on theoretical problems of conceptual art

2011-04-07 Diskussionsfäden Radio Web MACBA
*Interview with Michael Baldwin and Mel Ramsden about Art  Language, a
publication that reflected on theoretical problems of conceptual art*

Link: http://rwm.macba.cat/en/sonia?id_capsula=819

Founded in Coventry (England) in 1968 by Michael Baldwin, Terry Atkinson,
David Bainbridge and Harold Hurell, Art  Language brought together the work
that these artists had been creating jointly since 1965. A year later, they
published the first issue of the homonymous magazine Art-Language, a
publication that reflected on theoretical problems of conceptual art and
became a platform from which to develop the group’s projects. During 1969
and 1970, Mel Ramsden, Ian Burn, Joseph Kosuth and Charles Harrison joined
the group, which eventually ended up bringing together more than thirty
artists in subsequent years. Since 1977, Art  Language has consisted of the
artistic collaboration between Michael Baldwin and Mel Ramsden, with the
theoretical contribution of the historian and art critic Charles Harrison,
who died in 2009.

Son[i]a talks to Michael Baldwin and Mel Ramsden to coincide with the recent
long-term loan of an extraordinary collection of 800 pieces by Art 
Language at the MACBA, courtesy of the French collector Philippe Méaille.
SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
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[spectre] Newsletter: Aufzeichnungsmaschinen - Workshop mit Ralf Baecker

2011-04-07 Diskussionsfäden Edith-Russ-Haus
Wir möchten Sie gerne auf Folgendes aufmerksam machen:

**Sorry, no English version*

Es sind wieder einige letzte Plätze im Workshop
Aufzeichnungsmaschinen mit Ralf Baecker (Stipendium für Medienkunst
2010) freigeworden. Daher unten eine Einladung in letzter Minute.

Außerdem sind alle interessierten Erwachsenen und Kinder am Sonntag um
12 Uhr zur Präsentation der Workshopergebnisse in das Edith-Ruß-Haus für
Medienkunst (Seminarraum) herzlich eingeladen!

Workshop mit Ralf Baecker
Samstag, 9. April 2011, 14 * 18 Uhr und Sonntag, 10. April, 11 * 13
für Kinder von 8-12 Jahren
Präsentation am Sonntag um 12 Uhr

Kosten: 3 € / Person
Der Workshop bietet die Möglichkeit gemeinsam an einer Maschine zu
arbeiten, die Bewegungen unserer uns umgebenden Natur (z.B. Bäume,
Pflanzen, Wasser, Wind und Sonne) auf ein Blatt Papier lenken kann. Mit
Hilfe von Holz, Schnüren, Hebeln, Motoren und Stiften entsteht eine
Zeichenmaschine, die von der Natur angetrieben wird. Dabei können wir
unserer Phantasie freien Lauf lassen und uns gemeinsam die benötigten
Technologien (Mechanik, Elektronik) ansehen.
Anmeldung: Nanna Lüth,

Neue Öffnungszeiten: Di-Fr 14-18 Uhr, Sa/So 11-18 Uhr
Freier Eintritt an jedem vierten Samstag im Monat, öffentliche
Führungen jeweils Sonntag, 11 und 15 Uhr

Infos zu Ausstellung und Rahmenprogramm

Edith-Ruß-Haus für Medienkunst
Katharinenstraße 23
26121 Oldenburg
+49/(0)441-235 3208

Sollten Sie keinen Newsletter mehr von uns erhalten wollen,
benachrichtigen Sie uns bitte unter unserer email-Adresse:

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[spectre] Pd-berlin meeting next tuesday, 12th april - Guest Marco Donnarumma

2011-04-07 Diskussionsfäden João Pais


next tuesday, 12th april, will be the next meeting of Pure Data users
in Berlin at NK (http://www.nkprojekt.de/) - Elsenstr. 52, 2HH 2Etage.

Besides usual activities, Pd user Marco Donnarumma will speak about his  
work. He is also giving a workshop and presentation at NK this week -  

For more information, look up
We also encourage you to take an active part, and put up suggestions for
topics you want to talk about / topics you want to be talked about.

Doors are open from 20h-20h15. After that they'll be closed, and you will
have to call someone from the Pd-meeting to get in. To get a telephone
number to call or confirm assistance you can write to

Please, don´t call to the staff of NK to open the doors. They let us use
the space but we have to take care about having the meeting without
producing any disturbance to them, and to clean the space after the

We would apreciate if you would send us a small mail to
info_at_minitronics.net with your name, Pd experience and interests, so
that we know how many people might be coming. Or put your name in the
pd-berlin wiki page.

We would like to thank the support and willingness of NK in the
organization of these events.

João Pais

SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
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[spectre] Book launch: Nettitudes, Let’s Talk Net Art, by Jospehine Bosma, at De Balie, Amsterdam, April 14, 20.30 hrs.

2011-04-07 Diskussionsfäden Eric Kluitenberg
A  N  N  O  U  N  C  E  M  E  N  T

Josephine Bosma’s, Nettitudes, Let’s Talk Net Art will be launched 14th of 
April at De Balie in Amsterdam at 20:30 hrs.

After more than two decades of the Internet it is time for a thorough 
evaluation of art in this continuously growing and unpredictable environment. 
During the book presentation of ‘Nettitudes – Let’s Talk Net Art’ of writer and 
critic Josephine Bosma serious reflections on the present state of net art will 
be alternated with a festive celebration of the realization of this book. We 
will do this with the critics Sarah Cook and Arie Altena, and a performance by 
the artist Peter Luining. Nettitudes is published by the Institute for Network 
Cultures and Nai Publishers. With also the author Josephine Bosma and Geert 
Lovink, initiator of the INC book series. 

About the book:

During the 1990s, net art burst onto the scene as a radical reflection on the 
role of technology in contemporary art. In Nettitudes, Dutch art critic 
Josephine Bosma catalogues the tumultuous history of art as it became situated 
in the material dimensions of the Internet, from the spectacular interventions 
of the first decade to today’s dispersed practices, including online acoustics, 
poetry and archiving.

Never the darling of the media art institutions and ignored by many curators 
and critics since its emergence, net art still persists as a ‘non-movement’, 
residing in the cracks of contemporary media culture. Nettitudes provides an 
analytical foundation and an insider’s view on net art’s many expressions as it 
grapples with the aesthetic, conceptual and social issues of our times.

Design: Studio Léon  Loes, Paperback, 272 pages, 14 x 21 cm, 
English edition, ISBN 978-90-5662-800-0, € 23.50. In association with the NAi 
Publishers, available from April 2011. 

About the author:

Josephine Bosma is an Amsterdam-based journalist and critic who has commented 
on the fields of art and new media since 1993. One of the first to probe into 
and engage with the domain of net art, her pioneering work is published 
internationally in books, periodicals and catalogues.

More information:


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