[spectre] 7th *Globale* Film Festival + the *Media Implosion* program

2011-10-28 Thread podinski
Dear Spectre film-goers and mediaheads,

The 7th *Globale* Film Festival begins next week in Berlin at Kino
Moviemento and runs November 3-9. Since 2003, *Globale* brings
pressing political issues to the screen and provides a space for
dialogue with filmmakers and special guests.

Themes in focus this year include:

See the full list of topics and program here:


AND Of special note to all the Spectres, this year we feature a block called :


A 3-part program in collaboration with The XLterrestrials and CiTiZEN
KiNO includes 2 screenings and a workshop seminar at C-Base with
special guests Marc Herbst (Journal of Aesthetics & Protest), Claudia
Becker from Vilem Flusser Achives, and Anne Roth from Annalist.

For an overview of the Media Implosion topic read below, and/or
follow some development of its themes online:


* MEDIA IMPLOSION dates, locations, texts:

06.11.11 - Part 1: CiTiZEN KiNO at Moviemento, 20:30h
08.11.11 - Part 2: Media Implosion Seminar/Panel, C-base, 19:00h
09.11.11 - Part 3: Occupy The Cinema at Moviemento (evening, TBA)


How do we see the world ? Through the 3 - 6 - 9 - 12 hours of various
media we navigate per day? Or by our community relations and actions?
Documentary films provide one of the most powerful mediums for sharing
in-depth perspective on urgent and complex issues. But when the media
landscape is veering towards a disembodied corporate/consumer
enterprise and everyone is drowning in a sea of information, we may be
left unable to adequately respond. One recourse may be
(self-)analysis, media self-defense and a new tactical cinema.


Media Implosion Part 1:
( in eng + de )

Citizen Kino presents "The Screen Is Not The Territory"

Selected shorts ranging from Adam Curtis to ZumbaKamera to Anonymous.
The XLterrestrials, an arts + praxis laboratory, take you on an
interactive tour through a collection of pioneering works and media
flotsam. We do NOT provide a comfortable seat to passively download
and feed the endlessly hungry eye. We are shouting "Fire!" in the
all-consuming theater!  This is a program for Media Self-defense !


Media Implosion Part 2:
( in eng )

Panel/Workshop w/ Anne Roth (Annalist ), Claudia Becker ( Flusser
Archives), Marc Herbst ( Journal of Aesthetics and Protest ) + Paolo
Podrescu ( XLterrestrials), etc.

We invite doc makers + new media ninjas, bloggers, hackers + global
citizens to analyze the ever-shifting media landscape. Surely we have
now "become the media", and we are all in, if not on, the Net!  A
world of Server Clouds, Gamefication, Virtual Migration,
Twitterization, Wikileaks, Social Networks, Data-Leeching +
Surveillance, Augmented Hypermarkets, etc all spilling over into
every corner of our lives, and voraciously eating up our days. Are we
empowering communities or are we feeding the corporate monster state?!
 Will an information society on this scale bring about liberation +
higher (collective) intelligence or be the final consumer mousetrap !?
And a discussion about “Tactical Cinema” in this precariously
digitized world.

Media Implosion Part 3:

"Occupy The Cinema" - fresh clips from the multiple fronts around the
globe, with special guests !

XLterrestrials' *GLOBALE* reports and analysis online

Globale 2011 + A Tactical Cinema For DANGEROUS Times !

Media Implosion v.1: Bank-Lickers and Brain-feeders... unplugged !


Hope you can join us !

the XLterrestrials


*Globale* press release


Liebe alle,

vom 03.- 09. November 2011 findet zum siebten mal das
*globale*-Filmfestival im Kino Moviemento statt. Die *globale* ist
seit 2003 ein ehrenamtliches Projekt von filmbegeisterten politischen
Menschen, die sich nicht mit den gesellschaftlichen Widersprüchen und
den brutalen Auswirkungen der neoliberalen Globalisierung abfinden
wollen. Wir zeigen Dokumentationen, Spiel- und Kurzfilme zu drängenden
politischen Fragen - wie gewohnt mit anschließenden
Publikumsgesprächen mit den Filmemacher_innen und/oder Referent_innen.

Die Themenblöcke in diesem Jahr sind:

* Energie
* Arabische Länder im Fokus
* Migration
* Feministischer Film und Bewegung
* Media Implosion
* Krise
* Indien
* Widerstand in Lateinamerika
* Falsos Positivos in Kolumbien
* Landraub in Sub-Sahara Afrika
* Erziehungspolitik in Sub-Sahara Afrika
* Arbeitsbedingungen
* Roma/Abschiebung
* 40 Jahre Rauch-Haus

Wir freuen uns auf Filmemacher_innen und Aktivist_innen u.a. aus Mali,
England, Griechenland, Italien, der Türkei.

Das komplette Programm findet ihr hier:

[spectre] V2_Newsletter November 2011

2011-10-28 Thread V2_

*V2_Newsletter November 2011*

V2_ is also on Facebook  and Twitter 


*Blowup: /We Are All Crew/*
November 3,4,5, 2011
Admission: 5 EUR, (students free)
V2_, Eendrachtsstraat 10, Rotterdam

To acknowledge the 100th anniversary of Marshall McLuhan's birth, V2_ 
presents three days of McLuhan activities in Rotterdam. Together with 
InterAccess (Toronto) we present the /Strategic Art Initiative 
2.0/ exhibition of re-created early telematic artworks. We have the 
worldwide premiere of /Them F*ckin' Robots/, a documentary on the work 
and influence of electronic art pioneer Norman White by Ine Poppe and 
Sam Nemeth and a keynote lecture 
by Dutch thinker and author Arjen Mulder, examining the things we love 
and love to hate about McLuhan. Check out the full program at:


*ISMAR 2011: Hello Worlds*
October 26 -- 30
Basel, Switzerland

V2_ is currently organizing the exhibition /Hello Worlds/ for the 10th 
International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality in Basel, 
Switzerland. We selected four works out of 24 submissions for further 
improvement and production in V2_'s Lab. These four brand new 
productions will be presented in the exhibition together with eight 
installations that form highlights in the history of artistic research 
in AR technology.


*Test_Lab: /Who Wants To Be...?/ + Blowup: /Show Me The Money/ *
December 1+2, 2011, 20:00-23:00
V2_, Eendrachtsstraat 10, Rotterdam

Test_Lab: /Who Wants to Be...?/ is a social experiment in the form of a 
raucous game show developed by art collective The People Speak. All 
visitors chip in 10 EUR in advance to enter the game, after which they 
brainstorm, argue, and vote on how to spend the collective money.

"..a hugely liberating and spontaneous night of audience autonomy." - 
The Guardian

The next day we continue with Blowup: /Show Me The Money/. What price 
tag do you put on priceless experiences and objects? Join us in a 
discussion getting to the root of notions of "value" and "culture" with 
cultural economist Diane Ragsdale, electrical scientist Saul Albert, and 
artist Christian Nold.


Protei Wins 3rd Prize in VIDA 13.2 Competition*

Protei has won third place in the Vida 13.2 Art & Artificial Life 
International Competition. The project, represented by Cesar Harada will 
receive EUR8,000 and will be part of an exhibition in Madrid. Harada's 
international team worked on the oil-spill-cleaning sailing drones at 
V2_ in Rotterdam last summer. Protei was shown to the public in 
an exhibition as part of Festival Wereld van Witte de With.


*Dick Raaymakers wins Art+Technology Award 2011*
November 10, 2011, Deventer

Composer and theatre maker Dick Raaymakers is to receive the 
Witteveen+Bos Art+Technology Award 2011 for his entire oeuvre. The award 
ceremony will take place in the Bergkerk Church in Deventer on November 
10, 2011 and will be celebrated with a Raaymakers exhibition which will 
run until December 4, 2011.


*50 Years of Dutch Media Art at STRP*
November 18 - 27, 2011

The STRP festival, taking place this year for the fifth time in Philips' 
old Strijp-S building, is staging an exhibition devoted to half a 
century of media art in the Netherlands. We're proud of the role V2_ has 
played in that history since 1982, thanks to the input of countless 
artists and collectives. With seven installations on show at the popular 
festival V2_ can call itself an official purveyor of 50 years of media 
art in the Netherlands.


SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
Info, archive and help:

[spectre] reSource for transmedial culture: Statement of interest

2011-10-28 Thread Tatiana Bazzichelli

reSource for transmedial culture
Statement of interest & call for collaborations

The reSource is an initiative of transmediale - festival for art and 
digital culture, Berlin in collaboration with CTM/DISK GbR and Kunstraum 
Kreuzberg/Bethanien, on the search for further partners during 2012.

## reSource - A new initiative of the transmediale festival

The reSource for transmedial culture is a new framework for transmediale 
festival related projects that happen throughout the year in the city of 
Berlin. It is an initiative that extends into ongoing activities with 
decisive touchdowns at each festival. Within the aegis of facilitating 
collaboration and the sharing of resources and knowledge between the 
transmediale festival in Berlin and the local and translocal scene 
engaged with art and digital culture, the objective of the reSource for 
transmedial culture is to act as a link between the cultural production 
of art festivals and collaborative networks in the field of art and 
technology, hacktivism and politics.

This statement of interest is directed mainly to local and international 
artists, cultural producers, hackers, activists, and gender-situated 
communities active in the city of Berlin and in the broader field of net 
culture regionally and internationally, to co-develop experiences which 
invite exploration, experimentation and reflection. By generating a set 
of questions and issues which are addressed to local and translocal 
communities within (and beyond) digital cultural production, the main 
idea is to develop mutual exchanges of methodologies and knowledge, as 
well as project-space experiences, investigating new ways of forming a 
cultural public and producing a meta reflection on strategies of 
collaborative actions.

The launch of the reSource will take place at transmediale 2012 through 
different project disseminations such as workshops, talks and 
performances. It will in itself be an important feature of the 25th 
anniversary of the transmediale, looking into the future while 
acknowledging the importance of the festival as an accessible and 
dynamic forum for the translocal art scene as well as for 
interdisciplinary cultural producers and researchers.

The reSource launch at transmediale is anticipated by a beta-reSource 
event on November 16-18, 2011 at the Berlin University of the Arts (UdK) 
organised in partnership with the Digital Aesthetics Research Center 
(DARC) of Aarhus University and the Vilém Flusser Archive. After 
transmediale 2012, the reSource will extend its activity in 
collaboration with two main partners: CTM/DISK, proposing a series of 
open events held in the spring 2012, and Kunstraum Kreuzberg/Bethanien, 
organising a public event in August 2012, which will show the results of 
the first phase of collaboration and sharing within the context of the 
reSource for transmedial culture.

This statement of interest is thought as a call for collaborations to 
involve a number of additional projects and partners towards the 
creation of a distributed platform during 2012 and further, envisioning 
the festival form as a peer-production context of knowledge and research.

## reSource - A year-round distributed project

If a source is the beginning, or origin of something, reSource is used 
in this context as a starting point from which a distributed sharing 
process, and a common executable (artistic) program, is produced. The 
aim of the reSource for transmedial culture is to be distributed in a 
form that extends into an ongoing, year-round activity with touchdowns 
at each festival. This form includes both its executable files, and its 
source code. Source codes are useful to modify a program or understand 
how it works. Taking this notion more broadly, in the framework of the 
reSource for transmedial culture, the objective becomes to develop a 
networking distributed platform and an (executable) meta reflection on 
the meaning and the practices of networked art, hacking and 
collaborative art production within the context of an international art 

Starting from the assumption that the increasing commercialisation of 
the contexts of sharing and networking is currently transforming the 
meaning of art and participation, what should be the answer of artists, 
activists and hackers working on a critical dimension of networking? And 
if hacker and artistic practices are developing in the context of a deep 
transformation of the meaning of participation, often reflecting a 
precarious cultural and economical configuration, what is the 
responsibility and the role of cultural institutions engaging with art 
and digital technologies, towards a critical articulation of culture 
production? In Berlin, hacker, activist and artistic practices are very 
much realised outside the realm of artistic institutions. Some of those 
practices are contributing to transform the economy and the cultural 
asset of the city, but they are also becoming easy ta