[spectre] N.K. Berlin: GenComp Collective Booklaunch “Critical Neuroscience: A Handbook of the Social and Cultural Contexts of Neuroscience”

2011-11-27 Diskussionsfäden Manuela Benetton

Friday Dec 2nd 2011 doors 21:00 concert 22:00 *GenComp Collective 
Booklaunch “Critical Neuroscience: A Handbook of the Social and Cultural
Contexts of Neuroscience”*

A concert night to accompany the workshop *“Neuro Reality Check”* at the
Max-Planck-Institute for the History of Science, Berlin *featuring music
performances by GenComp Collective.*


GenComp Collective Berlin: Chaotic, cybernetic, and hybrid systems.*

Neurological and cybernetic research techniques have been adopted by many
experimental music protagonists, such as Louis and Bebe Barron, Alvin
Lucier, David Tudor and others. The GenComp Collective Berlin (Alberto de
Campo, Hannes Hoelzl, and students, alumni and associates of the class
Generative Art / Computational Art at UdK Berlin) explores the use of such
systems for experimental performance. They use current developments like
Rob Hordijk’s chaotic synthesizers(the Benjolin and the Blippoo box), Peter
Blasser’s hybrid designs Fourses and the Rollz family of modules; they
design, build and program their own performance systems based on a variety
of sensors, analog electronics, and software synthesis.

The book to-be-launched: Choudhury, Suparna / Slaby, Jan (eds.):
*“Critical Neuroscience. A Handbook of the Social and Cultural Contexts of

*Critical Neuroscience: *A Handbook of the Social and Cultural Contexts of
Neuroscience brings together leading scholars in a collective effort to
understand the impact of the intellectual, economic and political
conditions on current views of the brain and how these models may in turn
impact society. With illuminating insights and deep scholarly rigour,
Critical Neuroscience offers a comprehensive interdisciplinary perspective
that aims to enrich our understanding of the brain as situated in the body
and world, and neuroscience as embedded in a complex cultural context.


Both workshop and evening event are open to the public; if you’d like to
attend the workshop though, please do register [link to mpiwg website
above] in advance.




Elsenstr. 52/
2.Hinterhaus Etage 2
12059 Berlin Neukölln

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[spectre] UpgradedAugmented Program: Live!iXem 2011 | 8 - 11 Dec | SICILY

2011-11-27 Diskussionsfäden domenico sciajno
Festival internazionale di musica, mixed media ed arte elettronica sperimentale
VIII Edizione


8-9 dec \\ FAVIGNANA

10-11 dec \\ PALERMO


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[spectre] WJ-SPOTS CONFERENCES /// BRUSSELS /// iMAL/// 3-11-2011

2011-11-27 Diskussionsfäden anne roquigny


Saturday December 3rd 2011 
15H-18H // 20H-23H

History and future of artistic creation on the Internet

Participants  : 

Alessandro Ludovico (IT), journalist  critic, http://www.neural.it
Constant Dullaart (NL), artist, http://constantdullaart.com
Domenico Quaranta (IT), art critic  curator, http://domenicoquaranta.com
Florian Cramer (NL), critic  researcher, http://cramer.pleintekst.nl
Gordan Savičić (AT/NL),  artist,  http://suicidemachine.org/
Heath Bunting (UK), artist, http://www.irational.org/heath/
Jodi (BE/NL), artists, http://www.jodi.org
Josephine Bosma (NL), journalist  critic, http://www.josephinebosma.com/web
Julian Oliver (NZ/DE) artist,  http://julianoliver.com
Michael Bauwens (BE), theorist, http://p2pfoundation.net
Miltos Manetas (GR), artist, http://manetas.com
Nicolas Malevé (BE), artist, programmer  curator, http://www.constantvzw.org
Olia Lialina (RU/DE), artist, http://art.teleportacia.org
Paolo Cirio (IT), artist, http://www.paolocirio.net/work.php
Raphaël Bastide  Yannick Antoine, artists  (FR/BE), 
http://raphaelbastide.com/, http://yhnck.com
Rafael Rozendaal (NL) artist, http://www.newrafael.com/
Régine Debatty (BE),  journalist  critic, http://www.we-make-money-not-art.com
Sakrowski (DE), artist  curator,  http://curatingyoutube.net/

An immersive performance of live websurfing and speeches 

More than 15 years after the beginnings of net art, the Internet has become the 
most ubiquitous participative global media of the 21st century; a huge 
territory between normalisation, commerce, hope and utopia. Is the Internet a 
disenchanted space for artists and creative people or is there a future for 
online arts and critical creative actions? If so, what are their possible forms 
and directions?

This is what WJ-Spots Brussels proposes to investigate by gathering an 
international panel of some of the most influential net artists, theorists, 
online activists and digital cultures thinkers who will share their views on 
the past and future of artistic creation on the Internet.

The format of this event will be far away from a usual conference : during the 
speeches, webjays using the WJ-Spots platform will be surfing live through a 
list of representative websites selected by the speaker. A multi-screen system 
is used to display those pages around the audience. 

The proceedings of the WJ-Spots Brussels event will be published in early 2012 
as a special edition of the MCD magazine (http://www.digitalmcd.com), and as 
video documents made available on the Digitalarti (http://www.digitalarti.com) 
and iMAL (http://www.imal.org) websites. 

Curators : Anne Roquigny  Yves Bernard  - Webjaying : Isabelle Arvers 
(www.isabellearvers.com)  Anne Laforet (http://sakasama.net) -
Production : Marie-Laure Delaby - Assistante : Laura Mihai - Programmeur : 
James Hudson - Technique/web : Yannick Antoine -
WJ-Spots concept : Anne Roquigny - Partners : Communauté Francaise de Belgique, 
Région de Bruxelles capitale Vlaamse Gemeenschapscommissie, Institut Français.

iMAL  : 
30 Quai des Charbonnages 
Koolmijnenkaai 30 - 
1080 Bruxelles/ Brussel 1080 

Live streaming : http://www.ustream.tv/channel/imal_live
Registration : http://www.imal.org/en/activity/wj-spots-brussels
More infos : http://www.imal.org/fr/node/615

00 33 6 62 11 04 54 

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[spectre] Webcasts Media Squares international seminar on the new forms of protest and their media, now available at Tactical Media Files

2011-11-27 Diskussionsfäden Eric Kluitenberg
A  N  N  O  U  N  C  E  M  E  N  T

Webcasts Media Squares now available at Tactical Media Files

International public seminar on the new forms of protest and their media.

Hosted by De Balie, centre for culture and politics in Amsterdam, on Friday 
September 30, 2011.


Social protest has become almost inseparably linked to a plethora of media 
images and messages distributed via internet, mobile phones, social media, 
internet video platforms and of course traditional media outlets such as 
newspapers, radio and television. A popular category to have emerged recently 
is the 'twitter-revolution'. In almost all cases (Iran, Tunisia, Egypt, London) 
the role of the platform turned out to be less than essential in retrospect. 
Protests mostly manifested on the streets and particularly the public squares 
('Take the Square'). Deeply rooted blogger-networks did however play a mayor 
role, preparing the protests that have now been dubbed the Arabian Spring'. 
And internet played a crucial role in the organisation and co-ordination of the 
European 'anti-austerity' protests (Spain, Greece, UK, Italy).

This international seminar brought together theorists, artists, designers, 
activists and media specialists to develop a critical analysis of the new forms 
of social protest and their media dimension. The program divided into two 
blocks. The first block focused on an in-depth analysis of the evolving 
WikiLeaks-saga, while the second block  examined the remarkable string of 
protests in the Mediterranean region. These discussions were interrupted at 
times by startling artistic interventions in current social and political 

Participants in the program:

Daniel van der Velden (Metahaven), Geert Lovink (Institute of Network Cultures, 
INC), Aalam Wassef (Ahmad Sherif), Omar Robert Hamilton (Mosireen / Tahrir 
Cinema, Cairo) Nat Muller (independent curator), David Garcia (Chelsea 
College), Jodi Dean (Hobart and William Smith Colleges / Blog Theory), X.net  
Democracia Real Ya - Barcelona, Gahlia Elsrakbi (Foundland), Nadia Plesner 
(Darfurnica), Florian Conradi and Michelle Christensen (stateless plug-in), 
Oscar Pretel (15 M .nl).

The seminar is part of an on-going research into Tactical Media, the fusion of 
art, media, politics and cultural activism, centred around the Tactical Media 
Files, an on-line documentation resource of Tactical Media practices 

The webcasts of the entire seminar are now available on-line at the Tactical 
Media Files website, fully annotated, including background information about 
the speakers and links to vital resources.
See: www.tacticalmediafiles.net/article.jsp?objectnumber=55328

Program Overview:

10.30 - Opening / Introduction: Eric Kluitenberg (Tactical Media Files / De 

Part I - Repositioning WikiLeaks

11.00 - 11.20 - Presentation: Daniel van der Velden (Metahaven)
11.20 - 11.30 - Responses
11.30 - 11.45 - Discussion

11.45 - 12.05 - Geert Lovink (Institute of Network Cultures)
12.05 - 12.15 - Responses
12.15 - 12.30 - Discussion

Jodi Dean (Hobart and William Smith Colleges / Blog Theory), David Garcia 
(Chelsea College of Art  Design)

12.30 - 12.45 - Artist presentation: Nadia Plesner - Darfurnica

Part II - Revolution in the Mediterranean

14.00 - 14.20 - Presentation: Aalam Wassef (Ahmad Sherif)
14.20 - 14.30 - Responses
14.30 - 14.45 - Discussion

14.45 - 15.05 - Presentation: Omar Robert Hamilton (Mosireen / Tahrir Cinema)
15.05 - 15.15 - Responses
15.15 - 15.30 - Discussion

Ghalia Elsrakbi (Foundland), Nat Muller (Independent Curator)

15.30 - 15.45 - Artist Presentation: Florian Conradi and Michelle Christensen 
(stateless plug-in)

16.00 - 16.20 - Skype session with X.net  Democracia Real Ya, Barcelona
16.10 - 16.10 - Responses

Oscar Pretel (15 M .nl)

16.25 - 17.00 - Closing Discussion

* Hans Ulrich Obrist in Conversation with Julian Assange 
   (includes proposals for WikiLeaks corporate identity redesign by 
* Geert Lovink  Patrice Riemens , Twelve Theses on WikiLeaks
* Tahrir Cinema:
* Mosireen:
* Take the Square:
* Democracia real Ya!:
* Nadia Plesner - Darfurnica:
* stateless plug-in:
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[spectre] some of the people and places i encountered in sapporo

2011-11-27 Diskussionsfäden Andreas Broeckmann


last week, i visited sapporo on invitation by 
takemura-san and the city of sapporo; they are 
working towards an application to UNESCO to 
become an official Creative City in the field 
of Media Art.


TAKEMURA Mitsuhiro
Professor of Media Design at Sapporo City University

Takemura is an important driving force behind 
making Sapporo a city in which media art can 

Contemporary Art Institute
HATA Satoshi

Hata curated an exhibition Sub-Culture, with a 
lively mix of japanese pop, animé and manga 
culture, together with some positions in (mainly 
japanese) contemporary art, esp. several ones 
with a reflective attitude towards an 'art 
canon'; rather than 'sub-cultural' (besides two 
exhibits of laboriously decorated cars and 
motorcycles), to me the show felt more like a 
good contemporary art show that is not afraid of 
crossing over into commercial pop culture.

the exhibition is part of the preparations for the Sapporo Biennale 2014

it took place at Sapporo Art Museum

artists included

Kutsushita Kikaku artist group
planner: KURODA Taku

Kutsushita Kikaku participated with an 
installation of fictitious projects and a live 
performance; they reflect on the japanese 
mentality in a both critical and funny way.

and german artist Thomas Neumann who was invited 
to develop new work for the show at:

S-AIR artist in residence program
director: SHIBATA Hisashi

some other people i met:

writer and assistant professor in media design

OGURO Junichi
sound media artist and composer

EIGA Hitoshi
Social Media Strategist
facebook: hitoshi.eiga

SATO Mitsuhiro
Marketing Evangelist

Sapporo Bizcafe, non-profit, supports start-up companies

nice café: Niblick Café (West of Sapporo downtown centre)


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